Health, Diseases and Conditions
Meningitis in children does not suffer procrastination ...
The word "meningitis" already in itself causes anxiety among parents, because it is very difficult to establish this disease, and delay in treatment threatens a fatal outcome.
Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges (spinal cord or brain). In children, the disease can be complicated by a common infection of the blood, which is facilitated by meningitis and this condition is extremely dangerous for life. At the time of diagnosed disease, the chances of recovery are sufficiently high (provided timely timely treatment), however, meningitis threatens with complications that significantly worsen the quality of life.
A distinctive feature of meningitis in children is the rapid development of the disease. Just a few hours after the first complaint, the child can be completely broken, tired. All the symptoms of the disease indicate an infectious component in the etiology, however, it is difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis. Serous meningitis in children occurs due to the penetration of iersinia, rickettsia, malarial plasmodium, toxoplasm, leptospira, and many others.
Meningitis in children manifests itself in different ways, and the symptoms themselves appear chaotic. At any suspicion of this disease, parents should know the "golden rule" - immediate hospitalization in a children's institution and an early examination with a specialist. Only in this case the risk of complications is minimal, and the chances of recovery are increased.
In newborns and preschool children, meningitis may manifest with fever, nausea, vomiting. Children refuse to eat, babies cry loudly without stopping. If the child has not yet closed the fontanel, then at this place you can see the swelling. The skin of the children pale, it can be noticeable spots of a different shade with uneven edges ("marble skin"). Breathing shallow, frequent. The general condition can be either excessively inhibited (weak reaction to external stimuli) and hyperactive (the child commits convulsive movements with limbs, can not long be in one position). Usually when the meningitis of the brain shells, the muscles of the neck become numb, with any turn of the head the child feels a sharp pain. Sharp sounds, bright light annoy the child. Such a reaction in the first time leads to further disturbance of consciousness and coma.
Meningitis in children gives and skin signs - in the first place, it is a rash of various sizes. The rash acquires a rather pronounced bright red color, which is not confused with an allergic rash or another. When pressing on the skin, the rash does not disappear, the skin becomes slightly bluish. Children at this time can feel cold extremities, pain in the muscles. Such symptoms appear first in most cases. For first aid, the administration of antibiotics, which the doctor must appoint, is necessary.
In most cases, meningitis in children is caused by an infection (bacterium or virus). Modern medicine has isolated some of them and now the children are given preventive vaccinations. However, some strains mutate and can be dangerous. Most often, meningitis occurs in children who have weakened immunity.
The most important task of a doctor is to diagnose meningitis in children as early as possible. If the blood test and other indicators indicate infection and inflammation, then the lumbar puncture may be decisive . With the help of this analysis, it is possible to diagnose purulent meningitis in children.
It should be done only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Intravenously administered a dose of antibiotics that will fight infection, and to reduce the swelling of the brain given special medications. If there is a general infection of the blood, then rehabilitation measures may require the connection of an artificial respiration device.
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