
The analogue of "Mastodinon". "Mastodinon": instructions for use, reviews, release forms

Unfortunately, in the last 10-15 years even young girls face such a problem as mastopathy. Constant heaviness in the mammary glands, burning sensation, pain - all these symptoms are typical for this disease. The doctor mammologist helps to cope with the problem . As a rule, he writes out the drug "Mastodinon". This homeopathic remedy makes it possible to improve the patient's condition and solve the problem. Due to the fact that the medicine is made on the basis of herbs, it practically does not have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver. Those patients who for some reason can not purchase this drug are interested in: "Is there an analogue of" Mastodinon "?" To answer this question, we will consider the main aspects of the article.

What is the purpose of "Mastodinon"

Hearing on ultrasound a phrase about a neoplasm in the chest, a woman immediately begins to worry. Do this before the time is not worth it. In 90% of cases, this turns out to be cysts that occur in every third woman. But still it is a disease that must be treated, otherwise everything can end badly. If the form of mastopathy is not started, the doctors will prescribe herbal preparations that stabilize the hormones and completely remove the unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands of women.

The drug "Mastodinon" is quite popular in patients. Assign it also in violation of the menstrual cycle. All substances that are part of the composition are of natural origin only. Due to this, the woman will not feel the instant effect of the treatment. It will take at least 2 weeks for the drug to accumulate in the blood.

"Mastodinon", whose price fluctuates within 1000 rubles, is sold in large pharmacy chains. The medicine is made in Germany, so its quality can not be worried. The main component of this drug is a common rodberry plant . It helps to reduce the production of the hormone prolactin in the body of a woman. In addition, there are components that act as sedatives, sedatives, such as cyclamen.

Many are wondering if there is an analog of the "Mastodinon". Undoubtedly, you can find similar homeopathic remedies, but there are no drugs that accurately repeat the composition. Therefore, it is better to buy the medicine that the mammologist advises.

What is better - drops or tablets?

Coming to the pharmacy, women are faced with a choice that it is better to buy: "Mastodinone" drops or pills. Doctors say that the dosage form does not matter much, and everyone can choose what is more convenient for him to take.

But nevertheless it is necessary to pay attention to the nuances:

  1. Tablets contain lactose in their composition. Therefore, for people with intolerance to this component, the use of drops is ideal. At the same time, the cost and dosage of these forms of drugs are absolutely the same.

  2. The composition of the drops includes ethyl alcohol. Therefore, they should be carefully applied to women suffering from liver and kidney problems. And also those who are coded of alcohol dependence.

Both tablets and drops are well absorbed by the body and have the same therapeutic effect.

Reception scheme

The "Mastodinone" should be taken as follows: 2 tablets a day for a minimum of 3 months or 30 drops in the morning and evening. Experts recommend taking the drug shortly before meals or 40-50 minutes after breakfast and dinner.

Tablets should be washed down with plenty of water. Vial with droplets to shake beforehand so that there is no sediment. Dilute the drops in a small volume of liquid.

Doctors warn that the immediate effect of the drug should not be expected, since it is homeopathic, so it must accumulate in the body. Take should be at least 3 months. Otherwise, the result will not be fixed, and the hormonal background, on the contrary, will be disrupted. Symptoms that were initially, will resume with even greater force.


Like any drug, "Mastodinon" has contraindications:

  1. Age restrictions up to 12 years.

  2. Pregnancy.

  3. The process of lactation.

  4. Cancerous tumors.

  5. Intolerance to lactose or other components that are contained in the drug.

After studying contraindications, the question often arises in patients: "Is there an analogue of" Mastodinone "?" As mentioned above, there is no remedy that completely repeats the composition of this drug. Therefore, it is worthwhile to listen to the doctor's appointments and take the remedy that was prescribed.

Are there analogs?

From patients you can often hear that "Mastodinon", the price of which is considerable, they simply can not afford it. Therefore, many are trying to find cheaper analogs. There are such means. Here are the most popular:

  • "Cyclodinone." It is distinguished by the main component - the fruit of the sacred vitex. Auxiliary plant elements also vary.

  • "Mamoclam". It has a similar composition, but it has another therapeutic effect: it removes puffiness and reduces sharp pains.

  • "Mastopol". One of the most popular analogues of "Mastodinon". Differences in the composition are available. But this remedy is also homeopathic and is prescribed for various forms of mastopathy. Use the drug can only after 18 years.

Answer the question of which remedy is more effective: "Mastodinon" or "Mastopol", should only the doctor, since each organism is individual.

Reviews of doctors and women taking the drug

Both doctors and patients positively evaluate the drug "Mastodinon". The following points can be singled out:

  • Completely natural composition.

  • No weight gain.

  • Removes discomfort in the mammary glands.

  • It is convenient to apply, especially tablets. The plate is designed for 1 month.

  • Aligns the cycle.

  • Reduces the symptoms of PMS (headaches, increased irritability).

The negative aspects include:

  • High pricing policy.

  • Duration of the course of taking the drug.

  • Not very pleasant taste drops.

Reviews of doctors and patients indicate that "Mastodinone" is an excellent drug that helps women cope with mastopathy. Removes symptoms: chest pain, heaviness, normalizes the menstrual cycle, is effective in the fight against infertility. You can find an analog of "Mastodinone", but if a mammologist or gynecologist advises this drug, you need to strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions.

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