
How much sperm do you need to get pregnant, and is it important at all?

Every woman is worried about fertilization. This happens in different cases. If a woman does not want to give birth yet, she is worried about the fact that she can get pregnant. Those wishing to become parents are the opposite. Often, women are wondering how much sperm to take to get pregnant. This is exactly what will be discussed later. You can find out how much semen you need to make a girl pregnant. Also find out some features of the viability of male cells in the female body.

How much sperm need to be conceived? The rule of one

If you ask a similar question to a specialist, you will get a very logical answer. In order for fertilization to take place, and pregnancy has occurred, only one sperm is sufficient. Everything happens quite simply.

The male cell is selected to the female gamete and penetrates through its wall. After this, the resulting set begins to be divided. For further development, he needs implantation. There is an introduction of the fetal egg into the loose endometrium. Here, the embryo will grow and transform during the long months of pregnancy. It is worth noting that the rule of one operates only in artificial conditions. This is what happens in so-called fertilization in vitro. In order to get pregnant naturally, more sperm is needed.

Standard Standards

How much semen is needed to make a woman pregnant, in the opinion of gynecologists? There is a certain norm, prescribed in medical documents. Studies have shown that a man in one sexual act can produce up to 6 milliliters of sperm. More often this indicator is equal to four.

Based on this, it was concluded that a normal pregnancy in a natural cycle can come from a sperm count of 4 milliliters. It is worth noting that subsequent sex, committed in a short period of time, leads to a decrease in this volume. However, this amount of sperm will be enough for the onset of pregnancy.

In adverse conditions

How much semen is needed for pregnancy? Before answering this question, it is necessary to say a little about the hormonal background of the female body.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, the production and isolation of certain substances called hormones occurs. Under their action, there is a transformation of the cervix and vaginal mucus. So, favorable conditions for the existence of spermatozoa are created around the middle of the cycle. The closer the date of ovulation, the better will be the male cells in the female body. If sexual contact takes place long before the alleged rupture of the follicle, most spermatozoa simply die in the dense secretions of the genital organs. They will not be able to move around freely and will remain in one place, never reaching their goal. Proceeding from this, it can be concluded that the more sperm will appear in the vagina of a woman at the time of sexual intercourse, the greater the probability of pregnancy.

Effects of microflora

How much sperm do you need to get pregnant? The bigger, the better. This is how specialists will respond, taking into account the effect of vaginal flora on male gametes. Let us analyze the situation in detail.

The female microflora is represented by an acidic medium. This is quite normal and meets all the rules. However, spermatozoa can not survive in such conditions. This is why, in addition to the sex gametes, the male organism produces simultaneously secreted secret, which has an alkaline structure. Getting into the vagina of a woman, this fluid is washing the way for sperm. Most of them die during this process. However, the most persistent and strong achieves its goal. As you already know, one sperm is needed for conception. However, without a whole stream, he could not get to the egg and fertilize it.

Opinion of women

How much sperm do you need to get pregnant? The representatives of the weaker sex have their own opinion on this matter. They say that the amount of male ejaculate should be about two tablespoons. That's what is placed in the female vagina of the standard size.

If you translate the above amount per milliliter, then we can say that a woman needs about twenty milliliters of sperm. However, a little a man can reproduce so much for one sexual contact. Despite this, the fairer sex safely becomes pregnant and gives birth to children.

Minimal amount

How much sperm do you need to get pregnant? Many women and specialists say that only a few drops are enough for fertilization. Such a conclusion was made on the basis of the following situations.

Many couples use interrupted sexual intercourse as a contraceptive. In this case, ejaculation in a man occurs outside the female body. However, often such cases lead to pregnancy. All due to the fact that some minimal amount of sperm can be released simultaneously with lubrication just before intercourse. It is worth noting that the longer the abstinence in a man, the greater the likelihood that during the prelude, the spermatozoa will penetrate into the mucous fluid.

Is it important only the amount of sperm?

How much semen you need for fertilization, you already know. Is this only important? Of course, no. To prove this statement, it is worthwhile to give a small example.

When a man decides to sterilize, he is bandaged with the vas deferens. After this, his sperm will be allocated without the presence of spermatozoa in her. Whatever the amount ejected into a woman's body by ejaculation, she can not become pregnant. Based on this, we can conclude that it is important not only the quantity, but also the quality of sperm.

Summing up the article

You became aware of the amount of sperm needed for conception. To answer this question very accurately and to name a certain number, it is necessary to take into account many factors. You always need to consider the couple individually. Be sure to take into account the compatibility of partners, the state of the woman's microflora and the consistency of the mucous plug in the cervical canal, the day of the cycle in which the copulation occurred, and the motility of the male spermatozoa. Other factors can also affect fertilization. To determine all these indicators, you should consult a doctor and conduct a detailed examination. I wish you success!

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