Health, Medicine
How to quickly cure herpes
Herpes is also called a fever or a cold on the lips. But not only are they possible inflammation foci. Also, the manifestations of herpes can cover the mucous membranes and wings of the nose, eyes, genitals. In very severe cases, a variant of the surrounding variant around the waist, wrists, ankles, etc. is found. But it is better to start treatment earlier.
The question "how quickly to cure herpes" before an important event is especially acute. But for a couple of hours this will not disappear. Especially if there are already blisters. The first stage of herpes lasts from 2 hours to a day. During it, the affected area starts to itch and slightly reddens. Further this place swells, becomes hard and sometimes continues to itch. The third stage is considered to be the most contagious for others and for the person himself. If you do not carefully follow the hygiene of the hands, then the herpes virus can affect other mucous or genital organs. During this period, a blister appears and bursts. The last stage is the stage of healing, when the place of the blister dries up, becomes covered with crust and after it disappears.
In fact, you can not treat the last stage, tk. The manifestations themselves will pass, but during the healing process the crust can burst, causing pain and repeated violation of the integrity of the tissue also requires healing. Therefore, for all who at least once suffered from this disease, the question of "how to cure herpes forever" is interesting. Unfortunately, there are no medicines that can cure this virus forever. But how quickly to cure herpes is not a difficult task for any pharmacist.
Modern medicine offers many tools based on the component of acyclovir. It was for this component that the scientist at the time received the Nobel Prize, because before that the question "how quickly to cure herpes" was advised by a variety of folk methods that caused pain or were not sufficiently effective. This component is part of gels, ointments, tablets to overcome and suppress the virus of this nature. However, do not delude yourself that drugs can cure you completely. To apply them is appropriate only when the herpes has shown: from the first stage of inflammation. If the development of the blister is prevented in time, the healing process will be less prolonged and it is quite possible to get rid of unpleasant manifestations in a day.
The most burning question for some careless people is: "How to cure genital herpes?" Inflammations on the genitals are extremely painful and unpleasant sensations, when going to the toilet, it is unlikely to be avoided. The genital variant is treated the same way as any other, using the same drugs. The only drawback of such treatment may be that the external means used can be wiped off underwear, and local treatment should be done as often as possible per day (up to 6 times). If you manage to contrive or retire and hold a recommended course of treatment, then you will not want to forget about the prevention of this disease.
The first thing you need to know for anyone who has ever suffered such a problem is not how to cure genital herpes, but how to prevent its re-manifestation. As already mentioned above, it is impossible to cure this virus forever. He lives, practically, in every person, but the "period of silence" in this disease can last up to 10 years. If to carry out qualitative prophylaxis, then the herpes will appear even much less often. First of all, it occurs if the immunity is weakened. It can be after the illness or instead of it, when the body has spent the entire stock of the immune system on another disease. Also with some problems with organs, for example, with the liver. With constant weakened immunity, for example, in diabetes mellitus, the risk of herpes is many times increased and prevention is much more difficult.
In addition to improving immunity, a special anti-viral treatment system can be performed every six months, which will prevent the virus from multiplying in cells and prevent the appearance of unpleasant blisters. And if you want to preserve the health of your relatives, especially small children, then in addition to prevention, do not forget how quickly to cure herpes and prevent the 3rd stage of development.
Be healthy!
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