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How to wean a child from night feeding?

Sooner or later, every mother thinks about the question of how to wean the child from night feeding. A newborn baby has absolutely no idea about the time of day. No mother - a representative of the animal world in feeding the cubs - does not make equal gaps. The child's organism is adapted to the continuous process of obtaining maternal milk and does not need rest from it at all.

Doctors of civilized states have long come to the conclusion that night breaks in feeding harm both mother and her baby. And for the crumbs, especially in its first weeks of life, long pauses without feeding and the absence of a number of mothers are simply unbearable.

It is proved that night feedings are the best way to maintain adequate lactation, since prolactin is a hormone, on which the flow of milk into the breast depends, it is produced more at night than by day. And the amount of this prolactin itself depends mainly on how many times the baby is applied to the breast.

Before tackling this problem, it is necessary to decide whether night feeding is really a problem.

If the situation is really so serious and Mom does not get enough sleep that on the next day she is absolutely incompetent if she notices that she is slowly beginning to fear the night and "night parenthood", and if this is the reason for the deterioration of relations in the family, It's time to adjust the night feeding schedule.

Of course, to force a baby to sleep impenetrably all night is unlikely to succeed, but it is possible to help less often to mother's breast, and this will make the situation more tolerable.

So, to understand exactly how to wean a child from breastfeeding at night, it is worth trying more breastfeeding during the day. Children after the year are very fond of breast milk, but often in the daytime they have so many important "urgent" cases that they sometimes forget about milk, and moms also have a lot of trouble that she forgets sometimes to feed the baby, especially if the baby Do not ask her. And at night the baby already makes up for what was lost in the afternoon. Therefore, more frequent feeding during the day can make the breast at night not so desirable.

Still need to increase the amount of physical contact with the baby in the afternoon, because when he grows up, you can unconsciously increase the distance sharply. And with the help of a night attachment to the chest, the child wants to receive support from her mother, which is lacking at a new stage of his development, when the kid learns some new skills, for example, crawling or walking.

Another way how to wean the child from night feeding. Before the mother goes to bed, you can wake up and feed the crumbs well enough to not wake up in an hour or two for feeding. In any case, the baby will wake Mom at least 1 time less.

The next step is to try to teach the baby to other methods of falling asleep. For example, immediately after feeding, even before he fell asleep, you can put the baby in a sling and swear a little around the house or go out for a walk, and after waiting for a strong fall asleep, put it into the crib. You can also wear a daddy, then the child will be associated with falling asleep already with his father, and he will begin to perceive him at night more willingly, as an alternative to mother's breast. You can still lull the crumb without breast, singing a lullaby, scratching his back, dancing with him slowly in a dark room or rocking on his hands.

Another method, how to wean the child from breastfeeding by night - you need to sleep dressed, in order to remove the chest from the zone of direct reach for the baby. If the child falls asleep at the chest, remove the nipple from his mouth and put on his pajamas. Waking up at night and not seeing the chest, the child can fall asleep again.

Children age one and a half already can understand simple suggestions, this is something you can use, wanting to solve the problem, how to wean the child from night feeding. You can say: "Mother will feed you when there is light (sunshine) in the street." It is necessary that the child begins to correlate the concept of "dark" with the fact that at night it will not be fed. Try to feed the child not in bed, but in an armchair, so that he ceases to associate the bed with the feedings. Of course, do not expect that everything will turn out right away smoothly, for a few nights mom will have to suffer. It's important to be side by side with the baby and not leave one, so that he does not stop trusting you.

When feeding for the night, you need to repeat to the baby before falling asleep that when he sleeps, both mom and dad will be bunnies, and the sisi will also sleep. When he wakes up at night, affectionately remind him that "sisi went to sleep." Such constant suggestions can give the child to understand what people eat during the day, and at night - they sleep. And if the mothers "Sisi" persistently will "sleep" every night, in the end, and the baby will also sleep. And to reinforce this method, you can print photos of children sleeping in the crib themselves, without my mother's breast and several times a day, viewing such pictures, discuss how the children themselves sleep without "sisi."

Frequent night attachments to the chest are characteristic of children with high needs, which are not so easy to deceive. But still you need to try and offer him a replacement. Let the pope share the joy of caring for the baby with his mother, so that the child learns to console himself not only with the help of the breast. To help solve the problem of how to wean a child from night feeding, the father needs to develop his own system for nightly soothing of the baby and the baby will then have a greater choice of "soothing" at night. At first the baby can protest against the pope instead of his usual mother, do not leave the child at such moments alone, let the little one cry at the hands of his father. For the benefit of the child and wife, fathers during such nightly trials need to learn to remain absolutely calm. Of course, you can start using this technique only when the child has grown enough, and you feel intuitively that the baby requires your breasts only by habit, and not by actual need.

In the event that proximity to mom leads to an increase in the number of night attachments to the chest, you can increase the distance between the bodies during sleep. Or try to sleep quite differently - put the baby in his own room or in the room with his sister (brother), grandmother. If the child wakes up, you can just lie down for a while, not feeding. Or feed, and then go back to your bed.

In the end, just try to tell the kid "no." Firmly, only necessarily calmly, so as not to injure the baby, self-confident.

Do not insist, seeing that the methods used do not work. Daytime behavior of the baby is an indicator of whether night experiments are working in the right direction. If the mother does not notice any special changes in the child's day-to-day behavior, we can safely continue the gradual excommunication. If during the day the baby cries, is too capricious and does not depart from his mother for a single step, or, conversely, gets away from it, you can not leave this state without attention and slow down the pace. Sooner or later this period in itself will end, and then it will be possible to sleep peacefully all night. The phase of night inconveniences will soon end - the time that the kid spends on my mother's hands, at her breast, in her bed, quite short in the life of the child. Do not deprive him of a good memory of the most affordable happiness and mother's love, which will remain with the child forever.

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