Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

Lunge back. How to do lunges back with dumbbells? A photo

There are exercises that are worth doing both for men and women. Carrying out such exercises in different ways, you can pump up muscles, and give them a better shape, relief.

Today, we'll look at the perfect exercise for training your legs - back attacks with dumbbells. Thanks to him, you can give your feet the best shape and sharpen the terrain.

What muscle groups are involved?

Of course, by the number of muscles involved in the exercise, it is difficult to compare the other methods with squats, and by force it is probably only a deadlift.

But, strange as it may seem, the "backward dumbbell" exercise also involves a large number of both basic muscles and stabilization muscles. First of all, quadriceps work. Yes, if you want to have raised legs in front, then without attacks it will be hard for you to do it.

In addition to quadriceps, gluteal muscles work well . This happens at the moment when you get up from the squat. Thanks to the aiming load, which lies on this part of the body, the lunge back is one of the most favorite exercises among women, because you can pretty quickly bring the buttocks in order.

Slightly less loaded lateral muscles of the hip, as well as calf muscles. Indirectly involved in the work press, spin, stabilizers and others.

As can be seen, the attack backwards involves almost all the basic muscles of the legs, and also involves the abdominal area and other muscles responsible for creating a strong muscular framework. All this makes the exercise effective for working out the legs.

Getting started right

The answer to the question of how to correctly make attacks back, we will analyze the following points:

- selection of suitable load;

- correct movements.

So, as for a suitable load, it is necessary to understand that a person is not equal in strength to an ant. This means that the weight that exceeds your own, for attacks is not suitable. For your information: even the most inveterate bodybuilders, when performing this exercise, do not use weight more than 40-50 kg.

Falls - an additional exercise

The falls are not related to the basic exercises, but are equivalent to the additional ones.

The main task is not to sit on one leg with the maximum weight, but to work out and use absolutely all the muscle fibers on your legs that were not fully worked out after the first exercises.

A fairly complex exercise is the attack back. The photos shown in the article confirm this. If the weight is large, then you will not be able to stand confidently on your feet, and this can lead to bending your back or excess movements in your knees.

How to perform the exercise?

Take the barbell or dumbbells from the racks, putting them on the trapezoidal muscles so that the projectile does not cause discomfort during the execution of attacks. Although some complicate the task by raising their hands with weighting up.

Stand up more comfortably, place your feet on the width of your shoulders. Now with your left foot take a step back, while not transferring the entire weight of the body to the back foot - you must leave it on the front leg, performing the attacks back. The photos that you see clearly show that you do not need to drop completely on the floor at the peak low point.

If you lower the knee of the hind leg to the floor, you can injure the knee joint. It should be slightly not to bring the knee to the floor, about 5-10 centimeters. In this case, you will reduce the risk of injury, and the muscles will be constantly stressed.

After you have sat down, move the weight to the front leg as much as possible (you will feel a strong tension of the quadriceps) and start to get up, returning to the standing position.

The ideal way to do attacks back

Ideal implementation can be called such that the position of the legs at the bottom point is as follows: the back leg is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the shin is close to the parallel with respect to the floor; The front leg is bent at the knee joint also by 90 degrees, but the lower part of the leg (from the knee to the mortar) should be perpendicular to the surface on which it stands.

Doing this exercise in this way, you will see that the knee of the leg, located behind, when you have sat down, will be behind the heel of the front leg at a short distance. It is believed that only in this case, the lunge is performed correctly, and the load rests on the necessary muscles, without creating excessive pressure on the joints.

If you feel some discomfort in your knees, then use knee pads that you can buy both at a sports store and in a regular pharmacy. Of course, specialized equipment for athletes is better, because it is designed for such loads. But if there is no financial opportunity, then get at least a pharmacy option.

How many approaches and repetitions do you need to do?

It all depends on what this exercise is for the account, what the training is aimed at and what goals you are trying to achieve.

If you do not set yourself the task of training the relief, then follow 3-4 approaches 10-12 times on each leg.

To dry and work on the relief, it's worthwhile to approach the exercise a little differently. Try to execute 4-5 approaches 15-20 times on each side.

At the same time, you can do the following: take the working weight, with which you can make attacks 15 times. Do about 12 times, then reduce the weight by 20 percent and perform another 5 repetitions. Then remove the pancakes by another 20% and sit down 5 more times.

Thus, you can increase the flow of blood to the muscles of the legs: it will take away all the harmful from them and leave a lot of nutrients that the cells need for recovery and development.

When is it better to lunge backwards?

This exercise is best done after heavy squats or presses when the legs are already slightly shaking. This will disable all unnecessary and use only the necessary muscle groups. Some athletes prefer to make lunges forward and backward at the very end of the workout.

This is also correct, because in this way, using a small weight, you can properly fix the result and fully download the leg muscles, in order, literally, to "crawl out of the gym." Believe me, the next morning you will not be able to walk normally, because such an exercise allows you to include all the muscle fibers on your legs, which in the previous exercises just slept.

After reading our article on how to make attacks back, you can now safely go to the gym and under the supervision of the coach try to perform this exercise. Do not forget: there is no need to rush to make attacks with a barbell or dumbbells weighing 50 kg. Always increase the load gradually.

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