
"For" and "against" vaccinations: is vaccination dangerous for children?

For several decades, childhood vaccinations remain the topic of the fiercest polemic between parents and pediatricians. There are many pros and cons of vaccinations, and in order to understand whether your child needs vaccination, you should look at the situation from different angles.

First, let's try to figure out what the vaccine is, how it works. In the usual situation, when a microbe enters the body, it is attacked by the immune system, which perceives it as a foreign body, and therefore begins to produce antibodies corresponding to these antigens. It is through this that the body begins to fight the disease. When vaccinated, weakened or dead antigens are artificially introduced into the body, which could cause disease - this avoids the disease itself, but causes the immunity to start producing antibodies.

Considering all the pros and cons of vaccinations, specialists always note that the risk of developing symptoms of a disease is always present. However, during vaccination, the child is much less likely to get sick than if he is not vaccinated at all.

Supporters of vaccination argue that regular vaccinations make it possible to protect not only a specific child, but also his immediate surroundings, including other children in school, kindergarten, etc. It is also important that mass vaccinations contribute to the prevention of epidemics. It was thanks to vaccines that mankind managed to defeat a number of dangerous and even fatal diseases that threatened entire nations for centuries (diphtheria, measles, smallpox, poliomyelitis and others among them). Many experts argue that the benefits of vaccination far exceed all possible risks.

However, when talking about all the pros and cons of vaccinations, it would be unacceptable not to look at the reverse side of the coin. So, what are the reasons for refusing vaccinations for your child?

First, many vaccinations can cause complications. For example, it is not uncommon for a three-month-old to have a very hard time transferring a DTP vaccine. They can raise the temperature (up to 40 degrees), there is swelling. In this case, parents have to call a doctor.

Many vaccinations, including the most common vaccine against chickenpox, can cause allergic reactions. In a tender childhood they are especially dangerous, and therefore even those parents who are supporters of vaccination, it is mandatory to consult a pediatrician who observes a crumb.

Discussing the pros and cons of vaccinations, it is worth noting one more important nuance. It consists in the fact that in our country children are given too many vaccinations. In fact, the body is often exposed to a variety of viruses (albeit weakened). And it is this that can cause unforeseen reactions of the body. In Europe, this was decided in a different way: children are only given basic vaccinations, and the rest are made as needed (for example, in case of an epidemic threat).

So is it worth it to vaccinate children? "For" and "against" in this respect can be very different. However, the most wise decision is to listen to the advice of two specialists: a pediatrician who constantly observes the child, as well as an immunologist (he will be able to give advice on when to vaccinate).

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