Spiritual development, Christianity
Prayer for the demon. How to drive away evil spirits
In everyday life, as long as we are all right, we do not even think about the existence of a world of spiritual entities called angels and demons. The latter is much spoken of in the Holy Scripture, which is simply replete with descriptions of the effects on man of evil spirits. This could be attributed to the medieval perception of the world by the holy fathers, but everything is not so simple. About the angels of the same stories very little, because they are our defenders, and do not necessarily know how they help. But the demons are very serious enemies to be able to resist them, it is necessary to study the methods of fighting them. Jesus Christ himself at the sermon said that this kind is being cast out only by fasting and prayer. How is prayer from the demon readable, who can help in this matter?
How did evil spirits appear?
Even before the creation of the universe there was an angelic world, and one day the most powerful of the angels, called the Dyenitsa, became proud and rebelled against God. For this he was expelled from the angelic world. Then he formed his kingdom of darkness, absolutely opposite to the light God's kingdom according to his proud and insidious designs. He became a parasite in God's created being. As soon as God created man, this evil spirit began to penetrate into the souls of people in order to win and expand the territory of his possession, and also to supplant God's grace. And quite often he succeeded in this.
How does the devil get on? Demons in man
According to Antony the Great, people are to blame for the fact that there is so much demonism in our world. Demons are beings incorporeal, but an ordinary person can become a hiding place for them, accepting their temptations, will and disgusting thoughts. Man thus agrees with this evil. Holy fathers do not talk about the devil as something abstract, their stories are scary enough and frightening. They learned from their personal experience the actions of these dark forces and could know how to confront them. And then a strong prayer from a demon can not always help.
This unkind force, which constantly confronts man and is aimed at disgusting man from God, the Companions called differently, and she has many synonyms: Satan (Heb.) - "enemy"; Devil (Greek) - "gossip and slanderer"; Dev (slav.) - derived word from "being afraid"; Demon (Greek) - "spirit, false god"; Sly (Slav) - "a deceiver and cunning"; Devil (slav.) - "cut, cut off".
In fact, on this earth a man from God is endowed with free will and chooses himself, whose will to do it - God or the devil. The Holy Fathers believed that the obsession was of two kinds. The first is when the demon acts as the second person, having subordinated to himself the personality of the most demoniac. The second is when the will of man is enslaved by sinful passions. John of Kronstadt, observing the possessed, believed that in ordinary people demons enter by their naivete, in the intelligent and educated the evil spirit settles in a somewhat different form, and in this case it is much harder to fight with it.
Fighting Sins
Almost all people are overcome by passions and tend to be irritated, and this also means obsession. Through the sins the soul finds itself in a demonic influence. The devil enters it as a pathogenic bacterium in the body and begins its negative activity. To not get sick and protect, a person needs strong immunity. Protection from the demon is spiritual perfection and an orientation towards God.
You can save your soul from evil spirit by reading prayers. However, an ordinary person will not be able to do this, it is too presumptuous and very dangerous to enter a person who is not protected in the spiritual plane in the fight against the dark forces of evil.
Many are interested in the sound of prayer from the demon. It must be understood that it is strictly forbidden to conduct such rituals. We must also take into account the fact that not even every priest will take up this matter, and only with the blessing of the bishop.
Faith in God
Demons in man are banished by prayer, fasting, and, most importantly, by sincere faith in God. Before this process one must confess our sins and take communion. The testimony will be in the power of a prayer monk who has not known sin and carnal pleasures. The key point here is a strict fast. The soul of an unprepared person can not cope with the expulsion of evil spirits. Prayer from evil spirit in this case will not work in a positive way, and the result, on the contrary, can become quite unexpected and deplorable.
The monk, having received instructions from the older spiritual brotherhood, is endowed with supernatural power and protection, with the help of which he can cope.
The prayer that casts out demons is called exorcism. It should be noted and the fact that 90% of people were in the hands of the devil because of the occupation of the occult. The obsessed person can unnaturally flex, shout in a frantic voice, fight in convulsions, often he has such a huge physical strength that several people can not cope with it. Such a reaction is often manifested in the sight of shrines, reading of Holy Scripture and prayers. It is also interesting that the demoniacs, or, as they are called in the people, the idlers, unerringly determine the glass with holy water. If they bring a glass of holy water, they immediately begin to suffer seizures. In the process of expelling the devil, magic can not be present.
Prayer for the devil
There is such a prayer, which is called the detention of the devil's actions of the elder Pansophia of Athos. This prayer is recommended to devotees of piety for everyday reading. Blessings on it are not required. It begins with the words: "Merciful, Lord! You are once the mouth of a minister ... ".
The answer to the question, which prayer from evil spirits helps best, can be obtained from the book, which is called "Full Orthodox prayers for every need." There is a section with prayers "On driving away evil spirits from people". All of them are read only with the blessing of the priest-confessor. These are prayers: to the heavenly forces, The martyrs Cyprian and Justina, Psalm 67, Psalm 90, Psalm 102, Psalm 126, St. Martyr Trifon, Rev. Cornelius Pskovo-Pechersky, Rev. Mary of Egypt, etc.
There is another remarkable collection of the Orthodox Christian, called the "Prayer Shield". There, in the section "Prayers for the Expulsion of Demons," one can read prayers: John of Novgorod, Rev. Anthony the Great, Rev. To Irinarkh of Rostov, Rev. Seraphim of Sarov and many more different prayers.
Prayer from evil spirit should sound from the lips of a person with a pure heart and sincere faith, then, perhaps, it will be possible to achieve the desired result and release the possessed person from the terrible destructive force of the soul.
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