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Exercise on the triceps in the gym for women and men

If you ask girls who leave the gym, about the purpose for which they visit this institution, for sure the answers will be almost the same. Everyone wants to have tight buttocks, a flat stomach and an elastic chest. However, with age, women are surprised to note that there is another problem zone on the body. Hanging triceps treacherously disfigure their hands and as if they put a ban on wearing open dresses.

Are there female triceps exercises?

In fact, all the known exercises that allow to keep the muscles of the hands responsible for extension in tone are used by both women and men. Purely female complexes that develop this group of muscles, no. Exercises on the triceps in the gym for men differ only in the mass of the dumbbells, as well as in the relief of the result.

Precisely because in the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity muscles do not grow very much, they should not be afraid of a visible increase in the volume of hands. In addition, a set of exercises responsible for working out the triceps, help the ladies get rid of ugly folds on the back under the bra.

Exercises on the triceps in the gym: push-ups

The approach does not require additional mechanisms and adaptations, so this type of exercises can be performed at home in the morning. If you visit the gym 3 times a week, this does not mean that you can arrange a weekend at home. Basic exercises will be transferred to home conditions. These include push-ups. The trunk should be stretched out into the string during the exercise. For beginners, there are two options for starting training. Either prepare the muscles of the triceps for loads, using a wall or a bench, or make approaches to 3-5 presses.

3 approaches with small pauses

The trunk is lowered and raised, while also ensuring that the buttocks do not stick out. Those who feel the strength, can make an approach of 10 push-ups. Exercises on the triceps in the gym and so good that they do not allow you to relax in class. An instructor is walking nearby, and I do not want to hit my face in front of other athletes. Even if after the first approach it will be difficult, we rest only 30 seconds. We collect the will into a fist and perform the second series. Before the final approach, we make one more recovery pause, but not more than a minute.

The correct technique for performing push-ups on the triceps

Such push-ups require a slightly different position of the hands in the starting position, rather than when squeezing the muscles of the chest. The feet are just as close, but the arms are parallel to the shoulders. Begin to perform push-ups from below, keeping your hands bent with your elbows pressed to your body. On the account of "two" we completely straighten our arms, bringing the body into the state of an elongated string. When doing the approaches, you need to listen to your body and distribute the load between the hands and feet evenly. If it is difficult, you can alleviate the task and perform push-ups from the stop from the knees.

Such an exercise on the triceps in the gym is so simple, so effective. If you do it correctly, slowly and deeply lowering the body to the floor itself, then after the first session in the problem area, the characteristic pain symptoms will be felt. It is important not to overdo it, so that the hands can again perform the exercises for the next workout .

Exercises on the triceps in the gym: photo. French press from behind the head with both hands

We approach the dumbbells and choose for ourselves a projectile weighing 3-4 kg. Well-trained men use more impressive burdens. Before proceeding to the approach, it is necessary to remember that each movement is worked out slowly, is compressed, and then fixed. Beating in exercises with weights means lowering the efficiency of the process. It will be useful for beginners to begin an acquaintance with the exercise with a press with both hands. To do this, take the dumbbell from the discs on both sides, raise your hands over your head. Begin to smoothly bend your hands back so that the dumbbell almost touches your back.

Such an exercise on the triceps in the gym is better to start doing under the supervision of a mentor or any other insuring person to avoid injury. In addition, we do not see for ourselves whether we are getting our hands right behind our backs. The coach can correct the position of the body and the correctness of breathing for greater effectiveness of the exercise. Three approaches are implemented 10-15 times.

French press because of the head: varieties

Perhaps, for some, this exercise will seem a little more difficult than the previous one, because only one hand works with a mass of dumbbells. However, the execution technique is identical, with the only difference being that the second hand insures the flexing forearm. The number of approaches is the same as in the previous exercise. The only time - because of the participation in the process of both hands in turn, the total duration of time spent on approaches will double.

Back push-ups from a stop from a bench

Effective and simple triceps exercises in the gym for girls are not over. All those who suffer have a resilient relief of hands waiting for the bench of the gym. We hope, it is not necessary to remind that we do not lean on the edge in order to avoid injuries. Before we stand with our backs to the bench, we must test the next projectile for strength. Having made sure that he is able to withstand our own weight, we can begin to proceed. The legs are bent at the knees, tightly pressed against each other and maximally stretched from the bench. Hands put from behind to the edge of the bench somewhere in the middle, fingers at the same time have to look us in the back.

In the original stance, the arms are straight, we will slowly bend them in the elbows until the shoulders form a parallel line with the floor. At the same time, keep your back straight. Well, if we follow the correctness of the execution, we will be helped by mirrors. Do not forget that this triceps exercise in the gym will be accompanied by a smile and a good mood. Not disturb and rhythmic music. We perform 3-4 approaches 10-15 times. There is a complicated option for already trained people, in which this exercise is carried out with the support of two benches placed opposite each other. One of them will serve as a support for the hands, and the other, respectively, for the legs.

Application of shock absorbers

If earlier our dads and mothers used rather tight hand-held expanders as a projectile, now each simulator can be trained with excellent rubber shock absorbers. Work with the device, moved to fitness halls from power swimming, is a pleasure. Some people are so fond of practicing power stretching that the streechers become a true companion of studies and in the conditions of an apartment. So, let's look at one more triceps exercise. In the gym for this we will sit on a bench, keeping our back straight.

We have in our hands a shock absorber, one end of which we fix in the right hand. To do this, you can wrap the stretcher around the brush. We bend the arm holding the shock absorber, at the elbow behind the head, in the same way as in the exercise "French press". Now it was the turn of the second hand to fix the free part of the tape right at the waist. We brought the body into readiness. We begin to stretch the right hand to the position perpendicular to the floor. This exercise on the triceps in the gym for women to do so and well, which can become a quality alternative to so annoyed dumbbells.

Carrying such a power stretch, do not forget to make the movements smooth, slow. Be sure to stretch the muscles in addition. Fixing the arm position in the stretched state, stop for 2-3 seconds. We also do 3 sets of 10-15 times, then change hands.

Some principles of the training program

Do not forget that the muscles on the hands are relatively small. Therefore, for each muscle group, it is better to use no more than 3 different exercises in one workout. It will be uncritical if you limit yourself to only one. However, after 7-10 days, the body becomes addicted, and the muscles stop progressing. Therefore it is very important to alternate the exercises.

We hope that now, having received so much valuable information, you will choose your effective triceps exercise in the gym. For women, for weight loss and for good mood, other sets of exercises have been developed to help keep the body toned. Good workouts!

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