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My hands are shaking. What to do, how to be

Indeed, increased sweating is not a pleasant phenomenon. Some people because of this even shy away from public appearances, handshakes and romantic encounters. If you have palms sweating, what can you do? Contact a doctor or resolve the issue yourself? In fact, in most cases, the question: "What to do in order not to sweat?", Doctors have answers. In particular, sweating is not necessarily a pathology, but it can be a specific property of the human nervous system.

Also, probably, one should know that sweating is a normal function of the human body, due to which it is cooled. I remember one article in which the signs of the representatives of the Aryan race were listed . One of the signs, in addition to blond hair and blue eyes, was increased sweating. This is to the fact that someone considers such a manifestation of the body almost a dignity.

And yet, if you still have palms, what can you do? Maybe you do not have to do anything, but just wash your hands more often. This phenomenon can be associated with the characteristics of the body. However, there is such a pathology as hyperhidrosis.


In Greek, hyperhidrosis literally means "excessive perspiration" or increased sweating. This pathology is divided into general and localized.

  • Hyperhidrosis is common under the influence of physical and emotional stress, high temperature and certain diseases, including tuberculosis and nervous system damage. It is not difficult to guess that in this case, if your hands are sweating, what only a doctor can do. Need to be treated, is not it?
  • Hyperhidrosis localized in its most frequent forms - these are signs of vegetative dystonia. It can be provoked by wearing rubber or tight shoes, negligent attitude to hygiene, wearing synthetic clothes.

Hyperhidrosis can contribute to the occurrence of fungal skin lesions.

Specialists will try to find a comprehensive treatment for each case.

And in some cases, if a person has palms sweating, he knows very well himself. I, for example, are familiar with a guy who simply systematically abuses low-alcohol drinks. His sweat is literally poured down his face, and his palms are always wet. But he himself says that he should stop drinking a lot of beer, as sweating normalizes.

Causes of increased sweating

  • Heavy excitement, fear, stress.
  • Stressful mental work.
  • Unusual climatic conditions. Heat.
  • Too hot or hot food.
  • Excess weight.

Question : If you palm regularly sweat, what should you do? The weight is normal, I do not abuse alcohol.

Answer: If You think that this is a pathology and the cause is unknown to you, then make an appointment with the appropriate specialist for diagnosis. The fact is that such a disease as hyperhidrosis is detected only in medical institutions.

Ways to eliminate the problem of increased sweating

  • Use of special deodorants.
  • Various solutions.
  • Relevant procedures.

Methods of traditional medicine from my grandmother. If the palms sweat heavily

  • Prepare this solution: 0.5 tbsp. Table vinegar for 2 liters of cold water. Twice a day, keep hands in the prepared solution.
  • Keep your hands systematically in the decoction of sage or oak bark.
  • Ointment: glycerin - ½ part, lemon juice - ¼, medical alcohol - ¼ piece. Mix all. After each washing of hands to wipe palms.

Grandmother claimed that in this way she personally, having shown proper patience and perseverance, completely got rid of such problems with her hands.


Still, perhaps, we should remember that in a number of cases the problem of increased sweating can be solved only by a specialist. Oh, doctors are shy, you just will not. Remember also about regular hygiene procedures. I wish you great health!

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