HealthHealthy Eating

Ruccola: health benefits.

Rukkola is a plant from the cabbage family. She is also known for such names as the Indow, the caterpillar, the eruka and the rocket. The undoubted advantage of this popular and delicious plant is determined by the rich composition.

The arugula contains a truly incredible amount of nutrients and vitamins. In particular, these are trace elements such as copper, iron, selenium, manganese and zinc. Also in it there are macro elements: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and sodium. Rukkola, whose benefits are undeniable, contains vitamins such as B1-B4, B5 and B6, as well as B9, ascorbic acid, vitamin A, phylloquinone and tocopherol. Young shoots of the plant are rich in iodine, which is extremely necessary for residents of remote locations from the sea, and flavonoids contribute to the strengthening of blood vessels. Rukkola is very useful for those who suffer from thrombophlebitis, venous insufficiency and attacks of hypertension.

The high content of macro- and microelements with vitamins in this plant provides an inflow of energy. The use of arugula can quickly lead to a tone of the human body, improve efficiency, prevent the development of cancer and normalize the water-salt balance. With all these positive qualities, it is especially pleasant that the energy value of the plant is very small and is only 25 kcal per 100 g. That is why arugula, the use of which does not need additional advertising, is very popular among fans of various diets.

Regular use of arugula promotes the establishment of metabolic processes, strengthening the nervous system and improving digestion, in addition, it is indispensable for patients with diabetes. Rukkola is useful in depression and stress, with reduced hemoglobin, and it also removes excess cholesterol. The greens of this useful herb are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Rukkola, the use of which is already invaluable, has a diuretic and disinfectant effect, it makes it possible to alleviate the state of the body with gout and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system and kidneys. Beta carotene improves the condition of nails and skin, gives health to hair. Ruccola oil prevents hair loss and strengthens hair follicles.

This useful plant is especially suitable for those who want to throw a few extra pounds. Dietitians around the world recommend that you arrange occasional days off for yourself, with only arugula in your menu. Vitamins contained in greens provide the body with the necessary amount of energy, and the minimum number of calories will effectively get rid of excess weight.

Another feature is that arugula, the use of which makes it an indispensable food for every person, has a strong anti-cognitive property. It effectively prevents the formation of ulcerative wounds on the walls of the stomach, reduces the size of already existing ulcers, even with small deviations from the therapeutic diet.

Since ancient times it is known that the useful properties of arugula are not limited to a beneficial effect on the body. This plant is the strongest aphrodisiac, due to what it has long been widely used for violations of men's erectile function. Famous Italian chefs even invented a special secret recipe, which was then used to stir up passion. The secret dish contained rucola, honey and black pepper in proportions of 10: 1: 1.

It should also be noted that arugula, the beneficial properties of which are obvious, is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance, since this can cause various allergic diseases, ranging from urticaria to Quincke's edema. Also, do not abuse green arugula in the presence of urolithiasis.

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