Spiritual developmentMystic

Protect your face from youth or What does it scratch your nose

Everyone who has an itch or tickling in the nasal cavity, wonders what the nose is itching . There is a lot of acceptance on this score. One of the most common is the one that foreshadows the drinking feast after the trouble of the nose.

And it's not for nothing that there is a steady expression of a "bluish nose". Everyone knows that the nose becomes bluish from excessive friction, as well as from frequent use of alcohol-containing beverages. It is not for nothing that tingling in the nose foreshadows feasts. Anyway, it's fated to be a nose bluish, but from an excessively drunk or strong punch - it's up to you. If you scratch your nose, then everyone around you will either "beat you with beatings or give you a drink".

These two signs are known to all. This is due to the fact that in the old days it was customary to read the signs of fate from the "behavior" of the organism. The person as though to itself sends signals which predict occurrence of the certain events. That itch in the nose symbolized certain circumstances. According to tradition, it is important to remember which side of the nose itches. If tickles the right nostril, then it is worth waiting for good, but the left portends a meeting with some unpleasant situations that can plunge into shock.

Whatever the old signs are, it's interesting to know more about what the nose is scratching to. Having identified with the side, you can pay attention to what kind of area itches. The tip of the nose was associated with drinking, the middle of the nose can say that some benefit is expected for a person, for example, a cheapening of products. If you suddenly combed the bridge of your nose, then the customs tell you that the misfortune will come. But on the side of the tickle says that soon a person overtakes the news. Depending on which side of the signal we have sent, we can conclude what kind of news is waiting: good or bad. It is often said that the nostrils are itch to the christening.

Take on this account you can collect a lot. But when deciding on why it itches, it's worth paying attention to how often it bothers. If the itching occurs too often, then there can not be any signs and speeches, the reason for the itching may be something more serious, which can cause very significant consequences. So, a frequent itch in the nasal cavity can be a sign of an allergic reaction that irritates the mucous and causes unpleasant sensations. What kind of booze is there, when the first thing you need to find is an excellent anti-allergy agent?

In addition, the itch itself can be a consequence of dermatitis, so you need to visit the doctor if the irritation in the nose is too long. There is no need to look for comparisons with signs, when the reason can be quite different.

And, finally, problems with parasites can also cause burning inside the nasal cavity. This can not be taken as a sign of a successful outcome of business or a fun company on the weekend. In fact, the "cheerful company" and truth will for a long time remind you of its presence, irritating the nasal cavity more and more.

In general, the study of what itches to the nose is a very fascinating activity, which dips into history and makes you learn more about the traditions of peoples. Someone has a problem with the nasal cavity fear, and someone is having fun at the thought of what awaits him in the near future.

Each person chooses which signs to believe, and which ones can be bypassed, but it is very interesting to find out what the nose is scratched with. All these are signs that the body gives, and a person must listen to inner sensations. For this reason, learning acceptance is not only fascinating, but also cognitive. Perhaps, it is your body that has unique abilities for predicting the future, it is only necessary to notice when the nose will scratch again.

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