HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pneumonia interstitial: causes, treatment, complications

Diseases of the respiratory tract can cause a lot of inconvenience and problems. In addition, they can be life threatening. For example, interstitial pneumonia is not very common, but with improper treatment can give serious complications, up to an abscess of the lungs and death. Therefore, if you have the first symptoms, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

What is the disease?

Interstitial pneumonia is characterized by the fact that it is a complication of such a pathology as influenza. There is such inflammation in the connective tissue of the lungs. Naturally, pathology is fraught with many dangers. Very dangerous are the destructive processes that begin in the tissues, if the disease is not treated or start therapy very late.

It should be noted that this disease occurs under the influence of certain viruses. Its development is not fleeting. To be treated for this disease will be in the hospital, and long enough. Diffuse function of the lungs in this case is seriously disturbed, the walls of the alveoli thicken. The course of the pathology is quite difficult and requires mandatory hospitalization.

Causes of pathology

There are many factors that can lead to pneumonia. Among them we can distinguish such:

- Bacterial or viral infection (although it is not contagious).

- Subcooling the body.

- Weakness of immunity, general overwork.

- Any respiratory illnesses after which the body did not have time to recover completely.

- Wrong food.

- Smoking.

- Insufficient motor activity, which promotes stagnation of sputum in the lungs and bronchi.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

Now let's see how interstitial pneumonia manifests. So, this disease is characterized by such signs:

1. Temperature rise. And it may not be too strong (up to 37.5 degrees), but it stays stable and long.

2. Difficulty breathing.

3. General weakness and malaise.

4. High level of sweating.

5. Significant weight loss.

6. Slightly expressed cough and shortness of breath.

7. Pale skin.

This pathology may be accompanied by other minor symptoms. Naturally, the exact diagnosis can be made only by the doctor after examination and examination of the patient.

Stages of development of the disease

Pneumonia interstitial can for a long time not make itself felt, which is the greatest danger. There are several stages of the development of pneumonia:

1. The first. Usually it lasts only 24 hours and is characterized by lung tightening and filling of alveoli with exudate.

2. The second. The lungs thicken even more, turn red.

3. The third. Exudate accumulates fibrin, and red blood cells begin to break down. The lungs change the shade to gray-brown.

4. Fourth. Fibrous exudate begins to resolve, and the walls of the alveoli are restored.

These stages of pneumonia are typical for almost all types of pathology. The only difference is the duration of each stage and the severity of changes in the lungs.

How to correctly diagnose

It should be noted that you can not do this yourself. Since the survey is based on the delivery of certain analyzes and the use of hardware. For example, if you have pneumonia, X-rays can help determine the extent and extent of lung damage. Without this research, it is impossible to accurately diagnose. In addition, radiography helps to see other respiratory diseases, which can be more dangerous and have similar symptoms (tuberculosis).

There are also such tests for pneumonia: a general and biochemical blood test. It allows to establish or exclude the presence of bacterial (viral) infection in the body, which can cause the disease. That is, this study helps determine the method of treatment.

Obligatory tests are also considered for pneumonia, such as sputum culture. Thanks to this research, the doctor will be able to determine the amount of exudate in the alveoli, and also get additional information about the type of pathology and the stage of its development.

What complications are possible

It must be said that severe pneumonia can be fraught with serious consequences. For example, local complications are characterized by such pathologies as: pleural empyema (inflammation of the pleural sheets, which is accompanied by the formation of pus), atelectasis (collapse of the whole or part of the lung), and abscess (inflammation of the tissue with the formation of necrotic cavities).

Pneumonia (X-rays are mandatory) can contribute to the development of other pathologies: endocarditis, purulent arthritis, meningitis, nephritis, peritonitis, thrombophlebitis, brain abscess, toxic shock. That is, pneumonia can adversely affect all body systems.

Polysegmentary and aspiration pneumonia: a characteristic of pathology

There are other types of diseases that are no less severe and require inpatient treatment. For example, polysegmentary pneumonia, which is characterized by the accumulation of exudate in the alveoli of all segments of the organ. That is, the patient can be found several foci of inflammation. A distinctive feature of the pathology is rapid progression. Therefore, the therapy should begin immediately. Polysegmentary pneumonia requires complex treatment, which can last several weeks. In the absence of therapy, a person can die from pulmonary insufficiency or other complications.

Pneumonia aspiration is a special type of inflammation that is not caused by bacteria or the virus, but by small elements of food or digestive juice that gets into the bronchi from the oral cavity. This can happen in the event that a person choked. Most often bronchoscopy is used for treatment. In addition, severe patients can connect to the ventilator. Pneumonia aspiration has positive predictions. However, if the disease is started, the chances of a full recovery are reduced.

Traditional Therapy

So, you already know that therapy should be comprehensive. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate those diseases that accompany inflammation, as well as eliminate the cause of the development of pathology: the virus, the infection. It is necessary to remove the process of inflammation in the lungs. Most often, strong antibiotics from a number of penicillins are used for this purpose. For example, "Amoxicilin", "Cefotaxime".

To eliminate the exudate from bronchioles and alveoli, antitussive preparations are prescribed: Lazolvan, Bromhexin, and ATSTS. In addition, bronchodilators may be needed: Berodual. Naturally, the patient will also have to use anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as multivitamins to support the body and its recovery.

Very important is proper nutrition during treatment. It should contain all the necessary micro- and macro elements that will strengthen immunity and accelerate recovery. However, food should not be heavy. Naturally, it is necessary to support other systems of the body, especially the cardiovascular system, which is subject to complications in the first place.

In severe cases, surgical intervention and bronchoscopy are used. In this case, the doctor decides to remove the affected and destroyed parts of the lung or you can restore them.

Other ways to fight the disease

Interstitial pneumonia, whose treatment should be performed immediately after the first symptoms are detected, can be eliminated with the help of physiotherapy and folk methods. Naturally, it needs to be coordinated with the doctor, as these methods can be complementary.

Among the physiotherapeutic methods, the most effective are:

- Electrophoresis.

- Water and thermal procedures.

- Massage.

- Physical therapy and shower.

As for folk recipes, the following will be useful:

1. A large spoonful of mother-and-stepmothers strew a glass of steep boiling water and insist. After that, the mixture is filtered and taken up to 6-8 times a day on a tablespoon. This means provides a good expectoration of sputum.

2. Viburnum berries need to be insisted for 7 hours on hot honey. This agent has anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Mix two tablespoons of birch buds with 70 g of butter. Then the agent must be melted on a small fire, it is not recommended to boil it. After an hour, it is necessary to remove the mixture from the fire, cool it a bit, wring out and strain. In the resulting remedy, add about 200 g of honey and stir. Take the medicine 4 times a day on a tablespoon.

Prevention of disease

Prevention of pathology is much better than its subsequent treatment. Therefore, it is better to take such preventive measures:

- First of all, try to quit smoking.

- Every year, go through vaccination against respiratory diseases.

- Strengthen immunity with multivitamin complexes, as well as proper nutrition.

- Temper the body, lead an active lifestyle.

- Go swimming, running, walking and other sports.

- Try to treat the emerging infectious respiratory diseases in a timely manner.

- Observe standard hygiene standards: wash your hands, do not go to public places during flu epidemics.

- In the case of home treatment of the pathology, the patient must always comply with bed rest.

That's all the features of the course, treatment and prevention of pneumonia. Be healthy!

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