Food and drinkDessert

Cottage cheese casserole in a multivark - is it possible? Of course yes!

The most favorite treat for my household is a cottage cheese casserole with apples. Usually I cooked it in the oven, but recently my husband gave me a multivark-steamer. I ran a quick glance through the instructions for use, I came across the word "baking", and I immediately wanted to try this miracle technique and something to bake. Of course, this "something" was curd casserole. Finding "just a recipe" was not so difficult. "Cottage cheese casserole in a multivarquet", it turns out, is quite a popular dish. But in order to find the right one, we had to work hard, shoveling the Internet, and then slightly modify it. At my own peril and risk, I set about preparing a casserole for my prescription, but my cottage cheese casserole in a multivarck was no worse than the one that usually turns out in the oven, even more tender and airy. Next, I began to experiment a little with the ingredients, but still it turned out delicious. Okay, I will not tire of chatter anymore, I turn to the point.

Cottage cheese casserole in a multivariate (recipe with homemade cottage cheese)

For preparation it is necessary:

  • 0,5 kg crumbly homemade cottage cheese (tried from shop briquettes, it turns out not so airy);
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 1 cup kefir (can be replaced with yogurt) K
  • 0,5 cup semolina;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder (you can soda at the tip of the knife);
  • 1 packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Fill kefir or yogurt with semolina and leave for half an hour to swell. Whisk egg whites in a mixer until thick foam, add sugar and again whisk again. Razirayem cottage cheese with yolks, then add baking powder, vanillin and mix thoroughly. Next, add bloated in kefir semolina and whisk everything in a blender or a mixer. Now accurately enter whipped whipped with sugar proteins, first 1/3 part, and then 2 more times 1/3. Stir in this case, preferably a spoon.

Slightly lubricate the bottom of the saucepan with butter and spread the resulting curd mass, set for 40 minutes in the "baking" mode and 45 minutes in the "heating" mode. After turning off the "heating" for another 10 minutes, leave the casserole in a closed and turned off multivark. This is done so that it does not settle. Then the cottage cheese casserole in the multivarquet remains for a while to cool off. After it has cooled down, put the steam cooker in a saucepan and make a quick turntable, and from the steamer in the same way we spread it on a dish.

The only, but not very significant minus of cooking a casserole in a multivark-steamer is that it does not get toasty, like from an oven. Sugar powder, jam, sour cream, condensed milk and so on will give an interesting and appetizing look to our delicacy. All for your taste.

Cottage cheese casserole in a mulitic brew (with briquette cottage cheese)

If there is nowhere to find home friable cottage cheese, then you can take the store briquettes and cook the casserole according to another recipe. It's also very tasty.

In half a cup of milk pour 4 tbsp. Spoons of manga and leave to swell. 2 eggs whisk thoroughly from 6 tbsp. Spoons of sugar (preferably protein and yolk whisk with sugar separately). Then combine and mix in a blender 3 packs of curd, baking powder (1 teaspoon), vanillin (1 packet), whipped yolk with sugar, manno-milk mixture. In the last part, add the whipped with sugar protein and mix everything. We spread the received mass in the oiled saucepan and cook on the "baking" mode for 80 minutes. If the multivarker does not allow you to set this time, then set the maximum possible, and then re-set it for the missing time.

To the main ingredients mentioned in the recipes, add various "fillings" - berries, fruits, candied fruits, chocolate, etc. It will be much more delicious.

By the way, for those who do not have multvark, but there is a bread maker, you can also pick up cooking options. Cottage cheese casserole in the bakery is no less delicious.

Pleasure your loved ones with delicious masterpieces.

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