
Migration is a process of resettlement

At a household level, migration can be defined as resettlement, moving people from one locality to another. It is characterized by constancy, since a person must move to a permanent place of residence in another locality or country. This is the main thing that allows us to distinguish between tourist flows and other movements of people from global migration processes.

Types of migration

There are two main types of resettlement (resettlement is used as a synonym for migration). The division occurs for external and internal migration. Internal means moving within the country - for example, from a city to a settlement or vice versa. External is international migration. It is characterized by the processes of resettlement from one country to another. It is also divided into two types - immigration and emigration. The first - in case of entry into the country, the second, respectively, in case of departure from it.

Causes of migration

What makes people move from their home country to other places? Migration is a complex process, requiring an integrated approach to learning. There are many reasons why it can exist. Influence here is provided by various factors, such as the type of migration, the specific reason for the move, or even the spontaneous emotional response of a person to an event that has occurred. In any case, it is possible to identify several groups of causes that may occur during the relocation of people.

Classification of causes

The main reason is the economic factor. In the framework of it you can give a lot of examples, including historical ones. For example, for the development of Siberia and the Far East, human resources were needed, which were sent from the central regions of the Russian Empire. Within the framework of the economic reason labor migration is also singled out. For example, a person enters into a profitable contract with a foreign firm. He will have the only reason for resettlement - this is a job that is in another country. Migration is a multi-factor process, among the reasons which can be identified and political. This is mainly due to the unstable situation in a certain state or region. It can be a war, an emergency or a martial law, a revolution when the authorities are not able to provide protection to citizens.

Main migration flows

Today, migration is mainly intra-continental relocation, which is more often than not the case in certain regions. For example, they are the USA and Canada, the oil producing region (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait), central Europe. Speaking of the post-Soviet space, immigration to Russia, the main bulwark of the economic power of the former USSR, plays an important role here. Also, regional conflicts that occur in different parts of the world cause a short-lived surge in migration from these countries.

Population structure and migration

Migration is the basis for structural changes in the population in the country. Here we can distinguish two main indicators influenced by resettlement. This is an increase in the proportion of the population that is economically active. The second is characterized by the fact that the proportion of the male population increases. Statistics show that in search of work and material well-being in other regions are sent to men.

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