Food and drinkDessert

Recipes: kiwi, strawberry and cherry jam

Who said that jam should be cooked only in the summer or in the fall? This is not true, do not believe it! In our time, when on the shelves all year round there is a lot of fruit, and modern technology allows you to freeze and preserve the most fragile fruits and berries, you can cook jam all year round, and what an unusual and delicious!

Kiwi jam

A wonderful example of unusual and to taste, and the beauty of delicacies is kiwi jam. Admit, you've never even thought about how to make jam from kiwi? But in vain. Kiwi fruit is a fruit that contains a lot of vitamin C, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and other substances useful to our body. Very useful kiwi to those who suffer from hypertension and heart disease. Daily kiwi consumption is very useful. And if you get tired of eating it fresh, you can make jam.

Ingredients: one and a half kilograms of kiwi 1 kilogram of sugar and 2 lemons.

To make a kiwi jam, cut 1 lemon into circles, pour 100 g of sugar, pour in the same amount of water and bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 10 minutes. Do not forget to stir to prevent sugar from burning. Kiwi, too, cut into circles (the thickness of each - about 5 mm). Squeeze into the pan juice of 1 lemon, pour all the remaining sugar there, and put kiwi on top. Next, the pan should be placed on a slow fire and let the sugar dissolve. Mix the jam very carefully and only when the sugar is almost dissolved - then the kiwi will remain intact. After the sugar has dissolved, and the jam has boiled, remove it from the heat and refrigerate. After a day, cook the kiwi jam again (20 min.) Without a lid, and a delicious treat is ready!

Jam from frozen strawberries

If you like jam from strawberries, and until spring is still far away, you can use it for your own cooked or bought in supermarkets frozen berries.

To prepare jam from strawberries, take 3 packets of berries for 300 g (total almost a kilogram), put them in a saucepan, pour sugar and leave overnight. In the morning, put the saucepan on a slow fire and, once it boils, remove. After a few hours, boil again and keep on the fire for about 10 minutes. As a result, you will get an amazing jam, which looks more like marmalade in consistency, and each berry will remain intact and will not be brown, as it usually is with strawberries in jam, but its natural color .

Strawberry jam with pepper and vanilla

This is probably the most unusual recipe for jam. It can be prepared both from fresh strawberries and frozen ones. So, take a kilogram of strawberries, 0.5 kg. Sugar, 1 tbsp. L. Sugar of vanilla, 2 tbsp. L. Lemon juice and 5-10 pieces of black pepper.

Strawberries are put in a saucepan, covered with sugar and vanilla and leave until juice appears. Pepper crushed in a mortar and mixed with strawberries, then put on a slow fire. Add the lemon juice and, after boiling, keep on fire for another 5-10 minutes. Cool the jam and you can eat!

Jam from frozen cherries

Another delicious berry, which is often frozen for the winter - is a cherry. To prepare a small portion of jam from a frozen cherry, one packet (ie 300 g) is sufficient. Berries need to be thawed at room temperature, in no case warming up on the stove or microwave, then fall asleep with sugar (1 to 1), bring to a boil over low heat and boil for 20 minutes. Delicious winter jam is ready!

Jam from cherry and raisins

A very piquant taste has a cherry jam, if you add raisins to it. For its preparation you will need 3 cups of frozen acidic cherry, the same amount of water, 1 tbsp. Raisins and 6.5 cups of sugar.

From the cherries remove stones, raisins cut, then put everything in a cup, where the water is already poured. After the jam boils, it should be cooked for 30 minutes, not forgetting to interfere. Then add sugar and cook until it thickens. Jam turns transparent and dense.

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