
Polyps in the gallbladder: the causes of the appearance. Polyps in the gallbladder how dangerous?

Among a variety of diseases of the digestive tract, as well as the liver and bile ducts, a special place is occupied by the polyp of the gallbladder. The methods of treatment (operation), symptoms and causes of this disease are slightly different from those that are used, for example, with stones in this organ. In this article, we will try to bring to the readers information about what causes the formation of polyps in the gallbladder and what consequences can lead to the disease, if not treated.

What are gallbladder polyps?

Polyps in the gallbladder are benign lesions that consist mainly of cells of the inner epithelial layer of the organ. These lesions can be single and multiple. In the event that the examination reveals from 5 polyps, we can talk about a disease such as polyposis of the gallbladder. Polyps in the gallbladder, the number of which is from 1 to 3 pieces, are considered single. On how many neoplasms are found in the organ, the way to get rid of the illness depends.

The polyp on the mucosa of the gallbladder looks like its part, with the only difference being that its surface is convex. Very often he has a thin "leg" that connects his body with the mucous membrane of the organ.

What are polyps in the gallbladder

Due to the fact that the system of diagnosing and subsequent research of the biological materials is well developed, almost all clinics are working on the issue of classification of polyps. Such benign neoplasms as polyps in the gallbladder, the causes of which will be described below, are divided into the following types:

  1. Cholesterol - are formed with deposition in the body of a polyp of cholesterol. This species is the only one that can be treated with medicines.
  2. Papilloma of the gallbladder walls - refers to benign neoplasms. Provokes the development of this type of human papillomavirus.
  3. Adenomatous, related to benign neoplasms. A feature of this type of polyps is that they grow not from epithelium, but from glandular tissue.
  4. Inflammatory, differing from other species by constantly occurring in them processes of inflammation of the inner membranes of the neoplasm, which provokes pathological growth of the granulation tissue.

The first thing that the specialist will find out after discovering polyps in the gallbladder is the species. Diagnosis, treatment and nutrition at the same time very closely adjoined each other. After all, it is very important to use all means to get as much information about the disease as possible, to prescribe the right treatment, and to prevent the further development of the disease with the help of a properly selected diet.

Causes of polyps

To date, there is no consensus as to why a person has polyps in the gallbladder. The reasons for this phenomenon can be diverse. As a rule, most often those with whom a polyposis was diagnosed had at least one person among relatives who suffered from the same disease. All this, naturally, led scientists to the idea that there is a special gene that is responsible for the ability of the mucous membranes of the gallbladder to form polyps and other neoplasms.

There is another important factor. The reasons for the emergence of this education specialists associated with the ongoing inflammatory processes in the body. The fact is that this phenomenon provokes a change in the volume of the gallbladder, as a result of which bile stagnation is observed in patients. This process itself can cause a change in the integrity of the mucosa, not to mention the formation of polyps.

Experts note another trend: in 80% of all reported cases, the disease was diagnosed in women. This led to the conclusion that the development of the polyp affects the female hormone estrogen.

How can you suspect the presence of polyps

Typically, a disease such as the polyp of the gallbladder, the cause of which is often associated with inflammatory processes in the body, for a long time does not manifest itself. Specific signs of development of neoplasms also do not exist, however, in the patient against a background of chronic cholecystitis and dyskinesia acute, pulling or cutting pains in the right upper abdomen can appear. Most often, such uncomfortable sensations become worse after eating. This happens for the following reason: a polyp localized inside the duct or on the mucosa in the immediate vicinity of its mouth can interfere with the escape of bile.

If the patient systematically consumes fatty and heavy foods, such symptoms as nausea, bloating, acidic eructations, bitterness in the mouth, weight loss along with a normal appetite, constipation may appear. In addition, there may be yellowing of the skin and sclera.

Suspected of polyps in the gallbladder, the causes, symptoms and treatment of which resemble cholecystitis and other similar diseases, it is important for a specialist to establish the true state of things as soon as possible, because with a probability of approximately 40%, a benign tumor can pass into a malignant tumor.

Methods of diagnostics used for suspicion of polyps in the gallbladder

At the initial stage of the examination, connected with complaints of patients for discomfort in the right hypochondrium, an important role is played by the collection of anamnesis. However, this method can not fully confirm or disprove the presence of a disease such as polyps in the gallbladder. Symptoms, causes, treatment and diet can be established and determined with high accuracy only after more in-depth diagnostic activities, which include:

  • Examination with the help of ultrasound, during which in the cavity of the gallbladder can be found rounded formations, closely adjacent to its wall. When changing the position of the patient's body, such neoplasms are not displaced, in contrast to concrements.
  • Endoscopic endosonography, which helps to determine the structural structure of a benign neoplasm and the location of its localization.
  • Magnetic resonance cholangiography - in addition to the position of the polyp and its structure helps to identify other pathologies of the mucosa of the gallbladder, as well as its ducts.
  • Computed tomography allows to determine with a high degree of accuracy the presence of volumetric formations in the gallbladder and liver, and also to establish their stage of development and the probability of a transition from a benign stage to a malignant one.

How to treat polyps of the gallbladder

Immediately after the detection and setting of an accurate diagnosis, conservative treatment is performed. In the presence of cholesterol neoplasms, in most cases it is enough to adjust the patient's nutrition, and also to prescribe a number of medications. Other types of polyp in the gallbladder, whose dimensions do not exceed 10 mm in diameter, are observed for about two years. The patient should undergo a regular examination with an ultrasound machine, an MRI or a computer tomograph. In the absence of intensive growth and pain, polyps may not be surgically removed.

If the patient is diagnosed with "inflammatory polyps in the gallbladder", a special therapy course is first conducted, the action of which is aimed only at removing the inflammation. As a result of this treatment, polyps can disappear on their own or significantly diminish in size.

Indications for operation

In some cases, a patient with a diagnosis of "gallbladder polyps" immediately goes for surgery. Let's find out when the operative excision of the gallbladder, affected by polyposis:

  1. With intensive growth of the neoplasm, at which the increase reaches 2 mm per month;
  2. In the presence of a multitude of polyps in the patient's gallbladder;
  3. In case the size of education, even single, is more than 10 mm;
  4. If polyps in the gallbladder permanently cause pain in the patient;
  5. If there are other neoplasms in the gall bladder besides polyps, for example, stones;
  6. The presence of a pronounced leg in the neoplasm with many vessels in it;
  7. If the patient has relatives who have suffered or are suffering from cancer.

Can I do without an operation?

In some cases, the treatment of polyps in the gallbladder, the causes of which are based on malnutrition and caused by this factor inflammation of the mucous membrane of the body, helps a special diet and medication. If neoplasms do not tend to grow, surgical intervention may not be necessary until the situation changes.

Nutrition for polyps in the gallbladder

The association of the gallbladder with the digestive system affects the ability of its recovery in case of adjustments to the menu. Regardless of whether or not the operation was performed, patients are recommended to exclude from the diet the following products:

  • sorrel;
  • Beans;
  • fat meat;
  • Sharp vegetables such as garlic and radish;
  • Canned vegetables, meat and fish, as well as pickles.

Limitations include products containing a large amount of fiber, essential oils and cholesterol. Diet for polyps in the gallbladder should consist mainly of boiled or steamed products: vegetables, meat and fish. In addition, it is important to include in the diet cottage cheese, compotes of fresh or dried fruit, jelly and vegetable purees.

Than the disease is dangerous

Very often, patients do not even suspect how dangerous polyps are in the gallbladder. Meanwhile, even in the absence of indications for surgery, this disease affects the body not in the best way. First, neoplasms can themselves cause inflammation of the mucosa due to insufficient outflow of bile from the organ, as a result of which its walls are subjected to irreversible pathological changes. Secondly, a constant increase in bilirubin in the blood, caused by stagnation of bile, can cause toxic damage to the brain. And thirdly, polyps can mallege, that is, be transformed into a cancerous tumor. All these risks can be significantly reduced if you contact the doctor in time and be treated according to his recommendations.

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