
Nicotinic acid: indications for use, side effects, price

Nicotinic acid can have a variety of effects on the human body. This makes it possible to use it for the therapy of many diseases of the organs of the circulatory system, the stomach and intestines, as well as the ailments that develop against the background of atherosclerosis and pellagra.

Participation of the drug in metabolic processes

Nicotinic acid actively participates in all metabolic processes - both in protein, and in fat, and in carbohydrate. This is due to the fact that it is part of those enzymes that accelerate the oxidative and reductive reactions.

Particularly active drug affects the exchange of fats. It favors the reduction of cholesterol in the blood (especially the "bad"), which contributes to the formation of plaques in the blood vessels. The amount of a useful organic compound that actively participates in the metabolic processes is also capable of increasing nicotinic acid. Indications for the use of this drug for these reasons are the following: most ailments developing against the background of atherosclerosis, for example, obliterating endarteritis (blockage of peripheral arteries), ischemic disease of the brain and heart.

Acceleration of blood flow

Among other things, nicotinic acid acts in an expanding manner on capillaries (small vessels). This contributes to the influx of blood and improve the supply of various organs. Thus, it is able to accelerate the process of tissue regeneration, healing of ulcers and wounds of nicotinic acid. Indications for the use of this drug in this case: many ailments of the intestine and stomach during remission (between exacerbations).

Administration of the medicinal product

First of all, the drug helps with the treatment of pellagra. This disease develops due to a deficiency of nicotinic acid. In this case, there are violations in the metabolism, which lead to the defeat of the skin, as a result of which there is itching, swelling, redness. Also, with pellagra, the work of the intestine, the stomach (including language suffers), the brain (the result is dementia) is disrupted. In the case of a slight development of the disease and the absence of severe consequences for the central nervous system, therapy with nicotinic acid is quite effective.

Treatment of ailments of the stomach and intestines

For the treatment of any other pathologies, nicotinic acid is used? Indications for the use of the drug can be the following - a variety of ailments of the intestines and stomach. Namely:

  1. Gastritis with a decreased level of secretion.
  2. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.
  3. Colitis.
  4. Enteritis.
  5. Pancreatitis in chronic form.

In all these cases, the use of nicotinic acid is permissible only in the period of remission (not at the time of exacerbation). Especially it is necessary to use this medicine carefully in the treatment of peptic ulcer, as it can accelerate the secretion of gastric juice during an exacerbation. As a consequence, vasodilatation is possible, which leads to complications of ailments and bleeding.

Malabsorption syndrome

There are also diseases of the intestines and stomach, which significantly reduce the rate of absorption of the small intestine of food components and nicotinic acid. This pathology is called "malabsorption syndrome". He accompanies many diseases that develop in the gastrointestinal tract. With such a syndrome, the introduction of nicotinic acid into the body is done intravenously or intramuscularly.

Lack of acid

It happens that the deficit of nicotinic acid is observed in the body in case of malnutrition. A constant menu based on one type of product, the lack of protein in the diet of animal origin, fruits, vegetables does not provide an opportunity to saturate the system and organs of the body with sufficient quantity. In such a case, the drug is administered orally or in the form of injections.

Also, the deficit of nicotinic acid is observed due to severe infectious diseases, accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature due to prolonged inflammatory process. In this case, the drug is prescribed only outside the period of exacerbation. In the case of chronic cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis, nicotinic acid is not used.

Other pathologies

In what other cases is nicotinic acid used? Indications for use can be the following:

  1. Atherosclerosis and diseases associated with it, - endarteritis obliterans, IHD. The use of acid accelerates the exchange of cholesterol, dilates blood vessels, improves the blood supply of tissues and organs.
  2. Trophic ulcers and wounds. Nicotinic acid promotes the rapid regeneration of tissues and healing.
  3. Restoring the normal functioning of many organs. The drug in this case acts as a vitamin.

Nicotinic acid: side effects

Take a drug is not more than 6 grams per day. For better perception of the body of nicotinic acid, it should be consumed only after meals and drink warm drinks. In the initial stage of therapy with this drug, it is necessary to control the level of glucose in the blood. To detect the side effects of acid, kidney function should be monitored.

Sometimes the drug is poorly perceived by patients, sometimes redness of the skin and hot flashes. The reason for this is an increased synthesis of prostaglandins, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, hyperuricemia and a decrease in the response to glucose. For this reason, effective, but large doses of nicotinic acid (3 to 5 grams per day) are not able to perceive every organism.

Toxic effects of the drug

This drug prolonged action occasionally leads to severe toxic effects on the liver. Therefore, long-term use of nicotinic acid involves monitoring the work of this body. This effect of the drug on the liver is due to its methylation. Before the hepatotoxic effect of nicotinic acid begins to manifest, the blood level drops sharply in lipids.


Long-term use of nicotinic acid in large quantities leads to the exclusion of ascorbic acid from the body. This phenomenon is called hypovitaminosis. To prevent this, additional administration of ascorbic acid preparations is advisable .

Other deviations

When using nicotinic acid, the following deviations can also occur:

  1. Increase the acidity level of juice in the stomach (exacerbation of the ulcer).
  2. Hyperglycemia.
  3. Increase in the frequency of atrial arrhythmias in patients with ischemic disease (rare, but possible).
  4. The appearance of brown spots, having a velvety cover, on the skin (acanthosis).
  5. Puffiness of the retina of the eye (a fairly rare side effect).

All these symptoms are rather unstable and disappear after the cessation of the use of nicotinic acid.

Price of the preparation

How much is nicotinic acid? The price in Russian pharmacies ranges from 10.90 rubles. For 50 tablets in a dosage of 0.05 grams. The maximum cost is about 81 rubles for 10 ampoules of the drug at a dosage of 10 mg / ml.

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