
Rinsing with chamomile: for hair is there any benefit?

In home cosmetology rinsing with chamomile (for hair) is widespread. With the help of this simple method, you can bring your locks in order in a matter of days, make them healthier, more beautiful, more resilient and shiny. Decoctions and infusions based on the plant "indicator of love" are ideal for dry, dull and fragile hair, as they help strengthen, strengthen growth, nourish and restore damaged strands. Chamomile is very cheap at the pharmacy, in addition, you can prepare raw materials yourself. But the benefit from it is literally expensive.

Rinsing with chamomile - for hair what is the use?

This flower is unique and surprisingly useful for a person, because it has many useful properties and is used in various fields, in particular in medicine, in the cosmetic and pharmacological industry. The best-known quality is anti-inflammatory. Often doctors prescribe to drink chamomile tea as an adjuvant against influenza and ARVI, as it lowers body temperature and fights the hearth. And if we talk about hair, this flower is capable of removing inflammatory processes on the scalp.

Chamomile contains vitamins, esters, resins, carotenoids and minerals, there are also dyes in it and some other substances that have a beneficial effect on hair standing. By itself, it is very useful, and if combined with other medicinal plants, the effect will be much better. Chamomile helps:

  • Stimulate hair growth;
  • To cure dandruff;
  • Lighten the curls;
  • Disinfect the skin by destroying harmful bacteria;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Strengthen the bulbs and give them the necessary nutrition;
  • Return the shine to the curls, silky and healthy appearance.

It is important that there are several kinds of chamomile. It differs not only in appearance, but also in healing properties. More precisely, their presence or absence. And some species can even harm a person. In this regard, it is recommended to take roma, Roman, pharmacy or odorous.

Rinsing the hair with chamomile broth for clarification

The plant has an easy clarifying property, for example, it can slightly whiten the skin and lighten the curls. Expect that the daisy will make a brunette blonde is not worth it, but to give the golden radiance strands to her in strength. Such a conditioner is considered a safe way to lighten hair.

To prepare the broth you need a couple of tablespoons of dried or fresh flowers to fill with a liter of freshly boiled water and put the container on the stove. Boil for 10 minutes, then remove from heat, wait for the liquid to cool and drain. It is desirable (but not necessary) to add a little honey and lemon juice to enhance the effect. The hair is rinsed with the resulting broth and left for half an hour. When the allotted time passes, rinse the daisy with plain water. Throughout the procedure, do not dry the hair with a hairdryer and wrap it in a towel, as the "pigment" will then remain on the fabric. Hair after rinsing with chamomile acquires a golden tint.

Chamomile against oily seborrhea

This disease is very unpleasant, it, first of all, spoils locks in the aesthetic plane. To get rid of seborrhea and all its consequences, you need to take inflorescences of chamomile and boiling water in a ratio of 1:10. The liquid should be infused for 1 hour. Rinsing with chamomile for hair, suffering from oily seborrhea, will be a salvation, so you need to repeat the procedure three times a week. In total, 15 procedures should be held. Then they take a break from 14 to 21 days, and repeat the course.

Effective rinse aid for all types of hair

Chamomile for hair (rinse) is equally useful for any type. The broth is prepared quite simply: 2 tablespoons of plant flowers pour boiling water (0.8 liters), put the container on the stove and boil for 7 minutes. Cool, drain, dilute a little with plain water and rinse the curls.

There is another recipe for taking a small piece of gauze and putting 2 tablespoons of flowers into it. Tie this small pouch and put it in a basin pre-filled with boiling water. When will pass half an hour, wash hair with shampoo and rinse with the received solution.

Infusion based on chamomile against dandruff

Rinsing with chamomile for hair will be useful for those who suffer from dandruff. The flowers of the plant are mixed with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10, respectively, and insist for several hours. For the treatment of dandruff, you need to use it for a month at least twice a week.

You can also prepare such a tool:

  • Calendula, chamomile and lavender (flowers) mixed in equal parts;
  • Take 2 spoons from the total collection and pour a cup of boiling water;
  • To insist a third of an hour;
  • Strain and use as directed: approximately 3 times a week for 21-28 days.

And another good recipe:

  • One egg yolk with 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • Add 5 drops of chamomile ether;
  • Rub into the roots 1 time in 7 days, leave for half an hour, and then wash the hair with shampoo.

Infusion for active hair growth

Chamomile for hair (rinsing) reviews is positive. Many girls write that thanks to the infusions and broths they managed to get rid of many problems associated with the curls. Among such unpleasant phenomena - hair loss. To restore the normal density of hair, you need to accelerate hair growth. For this, it is recommended in equal parts to take sage, nettle and chamomile, 2 spoons from this collection, pour a mug of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the infusion, the resulting liquid is rubbed into the scalp after washing the hair with shampoo and do not rinse.

You can also try a tincture that is simply prepared. Take a mug of dried camomile flowers, pour into a bottle and pour 0.4 liters of vodka. Bank to close and put in a dark place for 7 days. After a week, you need to pour 100 g of henna 0.2 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. Then pour into chamomile tincture and again put in a dark place, only now for 14 days. When it is ready, strain and apply for half an hour on curls, from above putting on a shower cap and a towel. This and other listed recipes are time-tested and have earned great popularity among women. Therefore, it is worth trying chamomile before turning to salon procedures - you can save a lot and provide natural and natural hair care.

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