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Proverbs about work: history and causes of appearance, structure and composition features

Proverbs about work - this is a very special kind of literary creativity. And, I must say, one of the most ancient. What are these proverbs? When they appeared, why so firmly entered our everyday life?

Experience of ancestors

Proverbs about work are primarily folk art. They appeared long ago, hundreds, even thousands of years ago. Most sources claim that this genre originated in those times when the primitive communal system was just beginning to form. That is, many years before the writing appeared. Just think how old this art is! And since then it is passed from generation to generation, improving and developing.

Proverbs about work are also an accumulation of the richest life experience, which was passed on to the more wise and grown-ups to their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. These are not just phrases with some sense. This is also something that had a huge educational effect on the younger generation. It was work and work that was made from a Neanderthal man - one must remember this. Our ancestors made incredible efforts in order to fully live, not exist. It was the work that helped them to develop and improve themselves. Only work and nothing more.

To work easier

To people, sweating in the sweat of the rich in the fields and redoing dirty or even black work, it was necessary to take forces and motivation somewhere. Without the second there could be no first. But where to get them, if the kind of activity was absolutely not inspiring and, as they would say in our time, there were no prospects? I had to console myself. So there were expressions, pushing to action, which then became winged, and then turned into proverbs.

"Man is great with work," "Work harder - you will remember the share", "The work of the master praises" - these are the brightest examples that came to us from Russian folk art. And as you can see, expressions appeal not to reward, but to human qualities. Thinking about what is good and what makes it better, a person worked better, with an easier conscience and a sense that this is primarily necessary for him.

Verbal Motivation

Proverbs about the work really carried a semantic and motivational load. For a person to work easier, he also needed to know that he would have something due for it. Many proverbs and sayings about work for this purpose were created. Russian clever people came up with such expressions as "The work is black, but the money is white," "Work until sweat, eat bread for hunting," "Work is bitter and the bread is sweet," and many others. Thinking about the result, the man laid out to the full force, not lazy - and it was important.


Like any other literary creation, proverbs on "Work" have their own structure and composition features. Absolutely it does not matter what it is - one phrase. All the same, proverbs have a specificity. The proverb consists of two, maximum - three logical parts. The first characterizes a certain phenomenon or some object. The second - logically completes it, reflecting the result, opinion or evaluation of the phenomenon described earlier. Take, for example, the following proverb: "Work more boldly - you will live happier". This structure is precisely traced here. The first part describes the situation, and the second - what will happen as a result. A bit like a short "start-end" scheme.

Due to the brevity, accuracy and specifics of these expressions have become so popular. They can make a person think. They have a deep meaning. Each person can unravel it in his own way and find in him that which would directly touch him. That is why proverbs and sayings are firmly established in everyday life in our speech.

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