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Insects with incomplete transformation include which insects?

Insects are a large group, which is a type of arthropod. They have distinctive features relating not only to the characteristics of the structure, but also to development. In this article we will consider the process of incomplete transformation and insects, for which it is characteristic.

Meet insects

In Latin, the name of this systematic unit means "animal with notches." Insects are one of the classes that belongs to the type of arthropods. Their body consists of a head, a trunk and a breast. The characteristic features of insects include one pair of antennae, six pairs of segmented walking legs. Most of the representatives of the class are capable of flying due to the presence of wings, which are derivatives of their veils.

Types of transformations of insects

Insects are mainly dioecious organisms with internal fertilization. As a result, the females lay eggs. They are covered with dense shells, and inside they contain a sufficient supply of nutrients.

Their further development can occur in two ways. With complete transformation from the egg develops a larva, which by external features is significantly different from the adult specimen - imago. It repeatedly molts and turns into a pupa. At this stage, the insect does not feed and does not move. Further, as a result of the transformations, an adult insect with all the characteristic features of the class is formed.

The opinion that beetles with incomplete transformation are beetles is erroneous. The proof of this is the difference between their larvae and adults. Remember what an adult Colorado beetle looks like and its larva, similar to a caterpillar.

Insects with incomplete transformation include orthopterans, Diptera, bugs, dragonflies, cockroaches and other orders. What unites them? From the egg they develop a larva, which in general terms resembles an adult insect. Its growth is also accompanied by molting, as insect covers are not capable of stretching.

Thus, the insects with incomplete transformation include the detachment, for the representatives of which the following stages of development are characteristic: egg, larva, adult organism (imago).

The Isle of Waves

The most famous representatives of this detachment are aphids and singing cicadas. They have membranous transparent wings and the oral apparatus of a piercing-sucking type. They live in large colonies, which number hundreds of individuals. Hemisphere feed on only the juices of plants, which serve as a source of water and nutrients. In this case, insects inflict significant harm on plants, causing the growth of their individual parts.


Insects with incomplete transformation include bugs or semi-feathery. Representatives of this unit are easily recognized by the unpleasant smell, which is excreted by substances of specialized odorous glands. The name of the detachment characterizes the structure of the wings of its representatives. Their front part is dense, and the back is soft.

Most half-wings are predators and bloodsuckers. For example, a bed bug settles in a person's dwellings, hiding in the daytime in furniture, folds of underwear, under skirting boards and wallpaper. At night, he goes in search of food. Bugs pierce the human skin, sucking blood. These injections are accompanied by itching and unpleasant sensations. The danger of bedbugs also lies in the fact that they are carriers of dangerous diseases: plague, typhoid, tularemia.


"The spring-dragonfly-summer dragonfly sang red ...". These words from the famous fable of Ivan Krylov know everything. But dragonflies are not so careless and harmless creatures, as the author presents to us. Many insects with incomplete transformation are predators. And the dragonflies are no exception. They use their fast and maneuverable flight for catching flies, small butterflies and mosquitoes.

Predators are even larvae of dragonflies. They live in small fresh water reservoirs with standing water or rivers with slow currents. Larvae attack prey passing by: crustaceans, fish fry, tadpoles. They do this with the help of a mask - the lower lip, which is capable of being thrown forward.


To insects with incomplete transformation are also cockroaches. These "uninvited guests" love warmth and moisture. They eat food remains, so they often settle in living quarters. Cockroaches can be learned from the sides flattened from the sides, the head lowered down and a pair of long antennae. Depending on the type, they can be black or red.

Cockroaches are quite prolific animals. They put their eggs in special capsules. They are called ootecs. In one such structure there can be about 40 eggs at a time. The rate of their development depends on the temperature. The higher it is, the faster the larva and the imago appear.


Representatives of this squad are predators. Praying mantises have a masking color. They sacrifice their prey in a pose resembling a man during a prayer with his hands folded on his chest. Hence the name of this species.

Mantis are very gluttonous. This is especially true for females. In search of food, they attack insects that are significantly larger than their size. There are cases when mantis consume its own larvae after hatching, as well as males after or during fertilization.


Insects with incomplete transformation include the record for short duration of existence. Depending on the type of imago, the calves live for several hours or days. But the larvae that live in the water develop up to three months, during this period they molt about 20 times.

Podenki have another unique feature of development. These are the only insects in which molting of adults with already developed wings is observed.


These insects are found mainly in the spring, and therefore they received such a name. To insects with incomplete transformation they are, because their larvae and adults have a different lifestyle. They differ in their habitats. Larvae live in water and feed mainly on algae. They do not feed on the stage of an adult insect.


A feature of lice is that they settle only on individuals of a certain species. These parasites of man and animals have a flat body with short antennae, devoid of wings. On their walking legs are mobile claws. With their help, they attach themselves to the hairs on the body of the host, whose blood they feed on.


Insects with incomplete transformation include grasshoppers, a bear, a locust, a cricket and a snail. All of them are representatives of the order orthopteran. Their common features are the mouth of the gnawing type and long hind legs that provide jumps.

So, with incomplete transformation, the insects pass through the following phases: an egg, a larva, similar to an adult, an imago. In nature, they are represented by several detachments. To insects with incomplete transformation are straight-and-winged, lice, cockroaches, dragonflies, podenki and vesnjanki.

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