Food and drinkSalads

Original dishes of home cooking: "Mushroom Glade", salad recipe

If traditional olivier and vinaigrettes you are fed up, you want something like that, try to prepare a salad, which will be discussed below. The main charm of it in such an ingredient as mushrooms. Plus, you can always choose a cooking option that matches your mood, the availability of food in the refrigerator and the amount of free time in stock.

A few words about the dish

This salad is not quite the usual name - "Mushroom Glade". Its recipe in the people exists far not one and includes many variations. The main thing is that the external design of the dish involved whole mushrooms. Salad is formed by layers. Their number and composition can be arbitrary. In addition to the main ingredient used meat of different varieties and hard cheese. As dressing, mayonnaise or a sauce based on it is used.

"Mushroom Glade" in a simple way

So, the simplest version of the salad is the "Mushroom Glade". His recipe is this. Boil 450 g of meat, taking for this beef fillet. If using pork, cut the fat. Cook it in salted, spiced water. On the broth cook then the first dish, and the meat cool and cut across the fibers into cubes. You can add it, pepper it, or sprinkle it with ready-made seasonings. Take 150 g of cheese hard - it is grated on a large grater. And the third ingredient is mushrooms, because we have the corresponding dish - "Mushroom Glade". The recipe for this option salad advises to use a jar (300 g) of pickled mushrooms: their taste is more spicy than that of boiled or fried. Leave, if they are large, pieces 8-9 for decoration, others cut. Take a bunch of greenery (onions, dill, parsley), finely chop. Now do this: mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise. Put the salad on a flat plate, shake with a spoon, making a slide or a round platform. Thus, a mushroom meadow is formed. The recipe prescribes to sprinkle it generously with greens. Stick a few feathers of onions, sprigs of parsley. And lay them with mushrooms, cutting off their legs. Everything, original and tasty dish is ready in all its glory!

"Glade" with layers

But the more complex "Mushroom Glade". The step-by-step recipe for it also begins with the listing of components. Firstly, you need a bank of marinated mushrooms, spruce or other fungi, only whole, with large bonnets. Leaving a bit to decorate, the other chop fairly large. Secondly, we need ham - 350 g. Chicken meat will also be used instead. To make it taste better, first beat it off a little, then marinate in vinegar and spices and fry. After cooling, cut into slices. Third, take 3 potatoes and the same number of eggs - boil, cool, clean, cut into cubes. If you want, add more components such as prunes (without pits, for softness, pour with boiling water, chop) - handful and carrots (2 pieces boil, cut into cubes). And a bunch of feathers onions and other greens.

This salad "Mushroom Glade" is compiled (the recipe, see the photo in the article) as follows: one after another there are layers of potatoes, mushrooms, onions, meat, prunes, carrots, eggs. After each ingredient a layer of mayonnaise is supposed. Potatoes, sprinkle eggs a little, sprinkle with pepper or spicy seasonings. Top of the salad, too, grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle with herbs and decorate with mushroom hats.

A wonderful walk through the culinary forest, right?

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