Arts & EntertainmentLiterature

Pestle is a time-tested upbringing tool

Traditionally in Russia, a great role in the upbringing of children was played by folklore - pestles, jokes, nursery rhymes. Each mother knows rhymes and can sing children's songs, but few have heard of pestles.

What is a pestle?

It is a short poem that is pronounced singing and accompanies the child's actions - awakening, sipping, smiling, walking, feeding, washing, bathing. At these moments, my mother gently strokes the fingers and palms of the hands, legs, tummy, baby's cheeks.

When the baby is just awake, read it with the expression:

"Potyaguuushechki, potyaguuushechkii!

Where is the toy, the rattle? "

Not all children are comfortable with the procedure for washing. The "Vodicka" trick will cheer up:

"Vodicka, water,

Umoy Masha's face!

So that his eyes glittered,

And the cheeks were aleley,

The mouth was smiling,

And the bite bit! "

Everyone knows the finger game in "Soroku-Voron" very much like kids and develops imagination. The game in "Goat Horned" perfectly trains the attention and reaction of the crumbs, and the massage of the palm is better performed under the rhyme "Finger Boy":


Where have you been?

With the first brother

He went to the forest!

With the second brother

Borshch cooked,

With the third brother

He ate a dish,

With younger brother (little finger)

He sang songs! "

What effect does the pestle have on the child?

1. Pestle is a tool for emotional and tactile contact of the baby with his mother. Communication with the closest person, whose voice is familiar to the child since the perinatal period, develops the crumb better than any interactive toy. It is the voice of the mother that activates the maximum concentration of attention, so the songs and poems in the mother's performance are necessary for the baby to develop.

2. The utterance by the mother of the pestles gives the child the first example of verbal communication and paves the way for the timely pronunciation of the first words. It is at the fingertips of the crumbs that the nerve endings that are responsible for the speech centers of the brain are located. Text pestushki built in such a way that every 2 lines rhyme among themselves, making it easier to memorize the verse.

3. Pestle is not only a poem spoken, but also stroking, patting and other movements that act as a restorative massage. Thanks to the stimulation of multiple receptors and nerve endings, the tone of the nervous system rises, blood circulation of tissues and organs improves, oxygenation of them. Children who receive massage, develop faster and gain weight.

4. Folk pestles are of the nature of incantations and are aimed at the successful maturation of the child. Thus, the mother creates a certain psychological climate, setting the baby to harmonious and safe development.

How correctly to execute pestles?

To achieve the maximum effect for the development of the baby, the pest should be performed correctly, adhering to the established traditions.

1. The best time for nurturing a child is the pre-natal period, which lasts up to 1 year, since the songs performed by the mother at this moment stimulate the accelerated development of speech. Repeating syllables, simple and sonorous rhymes make it easy to memorize sounds and words.

2. Pestle is a kind of song accompaniment of the game, in which the text of the work is of a situational nature applied to the baby. Many of the verses contain the name of the baby as the main character, so certain stanzas must be accompanied by the actions of the mother and the child.

3. Performing a song, my mother adheres to special intonations, stretching vowels and thus imitating the baby's walk. Remember, your speech must be emotionally diverse, it will facilitate the process of singling out individual syllables and sounds, their memorization and reproduction in the future.

Due to its properties, the pestle acts as a universal tool for physical and psychological upbringing of the child.

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