Health, Women Health
Pink discharge in the middle of the cycle - the reasons for the appearance
Vaginal discharge accompanies a woman throughout her life. They can be both a physiological norm, and signs of various gynecological diseases. Normal allocation does not give the woman a special trouble and unpleasant sensations. Allocations associated with the disease have an unpleasant smell, are more intensely colored, often accompanied by pain, itching, burning.
Most women have repeatedly encountered bleeding of varying intensity, not related to menstruation. Such allocation of pinkish color requires mandatory visits to the women's consultation, as the reasons that cause them can be both harmless and quite serious. There are similar pink discharge after menstruation, before monthly or any day of the cycle.
The norm is pinkish discharge, which begins before menstruation, then go to regular menstruation and last two to three days after menstruation is over.
Quite often, pink discharge in the middle of the cycle is observed with regular intake of hormonal contraceptive pills, although such a reaction of the body can stop after two or three months. Slightly colored spotting often appears before menstruation in women using an intrauterine device. In these cases, you need to consult a doctor. It is possible that it will be necessary to select other means of contraception.
Slight pink discharge in the middle of the cycle (one and a half to two weeks before the menstrual cycle) may appear when ovulation occurs - the follicle leaves a mature egg. When ovulation increases the level of female sex hormone and there is a rejection of a part of the uterine mucosa, which is accompanied by mild bleeding. Such ovulation is characteristic for thirty percent of women and is the physiological norm. In addition, pink discharge in the middle of the cycle, helps to avoid unwanted conception.
The cause of vaginal bleeding may be various inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases. Dirty, unpleasantly smelling discharge of the color of diluted blood, appearing before the onset of menstruation and after it, may be signs of chronic cervicitis and endometritis. Abundant menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding is observed in polyps of the endometrium, myoma of the uterus. Blood-colored excretions appear in endometriosis, erosive processes on the cervix.
Vaginal discharge in the middle of the cycle occurs with hormonal failures, menstrual irregularities, insufficient activity of the thyroid gland, polycystic ovaries, hyperplasia, hematological diseases. Various intensity intermenstrual bleeding is noted with oncological diseases of the cervix and internal mucous uterus. Bleeding can be a consequence of traumatizing the vagina with rough sexual intercourse. In the presence of pathologies of the uterus or its neck, contact with the penis in intimate proximity or with a gynecologist's instrument during examination can result in bloody discharge.
Blood-colored vaginal discharge appears before the onset of menstruation with an inferiorly formed yellow body after ovulation. This can happen monthly or only in one cycle.
Every woman should listen attentively to her body and be able to distinguish natural allocation of pinkish color from pathological. If you have any doubts, you should immediately be examined by a gynecologist for timely assistance, especially if the discharge has an uncharacteristic consistency, an unpleasant smell, accompanied by fever, itching, burning, low back pain and lower abdomen.
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