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Riddles are complex with answers to logic. The most complex riddles with answers
What to do in your spare time? There are many options for passive recreation, for example, to watch another melodrama or a football match, but it is much more entertaining to practice in your ability to think logically. Interesting riddles can diversify the on-call trip to visit friends; Also no less exciting will be engaged in such training gray cells and alone. This hobby not only helps to pass the time, but also promotes the development of erudition and logic, and such skills are not superfluous in life. It is not necessary to start solving the most complex riddles in the world. With answers for them will have to sweat pretty. You can start with something elementary, and the result will not be long in coming. Patience and work - and you will get to be a true scholar.
Complex puzzles on logic with answers: types
It should be noted that such puzzles are divided into several basic categories. The tasks for weighing, transfusion, searching for the missing part, logical sequences are popular. You can find a variety of puzzles with answers: complex and funny, mathematical and historical, with a dirty trick and without. The result of such trainings of the brain is the developed thinking and imagination. But instead of thinking about how useful complex riddles with answers are, it's better to go straight to practice.
In this article, the solution will be placed not after the job itself, but slightly lower, to at least slightly support the intrigue. Complex puzzles with answers will have a corresponding numbering.
Tasks for weighing
This is a classic of the genre. Complex puzzles with answers about weighing are some of the most popular. You can take a leaf and a pen and try to draw a diagram. It's better than solving them simply in the mind. Below are two logical puzzles with complex answers.
1. On the table are scales with two bowls and 9 identical coins. One of them is fake, its weight will be less than the rest. How to define it with just 2 weighings?
2. There are 10 sacks full of coins. The number of them in each of the bags is the same. In nine of them, all coins are gold, and each weighs 5 grams, and in one - all fake, and they, respectively, are lighter - 4 grams. It is necessary to determine this bag, but weighing can be done only once.
Answers . 1. For the first weighing, 3 coins should be put on one bowl and the same number on the other. If the balance is balanced, then the fake is among the last 3 pieces. At the second weighing it is necessary to take two coins and put them on bowls. If they weigh the same, then the third coin is not real. If any was easier, then it is a fake. But when after the first weighing one of the piles turned out to be less by weight, then the desired coin is among those three. Calculate it is necessary by the principle of the second weighing.
2. First you need to number the bags. Then from the first take 1 coin, from the second - 2, from the third - 3, etc. Then you need to weigh these 55 coins. If they were all gold, then their total weight would be 275 (55 by 5) grams. But if one gram is not enough, then the counterfeit coins are in the first bag, if two are in the second (of which two were put on the scales, each one 1 gram lighter than the others), and so on.
Complex puzzles with trick and answers
Such tasks not only entertain, but also develop the ability to think outside the box. Very complex riddles with answers and trick are very different: mathematical, economic or based on life situations. To find the right answer, you often need to carefully read the condition of the task again, and then everything becomes clear. Very often, the catch is in the play of words or in their sequence, and in order to confuse, many extra details, for example numbers, are added. The following are complex puzzles with a trick and answers. To solve them, not only attention is required, but also a sense of humor.
1. On the birch grew 25 apples. The gardener came and ripped off 5 of them, neighbor boys stole 7, then a strong wind blew, and another 9 fell. How many apples are left to hang on the tree?
2. Imagine that you are participating in a marathon race. Finally, you managed to overtake the second athlete. What is your current location? (Answer immediately, without hesitation).
3. The same race, but now you are ahead of the last participant. What place do you currently occupy?
4. The driver drove the truck. The headlights were off, neither the moon nor the stars were shining. The woman crossed the road, she was all in black, but the driver still saw her. How could this happen?
5. A certain Mr. Smith, a resident of London, registered a marriage 36 times in one year. However, he did not divorce any of them, and did not become polygamous. And every time different women married, and not the same. Could this really be?
Answers . 1. On a birch tree apples can not grow.
2. All at once say that on the first. But if you have overtaken the second, it means you took his place, and therefore, run second, not first.
3. It is impossible to overtake the last runner, in principle, because if someone runs after him, he can not be the last.
4. It's simple: business was day.
5. It's easy. Mr. Smith works at the registry office. In the condition, it is not said that he married himself.
These are the riddles with answers: complex and funny at the same time.
Problems of erudition
There are tasks that you can not solve without elementary knowledge in history. The most complex riddles with answers are often used in the "What? Where? When?" Nevertheless, there is a chance and just guess, using logic. Below are very complex riddles with answers.
1. The 22nd and 24th US presidents had a common mother and father, but these high-ranking officials were not brothers. How could this happen? (The option of the sisters is not suitable, because there were no women among the presidents of America yet).
2. A hundred years ago in the United States and Great Britain it was widely used in decorating postcards, buttons and even jewelry. Its popularity is explained by the belief that it consists of light, love, luck and life. Now it is for the whole world a symbol of evil. What is it?
3. John Wycliffe, an outstanding theologian of the 14th century, wrote a series of articles in which he sharply criticized the church and the clergy. For this, the Constantine court recognized him as a heretic and ordered to burn at the stake. But during the execution Wycliffe felt no pain. Is it possible, if he did not suffer from any diseases of the skin or nervous system that can reduce pain?
Answers . 1. It was the same person - Cleveland Stephen Grover, who was elected to the presidency twice with a break of four years. Since he is not his brother for himself, it's all true.
2. The Swastika. Its four rays resembled the English letter L, with which the words "light", "love", "luck" and "life" began: light, love, luck, life.
3. Wycliffe was burned after his death.
Riddles are more complicated
Who do not like simple tasks, you can master aerobatics. The following are complex riddles. With the answers it is better not to rush, and also not to say that there is no solution at all, but to think a little.
1. Imagine a two-story house. On the first floor there are three switches, each of them is responsible for one of the three bulbs, which are placed on top. You can go up there just once, but you can turn the switches on and off an unlimited number of times. How to determine which bulb is responsible for each of them? (The answer is "Go out and see" not to offer).
2. One person was captured by an African tribe. They wanted to kill him. But the leader invited him to choose his own death. The man had to say the phrase, and if she was lying, then they would give him to be torn to the lions, and if true, they would be thrown off the cliff. But he managed to say such a phrase that he was forced to let go. What did he say?
Answers . 1. First you need to turn on the first switch for about ten minutes, then turn it off. Now click on the second and climb to the second floor. The light bulb that is now not lit but still warm is connected to the first switch, the one that burns - with the second, and the third - with the last one.
2. He said: "The lions will tear me to pieces."
So, as you can see, even the most complex riddles with answers have something very simple at their core.
These logical puzzles with answers are complex only at first glance. They are based on a certain sequence. To solve them, we must abstract from the standard way of thinking. You are offered three complicated riddles for logic with answers.
1. By what principle are these numbers located?
8 2 9 0 1 5 7 3 4 6
2. What is the next number?
77, 49, 36, 18 ...
3. Which letter is missing?
B, b, m, b, ..., b, b, m, b, b, b, b
Such riddles are complicated except for the impatient, and if you think for a few minutes, the solution will be like in the palm of your hand.
Answers . 1. By the order of the letters in the alphabet, to which each of them begins.
2. 8. Each number is the product of two digits of the previous one (7 by 7 = 49, 4 by 9 = 36, and 1 by 8 = 8).
3. These are the last letters of the names of the twelve months beginning in January. Therefore, at the place of the pass must be "d" (May).
Logical chain of reflection
Sometimes, to solve some problems, it is necessary to conduct a whole series of conclusions. But you always want to make sure that the train of thoughts is correct. Therefore, in order not to keep the reader in the dark, below we print complex riddles with answers.
1. Vova and Sasha played on a dirty and dark attic. Vova's face was completely smeared with soot, and Sashino miraculously remained pure. Downstairs, the boys looked at each other in the light of day, but for some reason it was not Vova, but Sasha went for a wash. Why?
2. Three school teachers carelessly sat on the bench and talked, and at that time the students decided to make fun of them and pasted each on their backs with funny stickers. Then the teachers saw stickers on their colleagues' backs and began to laugh. But everyone thought that she herself had no back. But then one of them stopped laughing, realizing that she herself also has a sticker. How?
Answers . 1. Sasha looked at Vova's face, and since it was dirty, he thought that he also got dirty, and therefore went to wash himself. And Vova, who looked at Sasha's clean face, did not even think that he himself could be dirty.
2. We will name teachers A, B and C. And I thought: "In she sees how she laughs, but she thinks she has nothing on her back, so if I did not have a sticker, I would be surprised , Why she laughs with C, and would understand that she herself still has it, and would stop laughing, but since this does not happen, then the guys joked at all of us. " That's why A stopped laughing.
Associated with dates
Such tasks will help you navigate in time space.
1. Misha was seventeen years old yesterday, and next year he will be twenty. Is it possible?
2. There were two brothers in one family. The first was born in 2010, and the first birthday of the second was celebrated in 1999. How can this be?
Answers . 1. This is possible if such a phrase is pronounced on January 1, taking into account the fact that Misha was born on December 31. Consequently, on December 30 he was 17, and on the 31st he turned 18. In the coming year he will be 19, well, in the next - 20. That's how this Misha was born successfully.
2. They were born before our era.
Riddles in the style of Sherlock Holmes
In recent years, this detective has become very popular, and many people want to imitate him. Thanks to the following tasks, you can practice in deduction.
1. In the office found the director of the company with a gunshot and a pistol in his hand. On the table lay a dictophone, including which, Sherlock heard the words: "In my death, please do not blame anyone," and after that a shot is heard. Obvious suicide? No. Sherlock guessed right away that this was a dramatization. Why?
2. In the park find the corpse of a woman, who was hit with something heavy on the head. In her phone, Holmes finds her husband's number, calls him and says: "It happened, your wife was killed." When he arrived, Sherlock pointed to him as a murderer and ordered him to be arrested. How did he understand this?
3. Sherlock caught a taxi and tried to talk to the driver, but he was not up to chatter, and he pointed to the ears and lips, pretending to be deaf. When the detective left the car, having arrived at the right place, he told the taxi driver that he had discovered his deception. How?
Perhaps these are not the most difficult riddles in the world with answers, but for beginning detectives just right.
Answers . 1. If no one was around, who rewound the recording of the recorder for the desired phrase?
2. He did not specify where exactly to come, saying "here", but the husband arrived just at the scene of the crime.
3. If the taxi driver were really deaf, how would he understand where Sherlock should get to, and how would he deliver it to the right place?
Incredible situations
At the heart of such mysteries are at first sight unreal stories. After reading the assignment, you might think that this could not happen, so you need to include the imagination.
1. A man came to the bar, approached the barman and asked for a glass of water. Instead, the barman pointed a gun at him. After that, the man thanked the barman and left. Why?
2. A person lived in the same house for two months in complete solitude. Then he went mad, put out the light and left the house. Soon because of this killed 50 people.
Answers . 1. That person was attacked by a hiccup, and he asked for a glass of water. The barman decided to scare him, he did it, and the hiccup passed.
2. He lived at the lighthouse.
Perhaps someone can come up with their own puzzles. Well, the road will master the going. You can start a notebook and write a title: "Riddles about ... with complex answers", inserting interesting topics between the points.
From the training of logic there is a significant benefit, it will help to take sober and right decisions in life, and not be guided only by emotions. In addition, it will increase your intellectual level. Then the question "What to do at leisure?" Will be removed: of course, try to solve the most complex riddles in the world. With the answers to them, it's best not to immediately introduce them, even if your relatives break their heads.
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