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What is urology? Symptoms in men with urological diseases

Diseases of the urinary system are the science of urology. Symptoms in men can be different, but more often it is pain, burning and itching when urinating. Urology is defined as surgical science, as it deals with the surgical removal of the causes that caused the development of unpleasant symptoms.

Urology: diseases and treatment, doctors' consultations

In men who are at reproductive age (about 18 to 45 years old), the most common diseases are:

  • Associated with inflammatory processes in the urinary and genital system, as well as inflammation, localized in the genitals.
  • Venereal diseases are infections and viruses transmitted mainly through sexual intercourse.
  • Associated with the genital area, in particular infertility or impotence.

For the treatment of these pathologies, it is necessary to undergo examination and establish a correct diagnosis. After that, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and will follow the course of the symptoms and the reproduction of harmful bacteria. Normally, after a short period of time, all symptoms disappear, and the health of the man becomes the same.

Symptomatology of diseases

Modern men are increasingly encountering problems that can be eliminated only by urology. Symptoms in men are usually similar, which allows you to quickly identify the causative agent of the infection and cure it. It is necessary to urgently visit a doctor if the following symptoms are found:

  • The appearance on the genitals of redness, rash or specific secretions;
  • Problems with urination;
  • A feeling of pain, itching or burning when you visit the toilet or during intercourse, in a neglected form, these symptoms can accompany a man constantly;
  • An increase in lymph nodes, indicating the presence of an inflammatory process or infection in the body;
  • A feeling of constant fatigue and fatigue;
  • Problems in the sexual sphere associated with erection, sexual intercourse can be accompanied by severe pain.

It should be borne in mind that most of the diseases occur in men in a latent or mild form, which is why it is necessary to carefully monitor their masculine health, hygiene and the conduct of a reasonable sex life.

Urology: diseases, symptoms in men

When you go to the hospital, the doctor must conduct a primary examination of the patient and prescribe the necessary laboratory tests. During the examination, the doctor will be able to immediately determine whether a man has any infectious or venereal diseases. Also, by probing the prostate through the rectum, it is possible to detect and eliminate the development of the tumor process in time.

Identify the causative agent of infection can be using a smear taken from the urethra. An urogenital smear is necessary to determine pathogenic flora, the presence of hidden infections and tumors. Thanks to the results, the doctor will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment, which can quickly eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the causative agent of the infection.

Conducting a laboratory smear is necessary to determine the presence of inflammation of the bladder, prostate or urethra. Also, he is able to show the presence of ureaplasmosis, thrush, chlamydia, trichomoniasis or mycoplasmosis. The most frequent urological diseases in men need to be diagnosed in time, as the lack of timely treatment can cause serious health problems.

The main diseases of the male genitourinary system:

  • urethritis,
  • prostatitis,
  • cystitis,
  • urolithiasis disease,
  • Balanoposthitis.

Their symptoms are somewhat similar, but differ in some ways. We will analyze these diseases in more detail.

Symptoms of urethritis

Urethritis is an inflammatory process, localized in the tissues that form the walls of the urinary canal. The manifestations of urethritis include:

  • Cutting pain and burning sensation when you visit the toilet;
  • Presence of specific secretions from the penis;
  • Itching;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • Feeling of residual urine.

Urethritis can be a consequence of an infection directly affecting the urinary canal, it may be due to a trauma to the inguinal region, especially for young men, or to develop against other infections that are neglected to migrate and cause inflammation of the urinary tract.

Treatment of urethritis

To cure urological diseases in men, the symptoms of which are similar to those of urethritis, it is necessary to visit a doctor and take a urogenital swab. Antibacterial drugs are used as the main drug, along with them it is necessary to take immunostimulating complexes that accelerate the healing process.

To prevent the development of dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to combine the intake of antibiotics with suitable probiotics. Additionally, antiseptic solutions can be administered to the urethra.

Causes of prostatitis

Almost every man at least once meets with the problem of inflammation of the prostate. Urology is also treating this problem. Symptoms in men can be pronounced or smoothed, depending on the form of the course of the disease.

Inflammation can occur as a result of sexual infection or stasis of secretion. So, the cause of the inflammatory process can be:

  • Unprotected sexual intercourse, especially with a frequent change of partners;
  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Low immunity;
  • Constant stress;
  • A lack of testosterone;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • Frequent abuse of alcoholic beverages.

At the initial stage, prostatitis often proceeds in a latent form, so when a man notices a health problem and seeks a doctor, the prostatitis takes on a chronic or acute form.

Symptoms and treatment of prostatitis

The main symptoms of the disease, which must first be paid attention:

  • Rezy with urination;
  • Problems with erection and sexual desire;
  • Pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • Frequent headaches;
  • General weakness of the body;
  • Loss of efficiency.

Diagnosis and elimination of all male problems and is engaged in urology. Symptoms in men, as a rule, are rarely very pronounced, since most diseases occur in a latent form. Therefore, you need to closely monitor your health and lifestyle. In addition, it is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking, normalize food and take vitamin complexes. Normalize blood circulation in the prostate gland will help massage.

Symptoms and treatment of cystitis

Cystitis is an inflammatory process in the urinary tract. The disease can occur against a background of urological or sexual infections, stones in the urinary tract or tumors.

The main symptoms are pain and severe pain during urination, turbid urine, tenderness in the groin and genital area. In severe disease, there is an increase in body temperature, blood in the urine, an unpleasant smell of rot.

Male urology (symptoms and treatment of specific ailments usually depend on the severity of the pathological process) is designed to prevent the development of severe forms of diseases. It is necessary in case of unpleasant symptoms to consult a doctor and not engage in self-medication.

Diagnosis of cystitis is carried out by examination, palpation of the scrotum and prostate. In addition, it is necessary to give an urogenital smear, to carry out bapsesection and to determine the causative agent of cystitis.

For treatment, antimicrobials are used that can help eliminate the causative agent of infection of the bladder and urinary tract. It will be useful to take herbal preparations that will have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, among them phyto-tea, tablets with cranberry extract and cranberry fruit drinks are very popular.

Symptoms and treatment of urolithiasis

The disease is characterized by sharp sharp or blunt pains that are localized mainly in the lumbar region, the side and the lower abdomen. With cramping attacks, pain can spread to the inguinal area, give into the testicle or thigh. There are also frequent urge to urinate, which is difficult, blood can appear in the urine.

Urologic diseases, the symptoms and manifestations of which cause severe discomfort, should be diagnosed as quickly as possible and treated effectively.

In the absence of pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), it is sufficient to adjust the diet and take antispasmodics. If urolithiasis accompanies pyelonephritis, antibiotics should be used.

Symptoms and treatment of balanoposthitis

Balanoposthitis is easy to determine by the presence of erosive eruptions on the head of the penis and foreskin. In addition, the disease is accompanied by swelling and soreness of the genital organs, purulent discharge is observed, in some cases there are white growths.

In acute disease, the body temperature rises, the body feels a weakness, which can reach fainting states. The chronic form of balanoposthitis is characterized by the wrinkling of the scalp and foreskin.

The main drugs are antibiotics and antifungal agents, it is also necessary to use local ointments and immunostimulants, which, in combination, will eliminate the cause of the disease and increase the defenses of the organism, thus accelerating the process of recovery.

The science that allows you to quickly diagnose and treat male diseases - urology. Symptoms of diseases make it possible to determine the necessary list of additional tests and allow more accurate diagnosis, thereby ensuring an effective and rapid treatment.

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