Sports and Fitness, Fitness
Modern types of motor activity
Physical activity is an integral part of a healthy life. Types of motor activity are usually called physical exercises. They have a beneficial effect on all body systems, improving muscle tone, mood and skin condition. What else should I know about physical activity?
Sport and health
Sport takes an important place in the life of every person. The desire to give or not to give the body physical activity is not to blame. For health, the body needs movement and tension. Physical activity is the first and most important condition of health. The movement accompanies a person from birth. The newborn baby actively waves his legs and arms to stretch his aching muscles. As soon as the child learns to walk, it is very difficult to keep it in place. The body makes the baby run and jump. This brings great pleasure to all muscles.
Modern living conditions do not always allow a person to devote sufficient time to their physical health. This is very bad, because health is the main thing. No matter how tight the schedule of work, it is necessary to find time, at least for an active warm-up. Regular, even small, loads can significantly improve the overall health, raise immunity and mood. In order to effectively deal with, you need to know what types of motor activity are right for you - that's what today's article is about.
Physical activity
In simple and understandable language, motor activity is a complex of motor acts of the body that are performed automatically or for a specific purpose. Physical actions performed for a specific purpose are called training. It is worth noting that in animals, motor activity is the main function of the muscular system. For man, this is an important biological need. Life activity and healthy functioning of all body systems are possible only at a certain level of activity. The lack of physical activity can be safely compared with oxygen starvation or a lack of vitamins, so it is worth understanding what role sports play. The motor activity is based on an elementary physical action - a conscious and directed act. The action consists of poses and movements.
The motor activity of a person can be of three kinds. It can be regulated, partially regulated and not regulated. The latter kind of physical activity means spontaneous motor acts that do not make any sense. It is inherent in young children, because their body simply "asks" for physical exertion, which may not have a definite purpose. Partially regulated activity is performed with a certain intent, but the ultimate goal is not the load itself. It can be morning exercises, moving games, dancing. Regulated activities are specially selected loads that must have a definite effect on the human body.
Characteristics of motor activity
The types of motor activity, the physiology of which can be very different depending on the ultimate goal of a person, can be classified according to some criteria. They have quantitative and qualitative characteristics. These two characteristics are considered initial. Already from them follow all the others. Quantitative characteristics take into account spatio-temporal indices. This is the number of movements, their volume and the number of repetitions. Qualitative characteristics are aimed at showing functional changes occurring in the body during physical activity. These indicators include the energy costs that the body carries in performing exercises or doing physical activity in general.
Competitions and training are the main area for physical activity. Their practical value is very high, while the efficiency also reaches higher limits. At competitions, a person emits adrenaline, the body works at the peak of its capabilities. Regular and frequent competitions are not always useful for the body, but the more rare "extreme" moments will be very useful and will serve some kind of detente. The benefits of training can be said for a very long time. This is really an effective method of working with your body and health, which is aimed at maximizing the benefits of intense physical activity.
The importance and value of training and competition is as follows:
- Development of specific requirements for the training process;
- Improvement of model characteristics of athletes;
- The development of tests to assess individual characteristics of athletes;
- Simulation of training conditions.
Types of motor activity
Load is ranked by intensity. In total, three degrees of intensity are distinguished: mild, moderate and high. List the main types of motor activity that you know. Not so much, right? How to classify them? We'll talk about this in the next paragraphs.
Any kind of motor activity has a beneficial effect on the body of a person, his state of health and mood. But it is worthwhile to understand that not all are available to all loads due to a number of reasons. A person can have a disease that does not allow intensive sports. In this case it is very important to develop your own training program, which will sufficiently load the body, avoiding overloading. Consider the types of motor activity in terms of energy consumption.
Light load assumes energy costs of no more than 2-3 MET. To such physical activity it is possible to carry routine domestic affairs (washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, work at the computer, etc.). Also, a light load can be attributed to a long game of badminton, golf or dancing.
Moderate physical activity involves energy costs of about 4-6 MET. To such a load can be attributed more active homework (washing floors, work with a vacuum cleaner, repair). Also here include walking, jogging, skating and skiing, etc.
High load requires energy consumption from 7 MET and higher. It includes the following types of motor activity: rowing, jumping, exercising on exercise bikes, running, skating and skiing with a load on the heart. The same energy costs can be found in the training of professional athletes, during unloading operations, in stone mines.
Signs of motor activity
It is known that correctly selected types of motor activity have a beneficial effect on the human body. But what signs do all types of activity have, what unites them? So, let's outline the main ones:
- Types of exercises;
- Type of exercise;
- Form of training;
- Social orientation.
According to these signs, the following types of motor activity are also distinguished:
- Physical activity.
- Sports activities.
- Physical activity and playing activity.
- Sport-gambling activities.
Modern physical education uses all the above types of activity, which we consider in more detail.
Physical activity is not a sport, but a purposeful influence on a person. His goal is the harmonious development of his natural and spiritual forces. Physical culture is an important condition for a common human culture. Such activities have several directions:
- Teaching and developing. It is aimed at training important motor skills, development of all organs and systems of the body. In this case, general strengthening exercises are used, which a person can perform independently.
- Sports and recreational. It is aimed at improving the whole organism, instilling independent skills and skills of physical culture, developing certain physical abilities.
- Professionally-oriented. It is aimed at improving existing physical skills through special training programs.
- Corrective. It is aimed at eliminating flaws in the figure or body structure.
Sport activity is characterized by a person's personal orientation to development in a certain kind of sport. Its important advantage is that it guarantees the development of not only physical, but also personal qualities of a person. Sports activities can be characterized as follows:
- Desire to achieve the maximum result in the chosen sport;
- Large physical exertion;
- Awareness of the social importance of sports activities.
The main types of motor activity include a small offshoot - competitive activities. It is carried out at the limit of the psychic and physical capabilities of athletes in order to establish record achievements.
Sport-gambling activities are aimed at team achievement of meaningful results. A very important point is the ability to work in a team and act according to a thoughtful plan. The main features of this activity are:
- The presence of rapidly changing situations;
- Conflict with other teams;
- The emergence of problems that require a team approach;
- Comprehension of oneself as a member of the whole and indivisible;
- A wide variety of feelings experienced during the game.
Physical activity is very similar to sports and sports, but there are a number of differences. They consist in the nature of the exercises. Such a load is very effective at the initial stage of the formation of personal and physical traits of a person, so it is often used in preschool years. The main features of such activities are as follows:
- Presence of imitating moments;
- The ability to change the structure and purpose of the game for the development of creative abilities;
- Possible the original plot of the game and the distribution of roles;
- The original goal is the diversity of the game process, and not the achievement of certain results.
Activity Modes
Types of motor activity regimes are assigned depending on various factors. Such factors are: the patient's ability to adapt, the clinical course of the disease, the functional capabilities of the organism, etc. All these indicators are very important to take into account to form a rational regimen. Types of motor activity regimes can be divided into two main categories: active and passive.
Active is aimed at stimulation and training of the body. As a result, there are positive emotions, a healthy blush and a sense of satisfaction. Muscular load has a huge impact on the general condition of man, this is a long-proven and proven fact. Active mode forms will and self-confidence. An important role in it is played by the psychological component, which is aimed at raising the morale of the patient staying in a medical institution. It is very cautious to prescribe an active regimen, since the patient may simply not be able to adhere to it. As a result, such a decision can result in even worse consequences. Assign an active regimen follows, based on age, profession, patient's condition, stage of the disease, clinical manifestations, the level of fitness of the whole organism, and so on.
Passive or hypodynamia can adversely affect the patient's condition. It should be understood that calm and active movements should not be opposed to each other. Each type of activity should be just an addition to another kind. Also, it should be taken into account that the passive regime in any case will lead to some extinction of conditioned reflex connections. The psychological component of the passive regime is also important: immersion in oneself, negativity, meditation of the disease, etc. The weakened muscle tone can significantly slow down the whole process of recovery.
Patient activity
Types of the patient's motor activity are divided into:
- Strict bed rest.
- Bed rest.
- Half-bed mode.
- General mode.
Strict bed rest is prescribed for severe diseases at an early stage. It completely limits the patient's freedom of action. You can not stand on your own, sit down and even turn on the other side. Such kinds of motor activity of the person are directed on preservation of energy which should serve as a reserve at struggle against illness.
Bed rest is more varied. It is appointed when the process of recovery becomes apparent. But this mode allows the motor activity only within the bed. All activities for personal care, personal hygiene and nutrition are performed by health workers.
The patient's semi-bed mode allows you to walk, sit down, visit the toilet yourself and eat. It is most often used for diseases of moderate and mild severity.
The general mode of the patient is characterized by the fact that physical activity is not limited at all. The adult person can independently carry out all necessary actions, and the child can walk and play on the street, accompanied by an adult.
Extreme types of motor activity
Such activities are very necessary for adults and children. After all, they are aimed at satisfying the basic needs for risk and change of impressions. It should be borne in mind that the types of motor activity of children should be carefully thought out. This is necessary to avoid accidents. Extreme activities may include skiing, cycling, etc. All of these activities have a significant share of the risk, even in spite of the high level of human readiness. Such types of motor activity, beneficially affecting the physical condition, are simply indispensable psychological relaxation. Moving to a more global level, we can say that such loads can significantly reduce the percentage of negative and criminal phenomena in society.
Power Consumption
Any kinds of motor activity are calculated on burning of calories and mean consumption of a certain amount of energy. Even in conditions of complete rest, the body still spends calories. They are spent on internal processes: heartbeat, digestion of food, movement of blood through blood vessels, etc. All body systems expend a large amount of energy on providing their vital activity. The basic exchange process occurs after a dream on an empty stomach and at a temperature of 15-20 degrees. The energy expenditure can vary depending on the internal state of the organism and the presence of diseases. If the work of a particular gland or organ is broken, then the body needs more energy in order to get the job done.
By the amount of energy consumed, based on professional activity, people can be divided into 6 categories:
- Group 1 is people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, most often office workers. They spend 2200-2500 calories a day.
- 2 group - these are people who have normal muscular load, but work sitting. This includes jewelers, registrars and teachers. They spend 2600-2900 calories a day.
- The third group is people who have muscular load, but it is quite insignificant. This group includes doctors, waiters and postmen. Their energy expenditure is 3000-3100 calories.
- 4 group - people with intense muscular work (coaches, conductors, locksmiths). Their energy costs are 3500-3700 calories.
- 5 group - those who are engaged in heavy physical labor (shop workers, professional athletes). Thus it is spent about 4100 calories.
- 6th group - very hard work (miners, masons). Energy costs in this case are 5100 calories, but this threshold can be exceeded.
Despite the general misconception, mental work takes very little energy, so it is wise to build your diet.
Children's activity
Modern types of motor activity allow you to choose the most suitable sport for the child. The load for a growing organism is an important and indispensable factor of harmonious growth and development. In modern society, there is a tendency to deteriorate child health. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of physical activity. Despite the fact that modern types of motor activity are very diverse and interesting, children prefer computer games and entertainment on the Internet.
In order to improve the motor system of children, it is very important to study individual individual characteristics in different types of activity. This approach was supported by scientists AN Leontiev, AP Usova and AV Zaporozhets. Only an individual differentiated approach can instill in the child the care of one's health from the earliest years.
It is very important to teach children to active games, mobile pastime, physical education and tempering procedures. If you pay due attention to this from an early age, the child will take such activities as a matter of course.
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