
Preparation "Sultasin": instructions for use

"Sultasin" is an antibiotic that belongs to the group of penicillins. The composition contains a beta-lactamase inhibitor. The drug is sensitive to many bacteria, it is designed for systemic use.

In what form is the drug produced, what is present in its composition?

The medicine is produced in powder. This is the basis for creating a solution, with which injections are made. The vial can contain a different amount of powder - 0.75 or 1.5 g. The active components are used in the form of a sodium salt, the composition contains two main ingredients - sulbactam and ampicillin, each of which contains 250 and 500 mg in one bottle.

Action of the medicinal product

"Sultasin" instruction for use displays as a bactericidal antibiotic, resistant to acids. The drug interferes with the synthesis of peptidoglycan, due to which the cell wall of microorganisms does not develop.

Ampicillin refers to semisynthetic antibiotics, it has a bactericidal effect, disrupts the formation of bacterial cell walls, as a result of which further multiplication of microorganisms does not occur. Ampicillin does not break down under the action of acids.

Sulbactam is an inhibitor of beta-lactamases, has no antibacterial effect, and has an effect on resistant strains of beta-lactamase. The drug is used to treat conditions caused by anaerobic bacteria, gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, it is able to destroy some of their species. When exposed to pathogens that do not produce beta-lactamase, the activity of the Sultasin preparation equates the instructions for use to the action exerted by ampicillin alone.


The drug after use is found in almost all liquids and tissues of the human body. In the presence of inflammatory processes, the permeability of the drug to the cerebrospinal fluid significantly increases.

As a result of the administration of the drug intramuscularly and intravenously, the active substances are present in the blood in high concentrations. Partial removal of the drug is carried out within one hour. Its removal from the body is carried out by the kidneys, most of the Sultasin remedy (from 70 to 80%) has an unchanged shape. Also, the removal of the drug part carried out by the liver. The medicine is found in breast milk, it can break the boundaries of the placental barrier. The main components undergo minimal metabolism, about 25% of "Sultasin" is excreted as metabolites.


The Sultasin preparation is recommended for use in such conditions:

  • Infections affecting ENT organs and respiratory organs;
  • meningitis;
  • Infectious processes in which joints and bones are affected;
  • sepsis;
  • Lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts caused by bacteria;
  • peritonitis;
  • Skin lesions, soft tissue lesions;
  • Septic endocarditis;
  • Infection, which affects the genitals and urinary tract;
  • Gonococcal infection;
  • scarlet fever.

Also, the drug is suitable for preventive measures aimed at preventing postoperative complications. The medicine is used in infectious processes, the causative agent of which is the bacteria sensitive to it, and in order to prevent the development of negative processes after surgical interventions, during which necessary manipulations in the pelvis and abdominal organs were performed.


"Sultasin" instruction on the use does not allow to apply for infectious mononucleosis, hypersensitivity and during lactation.

When using the drug, pregnant women require special care, as in the treatment of patients with renal insufficiency or hepatic failure.

Dosing of the drug, treatment with its use

The medication is administered by intravenous and intramuscular routes. The administration of the drug should be slow. With intravenous use, treatment is carried out for five to seven days. If there is a need for additional therapy, then the solution is injected intramuscularly.

The ratio of active substances - ampicillin and sulbactam - is 2: 1. If the infectious process is defined as an easy, necessary dose, ranging from 1.5 to 3 g, is administered by dividing twice the drug "Sultasin". Instructions for the use of injections with moderate severity of the disease recommends doing three to four times, with the day should be used from 3 to 6 grams of medication. The severe course of the infectious process requires the introduction of 12 g of medicament with the same frequency as in the previous case.

When gonorrhea has no complications, it is enough 1.5 g of medicament, which is administered once. Newborns, whose age does not exceed one week, and children who are prematurely inject, with an interval of 12 hours, a solution of Sultasin. Instructions for use recommend that children administer 150 mg of funds per kilogram of child weight. This is a daily dose, which includes ampicillin and sulbactam in an amount of 100 and 50 mg / kg, respectively. During the treatment, the required dose of the drug to the child is administered daily for three to four times.

To prevent complications, specialists use 1.5-3 g of the drug for anesthesia, later (within 24 hours after the operation), the same dose of the agent is used, but not once, but at intervals of 6-8 hours.

Treatment takes about five days to fourteen. When all the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, and the body temperature is normal, the treatment is performed for another two days.

A more infrequent introduction of Sultasin medication is recommended for use in renal failure, which occurs in a chronic form with a clearance of 30 ml / min.

Preparation of the solution

If you plan to perform parenteral administration of the drug, the solution immediately after the preparation is administered to the patient. If Sultasin is to be administered intramuscularly, the powder is diluted with water for injections in the amount of 2 (smaller vial) or 4 ml (a bottle containing 1.5 g of dry agent), depending on the amount of powder. You can apply another solution. The agent for injections should be prepared by a specialist, since only he can do it most correctly.

The preparation of a single dose solution for intravenous administration requires the use of sodium chloride or 5% glucose.

Adverse events

Have you appointed Sultasin? Instructions for use, reviews note the risk of developing adverse reactions of the body from some of its systems, such as the digestive system, the central nervous system. There may be abnormalities in the functioning of the hematopoiesis, allergic reactions may occur and some laboratory parameters may change. In some patients local reactions are noted, with intravenous administration - phlebitis, with the use of another method of administration - pain at the injection site. Among other violations - the consequences caused by long therapy (candidiasis, superinfection).


High doses of the drug can lead to epileptic convulsions, for the elimination of which you need to cancel the drug and use salt laxatives, so that the water-electrolyte balance is at the right level, as well as symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

It is worth familiarizing with the peculiarities of Sultasin (application instruction, description) for those who are susceptible to the development of allergic reactions, because when combined with cephalosporin antibiotics and hypersensitivity to penicillins, there is a risk of a cross allergic reaction.

Treatment with the course requires regular monitoring of the kidneys, liver and the functioning of the hematopoiesis. In cases where there was an increase in the growth of microflora, sensitive to the drug, the patient may have a superinfection. In such situations, the necessary changes are introduced into the treatment regimen.

During the treatment of sepsis, a bacteriolysis reaction may occur. The possibility of combining "Sultasin" with other medications should be consulted by a specialist.

Analogues, reviews

If the instruction for use does not allow the use of Sultasin, analogues, such as Unazin, which is a substitute for the active substance, Sulbacin, Sulacillin and Ampiside, are chosen by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's state of health. Sometimes the analogue brings much more benefit than the original, because it is more suitable for the patient and corresponds to the characteristics of his body.

Buyers are comfortable with the price of the drug, but many are frightened by a large number of adverse reactions. As the testimonies show, in cases when the medicine was used by women during pregnancy, there was no negative impact on the child's health. Some patients show minor side effects. To avoid them or they were not expressed very much, it is necessary to perform adequate treatment with Sultasin. Instructions for use for children allow the treatment with this drug, however, judging by the reviews, in some cases severe complications occur, severe side effects are observed, and other means need to be cured.

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