Food and drink, Salads
Olivier salad with meat - classic genre
Many know that "Olivier" is a salad, but few know that Lucien Olivier is a French chef, and concurrently the owner of the Moscow tavern "The Hermitage", who invented this delicious dish. The recipe for this salad was kept in strictest secrecy, as it was the crown dish of a tavern on Trubnaya Square. By the way, this restaurant was not some kind of a snack bar, but the most high-end restaurant.
The true recipe for Lucien Olivier, literally, took with him to the grave, but there was a version that according to his recipe, Olivier's salad with meat included the following ingredients: potatoes, hazelnut fillets, gherkins, soybean-kabul, egg, lemon juice and mayonnaise . And some sources claimed that instead of hazel grouse Olivier put the meat of crayfish. Be that as it may, until now, rumors continue to circulate about how delicious and delicious the original salad was "Olivier with meat". Despite the fact that connoisseurs of culinary art all the time tried to achieve a complete taste similarity to the original, they did it badly.
Currently, this "Olivier with meat" is a fairly common salad from the Baltic to Central Asia. Without it, almost no New Year's table is complete. For so many years the recipe for this salad has been altered several times, other variations have been invented. There is a recipe for Olivier salad with beef, poultry, and even fish. Not only did the ingredients undergo a change, the name also changed, someone called it "Capital salad", someone "Russian salad", etc. And after and at all the recipe simplified to the point that instead of meat instead of meat put a doctor's sausage, added carrots and green peas (canned), and instead of gherkins in the course were salted cucumbers.
According to the popularity of salad with meat Olivier in our country ranks first. And the holiday will not be a holiday, if there is not our favorite dish on the table. Of course, in each family Olivier is prepared in different ways, but we will offer our "corporate" recipe, which we hope you will like. For its preparation we need the following ingredients: 400 g of low-fat beef, 1 can of green peas (canned), 2 medium carrots, 4 potatoes of medium size, 1 onion, 1 fresh cucumber, 2 pickles, 6 eggs, salt, freshly ground Pepper, dill, parsley, mayonnaise for refueling.
Potatoes and carrots (uncleaned) put in a pot of water and set to cook until soft, but the main thing is not to boil completely. After the cooked vegetables, cool them, peel and cut into cubes. Eggs boil, cool under running cold water, then clean and cut them in the same way as vegetables. Boiled meat to cool and cut into cubes. Peel the onion and cut it smaller than potatoes and carrots. Salted cucumbers cut into cubes, and a fresh cucumber rub on a large grater. We connect all the components in one salad bowl and mix thoroughly. Add salt, pepper, mayonnaise and mix again more thoroughly. Before serving the dish on the table from above, you must sprinkle it with finely chopped herbs (dill and parsley).
This salad with meat Olivier can be called classic within our country. For the French, the classics would be a salad with hazel grouse, crayfish neck , lanspeak and caper. There is another option with beef tongue, apple and quail eggs. Well, very recently, a very exotic recipe Olivier with chicken breast, Bulgarian pepper, canned pineapple, olives and olives appeared. But unchanged in almost all variations remains the decoration of the salad finely chopped fresh herbs, which gives a piquant taste to the salad. Having studied all the abundance of variations, any gourmet can find for himself a more suitable recipe for such a salad.
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