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Sample characteristics for the head of the organization

Characteristics of the work and personal qualities of a person is made not only by ordinary employees. The manager can also be described in terms of his professionalism, the suitability of the position and the quality of his functions. How to make such a description and how such documents differ in different organizations, then.


Sample characteristics for the leader - this is an example, a scheme for drafting an official document, which provides feedback on the work activity of a person, his personal qualities, which have made it possible to achieve success, features of organizational work and influence on the workforce. A sample of the characteristic is convenient to have with you and use if necessary.

The document can be drawn up for various purposes: for transfer to another position or in another place, for rewarding by city and state structures, for the provision at the place of demand by various social structures.

A sample of the characteristic for the leader should represent the general picture, the plan of how to objectively assess the person as much as possible. For example, if the enterprise began to work better, what exactly is the merit of the manager.

The characteristic is drawn up more often on the letterhead of the enterprise (organization). In this case, the text does not need to specify all the coordinates of the given characteristic of the place.

What are the characteristics of the data?

What does the manager's production performance include? A sample document is drawn up depending on the purpose and its purpose, but there are basic data that should be included in it:

  • Personal data: full name, date of birth, information on education, previous positions (with dates);
  • The name of the organization that issues the characteristics, positions held here, the duties and achievements performed;
  • Information on the work of a person in a managerial position: a description of business qualities, personal characteristics, management style, achievements (what changes occurred in the organization during his management activities), influence on the collective;
  • Data on professional development, awards and incentives;
  • The place where the characteristic is submitted;
  • Date, signatures.

Business qualities of the leader in the characteristic

Sample characteristics for the head of the organization - this is a plan that necessarily includes a description of the business qualities of a person. What does it concern them?

  • Work path (career growth: mastering the necessary labor skills, theoretical training, self-education, which helped the person to reach the position of leader).
  • Achievements (implementation of innovation, project management, increase in production, etc.).
  • Improvement of skills, additional education (how much a person is engaged in the continuous development of his labor potential, "keeps pace with the times").
  • Additional professional knowledge and skills (knowledge of labor legislation, regulatory acts relating to production activities, skills of staff motivation, etc.).

Socio-psychological data on the leader

In addition to the presentation of business skills, a sample of characteristics for the leader should include socio-psychological data, which will later be included in the document itself. They make it clear, thanks to what intrapersonal resources, a person has achieved a positive result in his activities, how he copes with the leading position.

Psychological traits can be: purposefulness, responsibility, focus on results, initiative, willingness to take risks, benevolence, tact, willingness to defend one's interests and interest in the team. Communication skills, leadership, organizational skills are of particular importance.

In addition, it should be indicated which style of leadership people use: authoritarian, democratic, liberal (connivance), how they make decisions (independently or listen to the opinion of the collective).

Sometimes a sample of the characteristics for the leader includes points about the family status and the availability of children from the head.

What is the characteristic of a school leader?

The management of an educational institution is characterized from the point of view of the educational and upbringing influence on the younger generation, the implementation of effective influence on the labor or student collective, be it the managerial activity of the director, his deputy or the characterization of the class teacher. A sample of such a document includes such items:

  • Name, date of birth, name of the organization that issues the characteristic;
  • Information on education (name, specialty and period of study at the university, additional places of education (courses, trainings, advanced training, etc.);
  • The work experience: general, pedagogical, on a post;
  • Business qualities, leadership style, mastering the techniques of teaching and educating children, using new techniques, self-education;
  • Personality traits, the nature of the relationship in the team and with children;
  • Availability of state and other awards;
  • Achievements (participation in competitions of pedagogical skill, scientific publications, creation of author's techniques for working with students).

Characteristic for the class teacher, sample


Class teacher of 11-B class

... (name of the school)

Ivanova Elena Ivanovna

Ivanova Elena Ivanovna, born in 1990, works as a mathematics teacher in ... (the name of the school) from 2013. Has higher education in the specialty "Physics and Mathematics" - graduated ... (name of the university) in 2013. Since 2014 he is a class teacher of the profile physics and mathematics class. At the moment it's 11-B.

Elena Ivanovna is a teacher of the second category, initiative, loving children and a dedicated teacher. Thanks to her active life position, creative approach and constant self-education she manages to find a common language by students of the class entrusted to her and their parents. Has the skills to resolve conflict situations, knowledge in the psychology of children, applies an individual approach to their training.

Possession of the theory and practice of teaching and educational activities, raising the level of qualifications and self-education allow you to draw conclusions about Elena Ivanovna as a qualified teacher. Ivanova Elena takes part in the scientific activities of the school, publishes her articles in state periodicals.

In the issues of the upbringing of children, emphasis is placed on the development of value orientations of the younger generation. He often conducts conversations on this subject, invites parents to round tables, encourages children to participate in socially significant events. Is engaged in development of leadership qualities of his students. So, the student 11-B ... (name, surname) became the repeated winner of the city competition "Leader".

Awarded with the diploma of the school "For the active introduction of innovative technologies in mathematics lessons" in 2015.

Ivanova Elena is a cheerful, tactful and responsible person. Among the students enjoys authority, in the team - with respect.

The characteristic is issued at the place of request.



Characteristics of the head of the Dow

In general, it repeats the requirements for writing characteristics for the directors of other educational institutions and the characteristics for the head of the DOW. A sample of such a document can be supplemented with several data:

  • Participation in the formation of groups of pupils of a kindergarten;
  • Control over the observance of sanitary norms in the pre-school establishment;
  • Administrative, financial, personnel policy of the head;
  • Coordination of activity of professional groups of pre-school teachers, nannies, kitchen workers, etc.

Characteristics for rewarding: recommendations for drawing up

An official document, which describes the business, personal qualities of a person, his achievements in the position and merits that are the basis for the award, and is a characteristic of the head of the enterprise. The sample of the award document should contain such data:

  • The questionnaire;
  • Data on education;
  • Corresponding to the staffing table, all previous and current positions held;
  • Full name of the enterprise (organization);
  • Introductory part: general data on the labor activity of a person (length of service in general and in this workplace, work in the specialty, skill level, retraining, positions and promotions);
  • The main part: assessment of business and personal qualities (what traits, knowledge and skills allowed a person to reach certain heights in working life, what are his merits to the enterprise, employees and the city);
  • The final part (attitude towards a person characterized by a person from the side of the work collective, data on previous awards).

Characteristics of the leader at the awarding ceremony, sample


Head ... (company name)

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich,

1967 of birth

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich is an employee of the metallurgical region of the city ... (city name) since 1987, after graduation ... (name of the institution). He began his career in ... (company name) from the position of slinger. Initiative and strong leadership qualities enabled Ivan Ivanovich to become a department foreman in 2 years. The desire to learn and improve their skills was expressed in the desire to work for results. After graduating in ... (name of the university) in 1994, Ivanov Ivan continued to work as a foreman. During these 5 years, he showed himself as an aspiring development, a qualified employee who owns the development of many innovations (you can specify which ones) in the enterprise.

The position of the director ... (name of the enterprise) Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich received in 1999, by order ... (number and name of the order). The merits of Ivan Ivanovich for the award are confirmed by a number of his achievements in the position of the head: for 17 years he made a complete renovation of the technological process at the enterprise, reconstructed the equipment, put into operation the production facilities important for the city. Thanks to this approach, the company began to spend resources more economically (to give concrete examples in figures), modern equipment allows performing large amounts of work on time (examples in figures). Under the guidance of Ivanov Ivan, the enterprise became more environmentally friendly - for this purpose a number of activities (which ones) were carried out.

In his work with the team, Ivan Ivanovich adheres to the style of strict mentoring. An effective system of motivation allowed 35 employees to improve their professional level and take managerial positions. The collective is stable, socially protected, working conditions comply with all safety standards. Great importance is attached to working with junior employees: since 2005 the Training Center has been established, where employees receive theoretical and practical training for work in the enterprise.

Ivan Ivanovich is for the team an example of diligence and dedication.

The characteristic is given for rewarding in ... (name of organization).



Characteristics of the secretary of the head

Has some characteristics characteristic of the secretary's secretary. A sample of it can be stored in the personnel department of the enterprise, and the director himself. In addition to the basic personal data, it should be written:

  • Level of compliance skills with the requirements of the post, initiative, responsibility;
  • Quality of performance of organizational and technical functions;
  • Possession of a computer, office equipment;
  • Knowledge of office work;
  • Ability to work in correspondence, conduct business correspondence and negotiations;
  • Skills in planning;
  • Communication with visitors;
  • Care for the state of the office space;
  • Operability, appearance (neatness).

Characteristics for certification

In addition to the above points, may include additional information about the person's performance rating on the manager. A sample of its compilation can be supplemented with some important data for certification:

  • Flexibility, strategic thinking, analytical mindset, ability to make quick decisions;
  • Degree of correspondence of knowledge and skills of the position, the ability to exceed job duties;
  • Self-orientation, action, result or interaction;
  • Working capacity, level of intensity of labor;
  • Exactingness;
  • The ability to teach, instruct, and transfer experience;
  • ethics.

For evaluation, it is also important to know how much a person is interested in scientific activity, how many hours he spends on self-education, the nature of the implementation of the recommendations of previous attestations.

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