HealthDiseases and Conditions

Questions, answers to which you need to know: how is ureaplasma transmitted?

In the world there are a huge number of infections, viruses and bacteria that seriously complicate our lives. Particularly sad is the fact that some of them may not know about themselves for a long time, while actively acting. They are capable of causing significant, and sometimes irreparable, harm to our health. Not only acting independently, but also preparing the ground for causing even more harm. Therefore, you need to pay attention to your health, take medical examinations and, if possible, avoid the influence of harmful factors.

Speech in this article will be about ureaplasma - the causative agent of inflammation in the urogenital system.

What is ureaplasma? Why should you fear this infection? How is ureaplasma transmitted?

Ureaplasma is a cross between a virus and a unicellular organism. These are bacteria that do not have their own DNA and cell walls that live on the urinary tract of a person and the mucous membranes of the genitals. Their main strength in the ability to hydrolytic urea decomposition. Ureaplasmas are characterized by high growth, especially under conditions of decreased immunity. They are found in humans, cats, dogs, monkeys, cattle, birds, etc.

Why should you know what kind of bacterium is it and how is ureaplasma transmitted? Because, penetrating into the human body (and we are just interested in this), they can asymptomatically exist and cause a number of diseases. For example, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis and even cause infertility.

Especially it is necessary to tell about danger of penetration of a ureaplasma in an organism of the pregnant woman. Treatment during pregnancy is extremely dangerous for the child, untreated infection can cause a miscarriage. In the course of childbirth, the infection can migrate from the infected mother to the baby, thereby infecting the newborn baby. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, you need to undergo tests and, if the presence of ureaplasma is confirmed, undergo a course of treatment.

There is an opinion that ureaplasmas can live in any healthy organism, but they manifest themselves only under certain conditions (ie are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms). In this case, the question, how is transmitted ureaplasma, generally loses its relevance. But this opinion has yet to be proved by the scientists.

In the meantime, we are interested in the ways of transmission from a sick person to a healthy person. So, ureaplasma: ways of infection.

Scientists have proved that at the moment there are only two ways to purchase unwanted ureaplasma-a guest in the body. The first of these is sexual (therefore ureaplasma and refers to PPI), and the second, the so-called, vertical one. Any unprotected sexual intercourse can cause the introduction of ureaplasma with all the ensuing consequences. It is important to note that all kinds of unprotected sexual relations, including oral and anal sex, are potentially dangerous.

The vertical path of transmission is associated with the penetration of ureaplasma from the pregnant woman into the fetus (which is unlikely due to the placenta), and also at the time of delivery to the newborn child. In boys, as a rule, ureaplasma is found in the nasopharynx, and in girls on the genitals.

I must say that, according to some versions, there are other ways of transferring ureaplasma. It's about the contact-household method of infection. Direct evidence that you can get ureaplasma through your underwear, personal hygiene items, touching contaminated surfaces (for example, toilet seat), no. No such case has been recorded, the scientists consider only the two above-named ways. But in the course of ongoing studies it was found that ureaplasmas remain vitally active for some time and outside the person who is the carrier of the infection. Therefore, the only sure way to protect - compliance with the rules of hygiene, and not only in his own house, but also outside.

Sadly, the question of how the ureaplasma is transmitted, what a terrible infection is and how to avoid contact with it, still remains closed to most of the population. Only knowing about the danger, you can avoid it or suffer minimal losses.

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