
Popular rootstocks for apple trees

What are rootstocks for apple trees, what are they for and how to grow them? All these are issues that are increasingly raised with the approach of spring. Such attention to this topic is fully justified, because the apple orchard you plant today will grow and bear fruit for many decades, and the yield is laid right now. Therefore, we want to discuss in detail such an important topic, as rootstocks for apple trees. Immediately specify: it is not necessary to grow a rootstock, you can buy it. However, you need to have a reliable supplier, so that the result is consistently good. Conversely, growing only the rootstocks can become a separate occupation, very useful for your budget. It would be someone to sell them later.

What is a rootstock?

To date, the abundance of different varieties of apple trees is simply amazing. Of course, every gardener has a great temptation to grow large and sweet fruits on his plot. You probably already know that in order to grow a cultural tree, you need to plant the material of the desired variety, and it is from this place that development will go. Thus, the vaccinated part (a branch or kidney) will be called a graft, and then, what we plant, the stock. And only at first glance it seems that the main in this duet is a graft. A rootstock for an apple tree is also very important. This is the foundation, the basis on which development and fruiting depend. If you choose the wrong seedling as a rootstock, you may not have to wait for the results.

What can be rootstocks for apple trees

Now it's time to introduce some classification, according to which we will understand this topic. There are two main ways to grow a rootstock for yourself. It is seed or vegetative. What is the main difference? In the first case, the name speaks for itself. Seed stock is the result of planting a seed. That is, we sowed a seed or apple seed and got a young tree, which will be a seed stock.

The second option is clonal stock. They multiply by layers or cuttings, which is why they are used much more often than others, because growing takes much less time. All clonal stock can be divided into two groups - medium-sized and dwarfish. It is apple trees on the dwarfish stock from the side seem most attractive, but they require the greatest investments. The gardener will need support equipment and watering organization, as well as pest control throughout the life of the garden. Therefore, lovers are advised to choose medium-sized or large stock.

The origin of the clonal stock

In fact, this is not a miracle of genetic engineering. He appeared as a result of selection of new varieties and was grown from seeds. Why did the breeders decide to change the way they multiply? The fact is that seedlings grown from seeds can be dusted with other apple trees and get new properties. For example, get a strong growth from a pollinator. But vegetative reproduction guarantees the cultivation of a tree, which will preserve the growth force and properties of that variety, which was recognized as the ideal stock. Clonal rootstocks of apple trees are widely used almost everywhere, whole farms are engaged in growing young trees in greenhouses through vegetative propagation, and then selling them through a retail network of specialized stores.

Which varieties are suitable for the role of rootstock

This is a separate issue, which also requires attention. The best rootstocks of apple-tree are unpretentious, winter-hardy varieties, which will grow equally well in any climatic zones. Therefore, the seeds of Antonovka are usually taken. Also for these purposes is Kitaika or Anis. If they are not available, but Grushovka is offered in Moscow or Borovinka, they can also be safely taken. Why them? For independent cultivation, they are practically not used, because the fruits are too unattractive. However, these trees are frost-resistant, unpretentious and resistant to various diseases. What do you think will happen if a seedling grown from a heat-loving, southern-grade seed is taken as a stock, and it will be planted in the middle zone of Russia? Of course, in the first winter it will freeze, together with the root system. So we choose only local varieties or zoned, adapted to specific conditions.

Differences in seed and clonal stock

Cultivation of rootstocks of an apple-tree we will consider below in very details, but for now let us once again discuss what is the difference between rootstocks grown in one way or another. The sprouts grown from the seeds are highly resistant to diseases and climatic conditions, however, the trees grafted onto them later come into fruiting. Usually this is 6-7 years after planting, and they reach full productivity after 10-12 years. But such a garden will please you 30-40 years.

As a rootstock badly suited forest apple tree, because its root system is less branched than that of cultivars, and therefore the transplant such trees suffer much worse. You also need to consider the results, that is, the yield that the apple tree should bring. Seed stock and, accordingly, the trees planted on them have a limited yield, approximately 15-20 tons per hectare. This is due to the fact that the trees grow large, and part of the crown is unproductive, although skeletal and semi-skeletal branches also require food.

Vegetative, or clonal, apple tree rootstocks - this is a real find for those who grow large gardens, where the yield is set above all else. The trees on them have moderate growth, and also are fast-growing. There are a lot of varieties of vegetative rootstocks, each has its own peculiarities, so we will talk further about each of them separately.

Dwarf rootstocks

Apple trees on a dwarfish rootstock are divided into 5 groups by the force of growth. M8 - a very dwarfish and the most rapid fruit rootstocks for apple trees. They are not very common for the simple reason that they have a superficial root system. They are weakly anchored in the soil, unstable to drought and impose high demands on the fertility of the soil. If the groundwater is very high, then you can try to grow a garden. The apple seedlings on the dwarfish rootstock grow and come into force already in the second year, however such trees practically do not tolerate drought and require constant attention, since branches without support will easily break in the summer under the weight of fruits, and in winter from snow.

M27 is a super-dwarfish rootstock, which is practically not used in gardens and homesteads. Its wood is very fragile, as a result this leads to the fact that plants often break down, and it is very difficult to keep them. The trees on these stocks have a very small crown, which does not speak in favor of high fruiting.

D-1071 is another fine example, which was deduced at the Donetsk experimental station. This is the result of crossing the M9 with the Anise velvet sort. There is a moderate growth, fruiting for the third year, a very high yield, which he earned the recognition of gardeners. Frost tolerance is satisfactory, well tolerates drought.

Recognized leader of Russian gardens - M9

Most often, gardening uses the M9 rootstock (Paradise 9). Its origin is unknown, but it is close to the varieties that grow in Georgia. Compatible with any kind of rootstock, which determines its popularity. On the seedlings at the site of grafting often formed growths, but this does not interfere with the normal healing process. Apple trees on a dwarfish rootstock are very quick-moving, which is especially important if the garden is planted for commercial purposes. The yield is very high, much higher than that of other low growth stocks. Durability of trees is about 20 years. By the end of this period, it is necessary to prepare new seedlings in advance so as not to remain without a crop. This stock is drought-resistant, but very demanding for soil fertility. The best results can be achieved on soils generously fertilized with biohumus. On light, sandy and heavy, clay soils do not grow at all. On this rootstock it is best to grow medium-sized apple cultivars. M9 is resistant to powdery mildew and scab, but more often than others, aphids and rodents are affected. The apple rootstock M9 is the most common for cultivation in the central zone of Russia, adapted to climatic conditions. And the trees on this rootstock normally feel themselves and in Siberia, only in the harshest winters there is a risk of freezing.

Semi-dwarfish rootstocks

Apple trees on a semi-dwarfish root are convenient for breeding. They are not so demanding to regular watering and wood equipment with special supports. When only the stocks of M2, M3, M4, M5, M7 were taken, they began to be widely used in gardens. However, practice has shown that these species have a number of shortcomings, because of which they have lost their popularity. First of all, they have poor rooting, sensitive to waterlogging, so lowlands are not suitable for planting. In addition, almost all form a root shoot, which is not too convenient for the gardener.

However, apple trees on a semi-dwarfish rootstock are very convenient, and therefore work in this direction continued, and MM-102 came to replace it. For this crossed the North spy and M1. It turned out to be a rootstock, which has excellent compatibility with all varieties, the trees on it are fast-growing and yielding. It should be borne in mind that the root system takes up a lot of space, it is well branched, which means that support will not be required for the tree. The frost resistance of the roots is medium, it can withstand up to -10 degrees. Well tolerates drought due to a well developed root system. But a long overmoistening and swampy terrain can ruin the future garden.

Middle-sized stock

In fact, the line between semi-dwarfish and medium-sized rootstocks is very thin. Both are the best choice for orchards and gardens. Fruits, of course, will have to wait a little longer, but such plants are much better adapted to Russian conditions, perfectly tolerate frosts and differ in yield. Clone rootstocks of apple trees allow in large numbers to obtain seedlings that have identical properties, which guarantees the best result in the garden.

MM-104 was obtained in England from crossing M2 and grade North scout. It refers to the medium-sized, and on soils with high fertility it approaches the strong-growing ones. Apple seedlings on the root are early in fruiting, but the yield is somewhat lower than, for example, in MM 106. Frost resistance is average, can withstand the temperature to -12 degrees. M-111 is withdrawn in England and promising for the southern zone of Ukraine. Alnarp (A2) is a strong-growing stock, which is bred in Sweden. Trees begin to bear fruit for 3-4 years, the yield is high. Frost resistance - up to -14 degrees. Well tolerates the proximity of groundwater, does not form root shoots. As you can see, sorts of Apple rootstocks are difficult even to list, so there are many today.

Middle-sized stock of Russian breeding

All these varieties have average frost resistance and do not practically survive in the conditions of Siberia. However, growing apple rootstocks is a very promising occupation in which Russian breeders are also interested. As a result, a beautiful medium-sized rootstock was introduced, which is ideal for Russian conditions. It is well compatible with most of the known varieties, it is drought-resistant and frost-proof enough, that is, it can be used on your home plot. In about three years you will already have a fruit bearing apple tree. The rootstock 118 is perfectly fixed in the soil and does not require additional support. Root canopy forms very little, which is extremely convenient for care. Requires regular lowering trimming to hold the tree within three meters in height. Trees on this rootstock quickly take root, grow intensely and perfectly bear fruit.

Growing of rootstocks

If you decide to do it yourself, then you will need to prepare the seed in advance. Apples should be removed from the tree when the seeds become brown. Usually this happens before the fruit ripens completely. The fruit should be crushed and washed in water. Ripe seeds will remain at the bottom. Now the most interesting is that the seeds need to be stratified, that is to expose them to low temperatures, but softer than if you sowed them directly into the ground under the winter.

For apple trees, 90 days of stratification are required. To do this, soak seeds for a day in water, and then mix with sand or peat and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Regularly check the humidity level, and also mix the composition to ensure access to oxygen. Plant seeds when they notice that they begin to peck. If you have correctly calculated the time, then it should be mid-April-early May, when you can land them straight into the ground. Here they will spend their first summer and safely overwinter. Next year you will have ready-made seedlings that can be used as a stock. The description of apple rootstocks we have resulted only partially, however you can address to the reference information to collect data on grades of your region.

Growing clonal rootstocks

Everything is much simpler here. You only need to buy a ready-made stock and cut off its top. Planting of the rootstock of the apple tree should be made in the mother plant, where it will give you new shoots within 10 years. It is for this period that you need to reserve this site in advance. For the queen cell, heavy, clay soils are completely inappropriate, while sandy ones, on the contrary, will be an ideal option, but only under the condition of constant watering. Consider that together with the stock, you will take a huge amount of nutrients from the soil, so that the land in the mother liquor is very quickly depleted. Therefore, regularly make mineral fertilizers, sawdust and straw, which has spread the dung. Here, someone starts to argue that the sawdust is acidifying the soil, but the apple tree perfectly tolerates such conditions.

How many rootstocks you need, see for yourself based on your own needs. If you need a big mother pot, then the distance between the rows, observe about 150 cm. You will grow not a tree, but a bush. Before planting, dig a small groove, about 8 cm, and soot in it at the desired distance of the stock. Immediately after planting, cut it at a height of 30 cm. The first year the plant's task is to take root, so no additional manipulation is required. Early in the spring, the next year, cut the stump 5-7 cm high from the ground level. From the spare buds shoots will start to grow, and as soon as they reach a height of 15 cm, they will need to be sprinkled with earth. As you grow, you need to fertilize the motherhood a minimum of two times. Be sure to moisten before this soil or hull after rain. In the autumn, you can take off ready-made layers and plant them separately. After this, it is necessary to cover the bare parts of the mother cell with earth. Spring should not be delayed with the opening of autumn bushes, so as not to delay the awakening of sleeping buds. Thus, your garden can be constantly supplied with almost free material for cultivating varietal apple trees. If you have a large territory, then this occupation can be the beginning of a profitable business.

Let's sum up the results

The orchard is not only the real decoration of your summer garden, but also a source of apples that can be stocked for the whole winter, as well as a good additional income. First of all, choose the varieties that you would like to grow on the site. Find out what conditions are necessary for their normal growth and fruiting. Finally, find the mother tree from which you could take the material for vaccination. Now you can start looking for rootstocks. Of course, they must be combined with each other. Growing a stock of seeds is a troublesome and long process, it is much better to buy a suitable shank and put it in the mother potato. Next year, you will already have young cuttings ready for vaccination. Note that the stock should ideally match the climatic features of your region, otherwise the plant will freeze.

Do not neglect and information about its root system. Uterine, located on the surface indicates that the plant will be small, it will not suffer a drought and will need support. Plants with a developed rod system, on the contrary, will not tolerate wet areas, lowlands with a close groundwater table.

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