HealthHealthy Eating

Protein-vegetable diet as the easiest way to lose weight

Protein-vegetable diet is considered one of the most simple and effective ways to lose weight. The name speaks for itself: without superfluous explanations it is clear that it is based on the alternation and consumption of low-calorie vegetables and protein products. But not everything is as simple as it seems. Even this type of food has its own rules and restrictions, which we will talk about.

Protein-vegetable diet: principles and diet

So, low-calorie protein-vegetable diet is very effective: weight loss for 2 weeks can be about 5-6 kg, plus - very easy due to its satiety and variety of products. But like any other type of nutrition, contributing to the loss of excess weight, it has its own rules and limitations:

  • First of all it is necessary to limit the use of salt, but it is better to exclude it altogether from the diet for the time of a change in diet (at least the first two weeks);
  • It is necessary to engage in sports, since losing weight will be due to loss of body excess fluid and muscle mass. In addition, physical activity will contribute to the burning of fat deposits;
  • It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet bakery and confectionery, potatoes and any kind of oil. Also it is necessary to limit the use of high-calorie bananas and grapes;
  • The last meal (dinner or evening snack) should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • Do not drink at least 2 liters of liquid a day.

If we talk about the limitations, it should be noted that the protein-vegetable diet is absolutely not like people with kidney disease. Also, it is worth to abandon those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and heart.

What can you eat?

A protein-vegetable diet does not require you to titanic efforts due to the fact that it has a fairly diverse and tasty diet. So, in food you can and should use the following types of products:

  • Meat any, but it is better, of course, to give preference to a bird, a rabbit and low-fat beef.
  • Any kind of fish. Ideally, it should be stewed, baked or cooked. Any seafood is also acceptable.
  • Vegetables (except potatoes). Ideal for cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, zucchini and bell peppers.
  • Of fruits, it is better if you choose and love the grapefruit, but you can eat both apples and any citrus fruits.
  • Eggs are mandatory.
  • Sour-milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, milk) of the minimum fat content, and it is better and completely skim.

Protein and vegetable diet. Testimonials experienced by myself

As mentioned above, a carbohydrate and low calorie diet, based on vegetables and protein foods, is easily tolerated. And if you believe the reviews of those who sat on it for a while, it is very effective. However, do not forget that, no matter how varied your diet is, even if you feel full throughout the day, any diet implies the use of multivitamin complexes.

I want to say that, despite its ease and minimum of restrictions, the protein-vegetable diet can not last more than 4 months and definitely such a type of food can not be permanent.

And, of course, after a couple of months of observing this type of food, you can afford small pleasures in the form of several cubes of dark bitter chocolate (the content of cocoa is not less than 70%).

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