Health, Healthy Eating
Potatoes: useful properties
To date, there are many varieties of potatoes, about 50 000. This vegetable can be purple, white, yellow, and even pink. We have already got used to cook it in various kinds: bake, fry, cook, mash and draniki, add various borscht and soups, stuff pies and cakes. It is difficult to imagine a feast without dishes in which potatoes are used (alone or as one of the ingredients). Useful properties of it are wide enough, we will talk about them further.
Starch, which is made from the roots of potatoes, is widely known for its fastening property. In addition, it is used in the preparation of various dishes (for example, kissels). Not to mention the fact that starch has an enveloping effect and is useful for the gastrointestinal tract.
Low calorie cathofel makes it an excellent product for a variety of diets. In this case, combine potatoes, useful properties of which are very diverse, best with other vegetables, as well as kefir and other sour-milk products. It should be noted that this vegetable is also very popular in the textile and paper industry.
Few people know what potatoes are useful during various diseases. But still its use is truly unique! Because of the high potassium content, potatoes are widely used as a diuretic, with the help of which an unnecessary liquid can be removed from the human body. It is very useful for diseases of the liver, kidneys and bladder.
Fresh potato juice favorably affects the stomach and is often taken during ulcers, gastritis. He is also able to lower the pressure. Raw potatoes, useful properties of which are manifested not only during ingestion, contributes to the treatment of wounds, burns, eczema, helps with dermatitis and other skin diseases. In addition, this vegetable has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.
Potatoes: useful properties
As already mentioned above, this vegetable has excellent wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. In this case, sliced and grated potatoes are applied to the wound, as well as rub the affected areas and put on a bandage, which must be changed every 5 hours.
Quite often, potatoes are used whose useful properties are also diuretic in hypertension, when the patient is not recommended to consume a lot of liquid. The juice does not stay in the body, but most importantly - do not consume a lot of salt, as otherwise the therapeutic effect of the potato will not be manifested or will be insufficient.
In order to keep as many useful properties as possible during potato preparation, it is necessary to boil it or bake without cleaning, as they say "in uniform". Thus, you will be able to keep in it a large amount of potassium, enzymes, zinc and various minerals.
Especially careful should be when buying potatoes, in order to continue to use a quality product and benefit your body. In the season of ripening a vegetable, it is better to give preference to a young potato, since it has more benefit and a rich taste than in the last year's harvest. The roots should be solid, without greenish color, which indicates the content of a poisonous substance that is formed due to the stay of potatoes under direct sunlight for a long time. In this case, you can even poison yourself, so you should not buy such potatoes.
It is also necessary to remember that potato chips, which are so popular today, do not do any good (and vice versa, they are harmful to health). They include many carcinogens, which adversely affect the body as a whole. In this case, the calorific value of the potato in the chips is far from the same as in the boiled (or even fried) form. If we talk about a young vegetable, its calorie content is about 60-80 kcal per 100 g of product, but chips contain more than 500 kcal. Therefore, substitute useful mashed potatoes, stewed, boiled or roasted potato tasty, but extremely harmful chips at least unreasonable. It is better not to use such a product at all (especially when it comes to children) or to eat it only occasionally and in small quantities.
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