HealthDiseases and Conditions

What is bronchial asthma? Prevention of bronchial asthma

In medicine, there are many different diseases of the respiratory tract. However, in this article I want to tell you exactly what bronchial asthma is. Prevention plays a huge role in this disease.

About the disease

At the very beginning, you need to say a few words about what the disease is. As mentioned above, this is a respiratory disease, according to the type of allergy. As a rule, asthma is chronic. There are two types of this disease:

  1. Atopic (the main factor of the disease is allergens).
  2. Infectious-allergic (the main factor of the disease is the infectious agents of the respiratory tract).

the main thing

How to avoid a disease like bronchial asthma? Prevention - that can be the main factor in counteracting the onset of the disease. In this case, the following basic preventive methods will be relevant:

  1. Prevention of the development of allergic conditions in humans.
  2. Prevention of the occurrence of various types of chronic infections, which concern the respiratory tract.

And, of course, you need to know that there are three main levels of prevention of bronchial asthma: primary, secondary and tertiary.


It is very important to prevent bronchial asthma in children. And all because only malnutrition in the first years of life can cause this disease. What do you need to know when choosing prevention measures for the youngest?

  1. Breastfeeding of the infant is of the utmost importance. Scientists have proved that it is mother's milk that is the greatest preventive measure not only of this disease, but also of other diseases.
  2. You also need to know that you must strictly observe the time of the introduction of the first complementary foods. Ideally, if the baby does not eat anything until half a year, except for mother's milk. In the future, it must be remembered that babies should not be given such highly allergenic foods as eggs, honey, chocolate, citrus fruits and nuts.
  3. In the life of the baby should be as little irritants as possible - tobacco smoke, poisons, chemicals (including household chemicals).
  4. The most important measure for the prevention of asthma in children is the timely treatment of a variety of respiratory diseases.

Primary prevention

What measures include primary prevention of bronchial asthma? So, it is worth to say that if the children most often just have atopic asthma, then in adults the cause of the onset of the disease is basically the most different problems with the respiratory system. That is why the first preventive measure is the timely correct treatment of diseases associated with the respiratory system. Other precautions:

  1. A person should be in the cleanest possible ecological environment.
  2. The place of residence should be kept clean. Various carpets and multiple soft toys are an excellent dust collector.
  3. If the house has pets, you need to carefully monitor their hygiene.
  4. It is necessary if possible to use hypoallergenic cosmetics and household chemicals.
  5. We must abandon such a harmful habit as smoking. Also, you can not be a passive smoker.
  6. The correct nutrition is of the utmost importance. It is necessary to exclude to the maximum allergens also from food.
  7. It is necessary to go in for sports. Physical loads have a beneficial effect on the body.

Risk group

For which people is it very important to prevent bronchial asthma?

  1. Who has relatives who suffer from allergic reactions.
  2. People who had signs of atopic dermatitis in childhood.
  3. Smokers (including passive).
  4. People who work in special working conditions: chemical plants, perfume shops, etc.
  5. Those who have signs of bronchoobstructive syndrome in ARVI.

Secondary prevention

What should secondary prevention of bronchial asthma be aimed at? In this case, she will perform the following tasks:

  1. Prevention of the development of various kinds of complications of this disease.
  2. Preventing attacks of suffocation.

What preventive measures in this case will be relevant?

  1. Treatment with antihistamines (ie antiallergic drugs).
  2. From their diets, people with asthma should completely eliminate allergen products.
  3. You also need to stop taking alcohol and smoking.
  4. Pillows and blankets in humans should not be feathery (for example, can be with sinteponovym or silicone filler).
  5. In the house you can not keep any animals, including fish (their food is a strong allergen).
  6. You need to learn how to perform respiratory gymnastics. After all, this is an excellent prevention of asthma attacks.
  7. Useful are phytotherapy, acupuncture.
  8. You also need to remember that you need to maintain your body. It is necessary to take vitamins, go for a walk in the fresh air, play sports.

Main group

We further consider such a disease as bronchial asthma (disease prevention is the main topic of the article). Who are the secondary precautions? So, these are people who have chronic bronchial asthma, as well as those who have previously suffered the disease.

Tertiary prevention

We study further the various nuances of the topic "treatment and prevention of asthma bronchial." So, what goals will be achieved by tertiary prevention?

  1. Reducing the severity of the course of the disease.
  2. Prevention of exacerbation of the disease.
  3. Improved control of the course of the disease.
  4. Exception of death in periods of complication of the disease.

What will be important in this case?

  1. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle: to eat right, to load the body with feasible physical exercises.
  2. In the room where the patient is, you should regularly clean (you need to wash the floor at least twice a week).
  3. From the room you need to remove all the dust collectors: soft toys, carpets, upholstered furniture.
  4. Bed linen should be changed once a week. It is washed with household soap at a temperature of 60 ° C (not powder).
  5. In the room where the patient lives, animals should not be allowed.
  6. With great care you need to take certain medications (especially antibiotics penicillin series).
  7. Important regular anti-inflammatory treatment.

Elimination mode

So, if the diagnosis is "bronchial asthma," disease prevention also provides for the so-called elimination regime. It is necessary in order to achieve maximum control of the disease, as well as reducing the incidence of complications. It should be said that the prevention measures with elimination mode for each patient are individual (all depends on the cause of the disease). However, they may assume:

  1. Frequent cleaning to remove dust mites, fungi.
  2. Prevention of housing for insects, in particular cockroaches.
  3. Avoid contact with animals.
  4. Proper nutrition.

Those. In this mode, you need to do everything to exclude the contact of a sick person with the allergen that causes the disease.

Prevention of coughing

What measures will be relevant in the prevention of precisely suffocating cough (it often occurs with this disease)?

  1. Contrasted water procedures. They should end with rinsing with cool water and wiping with a dry warm towel.
  2. Breathing exercises (an assistant can become exercises from yoga).
  3. Facial massage before the normalization of nasal breathing (approximately 3-4 times a day).
  4. Rest in bed with a high solid headboard.

Prevention of suffocating cough for children from three years can become a normal mobile game. However, in this case, you need to remember that it is important in the game to take small breaks so that the baby can catch his breath.

How to detect the disease?

What diagnostic methods are relevant in this case:

  1. Samples with a bronchodilator.
  2. Spirometry (measurements of external respiration rates).
  3. Peakflow measurement (measurement of peak expiratory flow rate). It is also recommended to keep a diary of self-control.
  4. Also need to conduct an allergic examination. In this case, it becomes known which exactly allergen is the source of the disease.

Simple conclusions

What can be said as an inference, considering the topic of "bronchial asthma: prevention"? Pictures and posters that tell about this disease are often hung in medical institutions. All this is necessary in order to prevent the emergence of the disease as effectively as possible. After all, this disease is much easier to prevent than treat. So the measures described above should be relevant for all people, even those who have not yet experienced this disease.

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