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Rash in a child, how to recognize the truth

When there is a rash on the body of the child, this is undoubtedly a cause for concern. Immediately make a reservation, the diagnosis and treatment should appoint a doctor, this is not discussed. However, it is also worthwhile for Mom to have an idea of what kinds of rashes occur, and what is behind them. There are many situations in life that happen.

Prickly heat

This is a fairly common type of rash, appearing in response to the excessive wrapping of the baby. First of all, those skin areas where there was a close contact with clothes suffer. No treatment is required. The only thing you need is to dress the baby in accordance with the temperature conditions. Air baths help to accelerate the disappearance of sweets.


This type of rash is difficult to recognize, as it is often "masked" for other rashes. Therefore, if a child's rash has appeared, weigh it, whether its appearance is associated with any change in the baby's life. For example, did you start using a new washing powder, or did you add a new product to the lure. If the baby is breastfed, maybe something "wrong" was eaten by the mother. If the innovations do appear, immediately remove them and observe the rash.


Rashes on the baby's skin, resulting from prolonged contact with wet diapers. In advanced cases can be transformed into wounds. Air baths help to get rid of them.


Skin irritation, appearing in the folds of the child's skin due to the influence of sweat or urine accumulated there. Sensitivity of the skin increases, burning occurs, the child is anxious. It is necessary to eliminate the cause and treat the affected areas (most often the inguinal area) with boiled oil or white petroleum jelly.


Fungal skin disease, most often affects the genitals of the child. Usually the main spot is surrounded by small vesicles. Treatment with antifungal drugs gives a good effect, and it should be prescribed by a doctor.


Pustular rash in a child, the appearance of which causes staphylococci and streptococci. The pustules dry up and form crusts that resemble honey in color. Most often, impetigo is located on the buttocks. Treatment appoints a doctor, usually a drug containing antibiotics.

A rash in a child accompanying an infectious disease

Chickenpox, measles, rubella and scarlet fever also declare their arrival by various rashes. They differ between themselves and their mother, of course, it is better to know about their features. But this is the topic of another conversation. Here we emphasize that infectious diseases usually (but not always!) Are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Milium (children's acne)

This is the name of a rash on the face of a child that appears for 3-4 weeks of life. The reasons for its appearance are not known to the end, but there is no reason for much concern. Although outwardly these pimples look unpleasant, they usually pass without a trace to a two-month age. In more severe cases, the rash in a nursing baby can be treated with a special ointment, which the doctor will write out.

Toxic erythema

This name has a rash in the infant, manifested on the tummy and resembling insect bites (yellow pimples bordered with a red ring). It is not dangerous and usually passes itself in 12-14 days.

How to behave to parents if there was a rash in a child

Again, see a doctor. This is an immutable rule.

Do not be nervous. In most cases, the rash in a child gives more concern to parents than a baby.

You can not remove pimples or dried crusts on your own, this can provoke infection in the wound.

You can wipe the baby's skin with infusion of chamomile and string (a glass of boiling water on a tablespoon of herbal mixture).

And, of course, prevention. Healthy, well-groomed and clean skin better resists infections and the likelihood of the appearance of a rash is significantly reduced.

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