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Ordinary lynx: description and photo. In which regions of Russia can you meet a lynx

Lynx ordinary (photo of the animal you can see in our article) is a mammal predator belonging to the cat family. Usually the size of this cat does not inspire special fear: the fact is that this beast is no larger than an average dog. The length of the torso of the predator does not exceed a meter, and the weight does not exceed 18 kg. Appearance of this creation is very unusual: an arrogant and focused look, elegant ears, crowned with long tassels, and hard splashes ("whiskers") framing the face of this cat.

Irregular cat

All other parts of the body of the lynx are not so elegant. Moreover, at first glance the predator may seem awkward and awkward: the hind legs are too long, and the tail seems to be not at all! But the forelegs are wide and massive for such a relatively small animal. But Mother Nature did not accidentally reward this wild cat with such a disproportionate structure of the trunk. All this helps the animal survive in harsh northern conditions.

Table of Ranks

This creature with tassels on the ears, like many other animals, has the closest relatives - their subspecies. Classification of trotting ordinary includes several subspecies:

  • Altaic;
  • Amur;
  • Baikalian;
  • European;
  • Caucasian;
  • Carpathian;
  • Turkestan;
  • The Yakut.

It is worth noting that the way of life and the description of each of these subspecies practically do not differ from each other in any way. By the way, the genus of lynxes is listed as an endangered species in the International Red Book, but more about this later.

Ordinary lynx. Description

Due to the strong forelegs, the height of the trunk in the shoulders can reach 65 cm. On thick and massive legs there are sharp claws. Their wild cat releases at the time of the attack on its victim or during active climbing in the trees. Wide cushions of the paws are designed to maintain balance in deep snow. Especially it is necessary to trot during the hunting season. As mentioned above, thanks to the awkward structure of the body, the cat is perfectly adapted to life in the harsh taiga forests.

The lynx is ordinary (the photo is presented in the article) has a large and rounded head, on which the so-called "whiskers" are noticeable. The head is crowned with triangular ears with tassels at the ends. These brushes are not just an ornament, it is a kind of "antenna". It is she who helps the cat to hear even barely distinguishable sounds. If these brushes, for example, cut off, then the ear of the lynx will immediately become dull. Therefore, lovers of lynxes as pets should not be allowed to do this. The color of most of these cats is rusty-red, on the limbs there are dirty gray spots. The belly is white.

Where does this wild cat live?

Well, since this cat is wild, it lives in the forests, and in the north. You can meet this creation all over the planet. Lynx lives in Canada, the United States of America, the Scandinavian Peninsula and almost throughout the Russian Federation: the Amur Region and the Altai Territory, the Rostov and Ryazan Regions, the Northern Caucasus and Yakutia. Ordinary lynx is, perhaps, the most northern species of all representatives of its kind. For example, in Scandinavia it occurs even beyond the Arctic Circle! This cat can also be found on the territory of Ukraine, but only within the high-mountainous and large forests of the taiga type. The animal adores deaf forest tracts, for example, in the north of Polissya and in the Carpathians. Unfortunately, there are still single individuals of this kind of feline.

The same can be said about European territories. Once a lynx was common throughout Europe, but by the middle of the 20th century this animal was completely exterminated in many countries of Western and Central Europe. Successful attempts have now been made to revive the population of these cats. For example, the common lynx in the Saratov region began to multiply actively from the second half of the 80s of the last century. At present, its habitat in this area covers the northern regions of the Right Bank: Volsky, Khvalynsky, Baltic, Voskresensky, Petrovsky.

What does the lynx eat?

As mentioned above, the common lynx is a typical predator of the cat family. The favorite delicacy of these cats is hares, but the predator does not mind eating lunch and small rodents (gophers, voles, beavers), and even birds (black grouse, capercaillie). In special cases, the lynx can attack young deer, roe deer, wild boar and moose. The animal has a round-the-clock way of life, therefore it hunts both in the daytime (early in the morning) and in the night (late evening) time.

With plenty of food, the common lynx leads a sedentary lifestyle, and with its deficiency, it wanders from place to place. For one day a cat easily passes a distance of 30 km, catching the hares already mentioned above, tetrahed birds, small rodents and small ungulates. Incidentally, occasionally these animals can attack even domestic dogs and cats, as well as foxes. Nevertheless, the basis of the diet of lynxes is hare-hares.

Why is the lynx so hard to see in nature?

Once Dr. NN Drozdov , the doctor of biological sciences , said that the lynx is "a creature that is difficult to see at large. It is rare for someone in nature to get valuable photo and video footage with this cat. " The professor was right, they hunt lynx secretly: in the early morning and at sunset (almost at dusk). These cats, like tigers, prefer to do everything alone and on a pre-marked territory. Males are practically indifferent to their territories and easily tolerate the invasion of other males. Thus both individuals try to avoid each other. Females are not as peaceful as males. If two individuals meet in someone's territory - do not avoid bloody slaughter. That's why this animal so rarely gets into the camera lens.

How does this cat hunt?

Ordinary lynx lies in wait for its prey, hiding near a tree or next to a trodden path. When the victim comes to the right distance, the hungry cat makes a lightning jump to her on the back, gnawing prey. According to Professor Drozdov, in the north of America these creatures hunt for almost anything that can move. However, even here, hares remain a favorite delicacy of these cats.

Curiously, in Scandinavia, lynx adore harassing reindeer. In territories with a cold climate, carcasses of animals killed by trot (for example, deer) become stiffened quite quickly, so the cat needs to eat their meat as soon as possible. Otherwise, her face in the literal sense of the word will freeze to production! By the way, these cats are afraid of people and always try to avoid meeting with them. But do not overdo it, because the trapped and wounded lynxes become very dangerous and ferocious creatures!

Ordinary lynx in the Red Book

This kind of lynx is considered a predator-pest. The animal destroys game game even at a time when absolutely does not want to eat! From the point of view of the hunting economy, ordinary lynx is referred to commercial fur animals, which greatly reduces their population. In this regard, the entire genus of lynxes is listed in the International Red Data Book, while the common one is listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region. Why in this book was it just an ordinary lynx?

The Red Book of the Moscow Region (photo not shown in the article) includes 20 species of various mammals. Among them there are 3 special families: bear, cunie and feline. Our lynx is common to the last family. The Red Book includes certain types of animals for completely different reasons. If we talk about the common lynx, then a sharp reduction in its numbers is due to the illegal actions of hunters-poachers who, using various cunning methods, hunt down and lure the animal, after which they shoot for the sake of fur and, of course, tasty meat.

The fact is that the meat of the lynx is tender, tasty and resembles veal. In Ancient Russia, such meat was famous for its highest useful qualities and was served on the table exclusively during princely and boyar feasts in the form of an exquisite delicacy. At the present time, according to already established traditions, it is not customary to eat meat of predatory animals. But the poachers do not stop it: one of their trophies is still the common lynx. The Red Book of the Moscow Region is a law, and it must be observed equally by everyone!

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