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Running standards for 1 km for schoolchildren

School standards for running for 1 km are one of the physical tests during the TRP's delivery ("Readiness for Labor and Defense"). This event allows you to assess the real level of physical training of students and the effectiveness of classes in physical education classes.

The task of the program

The standards of running at 1 km help determine the physical development of students, highlight the most enduring, strong and moving. The best runners, as a rule, represent the honor of their school in competitions of city level or regional. The delivery of a sporting task provokes the development of a competitive spirit and a desire for victory. Such school activities are a good incentive for the desire to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

In the All-Russia physical culture and sports complex of the TRP, the standards for running at 1 km take the position of a mandatory test. The time, in which the student must meet, is established by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

Based on the results obtained after the TRP, the physical education teacher can coordinate the training plans, more competently dose the types of loads, and identify the most athletic students.

Levels of delivery of standard requirements

The standard of running at 1 km for schoolchildren is regulated in accordance with the age abilities of students. For each group of children there is a different stage of delivery, the higher it is, the more serious the requirements.

1 stage - 6-8 years. At this age, the time for checking physical training is not taken into account.
The second stage is 9-10 years.
The third stage is 11-12 years.
4th stage - 13-15 years.
5 step - 16-17 years.

For boys and girls, different standards of running are defined for 1 km. This is due to the fact that the physical development of boys and boys is rapidly developing every year (especially in the adolescent period). The representatives of the stronger sex have a great hope, as they are potential defenders of the Motherland in the future.

Standards for boys and boys

TRP standards are developed on an individual basis for each age. From the 5th class, the running time is recorded at 1000 m.

Class Mark
"excellent" "OK" "satisfactorily"

5 (min, s)

5.50 6.10 6.30
6th 4.40 5.20 6.10
7th 4.20 4.35 5
8 4.10 4.40 5
9 3.40 4 5
10-11 3.45 4


Norms for girls

The delivery of TRP for the fairer sex is a little more loyal. The standards for running at 1 km are reduced, in contrast to the indicators of boys.

Class Mark
"excellent" "OK" "satisfactorily"

5 (min, s)

6th 6.20 6.40
6th 5.10 5.30 6th
7th 4.30 4.50 5.40
8 4.50 5.10 5.30
9 4.20 4.40 5.30
10-11 4.40 4.50 5.30

Who on which mark will run?

The time of each task of the TRP, in this case a kilometer run, depends on the age of the student, gender and athletic abilities. Appreciate "excellent" will be a schoolboy actively engaged in physical education classes at school and additional sports sections outside. To get the "good" mark, it is enough for school preparation, which is carried out by the physical education teacher at the lessons. Finally, the assessment "satisfactory" is calculated for students who do not have outstanding physical abilities and do not lead a sportive lifestyle.

The results of the jogging are designed to encourage students to self-improvement at least to improve the marks.

Youthful sports categories

Students who have coped with the task and demonstrate a higher result than the school program requires, deserve to receive a special sporting status. Ranks are a source of pride for the athlete, pushing for further improvement of their capabilities, stimulate the constant development and progress.

Each grade is assigned for 2 years, after this period it is necessary to confirm your sports skills. The highest achievement is 1 rank. This result can only be achieved by a schoolchild with excellent physical training, for the development of which it is necessary to regularly practice, practice and strive for a better indicator.

Discharge I II III
Boys 3 min. 10 s 3 min. 25 s 3 min. 40 s
Girls 3 min. 55 s 4 min. 10 s 4 min. 35 s

The third junior student can receive up to 14 years. The second category is assigned to young athletes up to 16 years old. The first category can be obtained before the age of majority.

Do students need such standards?

The opinions of the pupils themselves and their parents are numerous, and most of them contradict each other. Someone believes that the claimed requirements allow the identification of talented children in the sport, are the subject of motivation of the young generation for development, skills improvement. To achieve a good result and get a decent evaluation, physical training is necessary, during which muscles develop and strengthen. Regular exercise enhances immunity, improves health, maintains an emotional state.

This practice is important for children who are known for their activity and high energy reserves. Psychologists emphasize that teenagers involved in sports, as a rule, do not differ marked deviant behavior, in contrast to their unsportsmanlike peers.

There is an opinion that the existence of such standards infringes the rights of unsportsmanlike schoolchildren who do not have a predisposition to physical exertion. The standards of 1 km run are also inhumane and do not demonstrate the actual level of the child's physical development. However, in such discrimination, any school subject can be accused.

It should be noted that, despite the diversity of opinions, the submission of control results in physical education is part of the compulsory school curriculum.

Army standards

The school is not the only place where sports training of students is regularly checked. Those children who decide to go to the army after graduation will also have to systematically confirm their physical form. The test program includes the standard of running for 1 km. The demands in the army are more strict than in the school. So, for admission to the contract service you need to meet within 4 minutes and 20 seconds.

Why do we need such standards of servicemen? Running 1 km is one of the composite criteria for checking the overall professional suitability of the army officer. As a result of the test, the military's endurance is revealed, and his physical preparation.

How often are the standards checked in the army?

The commander must regularly conduct a sports check of his team and assess the level of physical development of subordinates. Such events are held quarterly among all those who do not have medical contraindications to increased workload. When entering the military service, the conscript will have to hand over his first standard - 1 km run. In the army, a new soldier is given no more than 2 weeks to prepare before assessing his sports skills.

Also, the rules are given before signing the next contract and when appointing to a higher position. The time, in which a soldier must meet the distance, is determined by the age group. So, men under 30 should run 1 km in 3 minutes 55 seconds, and those who are over 30 years old are given 4 minutes.

The salary of the army depends on how successfully the check is passed. After assigning a sports category on the run, for example, the salary of a serviceman increases. Some annual bonuses are given only to those who have proved their physical fitness.

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