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Runic protection. The combination of runes. Runic formulas

Mysterious letters of the mysterious ancient German people are still shrouded in a haze of conjectures and conjectures. What were the runes in fact?

What are runes?

This is the ancient writing of the Germans. They were found in the modern expanses of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and later in Iceland and Greenland. Runes were cut out on hard surfaces - stones, metal, trees and bones. They have an angular shape, which is explained by the difficulties of carving. Since the adoption of Christianity, the runes have gradually been supplanted by the Latin script. Interestingly, the root word in the translation from the Old German means "secret". For today in the world it is known about 5000 runic inscriptions. A significant part of them was found in the territory of modern Sweden. The existence of runic calendars is also proved.

It is believed that the runes were donated to the Scandinavian people by Odin, the supreme deity of the Northern Pantheon. Their strength is so great and poorly understood that it requires special care in handling. Ignorance of possible consequences can lead a person to tragic events.

Danger and power of runes

The belief in the ability to protect oneself from negative influence, damage and curses lives up to now. Even science provides evidence that runes are really capable of interfering with human life and influencing it in a certain way. This is incredible, but ancient magic symbols can not only protect you, your home and family, but also become faithful helpers in many earthly matters.

Correctly using the magic of runes, you can radically change your life by letting in it good, joy and light. However, those wishing to resort to ancient magic should be very careful. If you misinterpret, and therefore use the runes, you can incur multiple troubles. Runic defense is entirely based on faith. Having a strong faith in the effectiveness of the runes, you can achieve great results. Secret signs for centuries help those who hear them.

How do they work?

The protection runes can become your guardian angels. Surely you care about the question of how it works. It is quite reasonable, because even the most inexplicable and fantastic things always have a clear scientific justification. Although some argue that this is an invention. Scientists have long recognized the mechanism of runes. The thing is that every sign is a certain code that contains a clot of energy.

In the world, everything is interconnected. Diseases and failures in human life arise when one of the numerous energy channels is disrupted. Thanks to them, we receive subconscious information from the Universe, which "feeds" the soul. Runes act as a kind of valves that cover holes in energy flows. In addition, over time, the use of signs is no longer a necessity. During the exposure period, the rune "heals" the energy field. People who use such signs, notice that life is gradually gaining harmony. Even in small things, they start to carry.

Rune Protection

It can only be done by professionals. It is undesirable to deal with the interpretation of signs independently. It will not do any harm, nor will it do any good. For runes to bring good, you need to seek help. Runic defense will work if the mage or a person with knowledge will fill such symbols with the energy of good and defense. You can do it yourself, but because of lack of experience, such energy will be very weak and will not bring practical benefit.

Activating the rune requires the strength of the person. The magician has knowledge that will help him correctly put the runic defense and restore the lost balance in a fairly short period of time. Even if an ordinary person can load a rune, it will be exhausted. In some cases, ineptly conducted procedure can lead to illnesses of the body.


Runes of protection can be of two types - a runescript or rune. The first is a group of signs, which is arranged in a linear order, it indicates a special purpose. Runic ligature is the imposition of several signs on each other. What is better to use in a particular case, the professional will tell, since for each character, its type of record is assigned. The run script must contain an accurate goal, and not just a direction of energy (for well-being, health).

Wear ready-made amulets should be on the chest, closer to the heart. In the house secret signs should be located far away from prying eyes. Mages argue that the correctly consummated rune becomes a "living" entity that has a specific program. This program is laid by a specialist with the help of his energy.

Runic family protection

Provide full protection of relatives can be even with just one rune. The magician must fill it with energy to protect family members, health, preservation of property and business, well-being. The sign should be constantly in sight, so it can be cut out on a design board and hung on the wall or decorate them with kitchen utensils. In order for a secret symbol to influence the life of a family, it is not necessary for every member of the family to know about it. Please note that you can display such signs only if your home is visited only by the next of kin. Otherwise, they should be applied where they will not be visible to the guests.

Rune House Protection

To protect the family nest use strong runes, which are able to withstand negative energy. Secure the family happiness with envy and anger will help the combination of runes "Soul, Otal, Soul." Soulu is a symbol of victory and struggle. While on the sides, he gives the whole combination of energy, aimed at generic protection.

To save the marriage and protect against enemy damage, the combination of runes "Evaz, Algiz, and Otal" will help. Runa Evaz means destiny, and Otal strengthens the patronage of patronage. In addition to these combinations, you can use the runes Ansouz, Fehu and Algiz to protect the house.

A pregnant or nursing woman requires special protection, since her biofield is very weak. For the amulet, you need to use the runes Algiz and Berkan, which in the complex means motherhood, safety, growth and well-being.

To strengthen the young family and increase love in the pair, a combination of runes Algiz and Gebo will do.

Particular attention should be paid to the rune Fehu. She will help a man in business, keep and multiply property and activate cash flows concentrated in the hands of the head of the family. To protect the vehicle and protect the miner from car accidents, you should use the rune Algie along with Raido.

When applying the symbols in question in the house, one should think about the fact that over time they can be erased, burned or washed away. In order to avoid constant updating of run records, it is better to make or buy an amulet. The main thing is that the material on which the rune is depicted should be natural.

The magic properties of the Scandinavian futurk have been used by people for a very long time, but the runes can be used to protect them from evil eye and spoilage. For personal protection from the envious, you should use the runes of Teivaz and Turisaz. The first helps protect the material condition of the family, protects the business. The sign has a mirror property: it returns the received energy to the sender. This rune is able to awaken in the human soul the spirit of rebellion, the desire to resist the circumstances, courage and courage. The sign of Turisaz acts as an activator of the inner fire of a person. He awakens all spheres of the soul, protects him from envy, gossip, intrigue. The rune is very strong against the female evil glance and curses.

Runic protection for the child

Children of preschool age are undesirable to experience the influence of runes. This is due to the fact that the energy of the child is very weak, and the ancient forces of signs can damage the unstable field. Use runes for children should be very careful. When the child becomes older, it is better to use such signs in the form of amulets, and not apply to the body.

The most "sparing" runes stiva, which will suit children from 10 years, are the following:

  • Algiz. Possesses divine energy, gives the child protection of the Higher Forces.
  • Berkana. A sign of the Mother who protects the well-being of not only the child, but the whole family.
  • The combination of "Ansuz, Uruz, Iero, Ansuz". Signs are aimed at helping to gain knowledge, study and mastering everything new.
  • Soulu, Dagaz, Manaz. These runes orientate the child toward personal development, success, form the ability to achieve the set goals.
  • Anzuz, Dagaz and Manaz. The combination of runes is intended for teenagers, as it promotes cognition and acceptance of oneself.
  • Tivaz, Raido and Ansouz. The combination is very good for boys and boys. Raises courage and perseverance.

It is worth noting that the runes of Hagalaz, Isa, Kano and Turisaz can not be used for children, since they have strong energy. In addition, these signs can awaken an evil inclination in the child.

Runa Isa means winter, concentration, slowing down the tempo. Kano is fire and light, life experience. Hagalaz symbolizes uncontrolled force, natural disaster, hurricane.

Rune Mirrored Protection

Such patronage is based on the principle of a mirror, that is, on a mapping. With the sending of negative energy, it will return, and vice versa. Such protection will help in a short period of time to identify the detractor, as he will begin to ache and suffer. By sending evil and negative, a person will receive the same, even without waiting for a blow. For protection is used a combination of runes "Isa, Kano, Hagalaz, Kano, Isa".

A distinctive feature of this method is that it cuts off any energy from the outside, even positive. It is desirable to use it in life periods, when time is needed for rethinking. The amulet with mirror protection protects from external influence, will leave the person alone with itself.

Runic record for protection

Runic recordings are left in the photographs of a person to influence the course of his life. To apply a sign in the home, you can varnish, mark or handle. Note that an important role is played by the color of what the rune is applied. It is advisable to use a black pen or marker.

If the runic record is not made on paper, then it is best to use wooden products, which in themselves have positive properties. Juniper is a strong space cleaner. At the same time, the tree has the properties of charms even without the imposition of signs. Drawing runes on a juniper, it is possible at times to strengthen the influence of the amulet. It is used most often. The smell of a tree can overcome depression, insomnia, strengthen the nervous system and clarify the mind. Also juniper brings up strength of mind and courage in difficult situations.

For the fair sex it is best to use runic amulets made from linden and birch. These are "female" trees, which have a soft but steady energy. Their smell helps to improve health.

If the amulet or amulet is made of fabric, then the best choice is flax. This is a natural material that will enhance the impact of signs. The application of runes to synthetic fabrics is highly discouraged. All protective symbols can be conditionally divided into 3 groups of impact: on knowledge, on sanity, on self-awareness.

The "Running Cross"

In case of lethal damage, wearing amulets will not help. In such a situation, a complex influence on the astral body of man is required. To do this, use a strong defense called the "Running Cross." Runa is painted on the body. Men are supposed to represent the runest cross on the right, and the women on the left. In the center should be rune Eyvaz, on the side - two Berkans, from above and from below - two runes of Turisaz.

An important feature of applying an amulet to the body is that the process itself should take about a week. To deduce signs it is necessary in loneliness that any rustle or noise did not distract. The process itself is a kind of ritual, which is designed to focus a person on the rejection of a negative bunch of energy. After drawing symbols it is necessary to go deeper into yourself and be more alone. In a couple of weeks, you can return to the usual way of life.

After removing the spoilage or the evil eye, a person very often feels a strong emptiness, loneliness, physical weakness. This is due to the fact that the energy field is weakened. After removing strong spells, you must immediately put a reliable protection. It is desirable that it be made using weak runes, until the energy body of a person gets stronger. In a couple of months, the protective combination should be changed to stronger signs.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the use of runic protection for a person is better only when absolutely necessary. If life is harmonious and prosperous, you do not need to make corrections to it. Fate or providence is much wiser than people, and negative events sometimes lead only to the best. If the help of ancient signs is necessary, it is better to seek advice from the magicians or to the knowing people.

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