HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pustule is a pustular inflammation (types, causes, treatment)

Pustule is an inflammatory nature of the rash, the cavity of which is filled with pus. Appear such elements in the thickness of the skin or in the epidermis, regardless of the sex of the person. Most often, these pustules are formed in the face and back. If untimely treatment or neglect of the skin, a significant reduction in skin tone, appearance of small scars and uneven pigmentation is possible.

Appearance of pustule

Externally, the rash of the pustule is similar to small balls, with a diameter of no more than 0.5-0.9 cm with a white or light yellow neoplasm on the surface. Such painful elements of the inflammatory rash can eventually burst and form a crust on its surface. Sometimes it is possible to observe an independent drying of the pustule without external intervention (autopsy).

Inflammatory rash can be either globular, or conical or flat. Pustules are the primary elements on the skin, which most often appear in adolescence and less often in children or adults.


Pustules on the face arise due to such negatively influencing factors as:

  • Not proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, because of which there is a blockage of pores, as well as infection with staphylococci or streptococci;
  • Mechanical damage to the skin;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Weakened immune system;
  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Various kinds of diseases, such as: syphilis, candidiasis, scabies, chickenpox, etc.

According to medical statistics, the frequent cause of pustules is the body's immune response to bacteria. Such infections affect the skin just after the sebaceous glands clog pores. The main causative agent is staphylococcus stamps.

Types of pustules

Depending on the location of such pustular elements, distinguish:

  • Epidermal pustules (this type of rash is located on the surface of the skin and after its disappearance, scars and scars are not formed);
  • Dermal pustules (appear in the subcutaneous tissue and often after their healing, there are pigmented spots, scars and irregularities on the skin).

Depending on the location of the pustule in relation to the hair follicle, the inflammations are divided:

  • Follicular (appeared directly in the hair follicle);
  • Not follicular (formed outside the follicle).

Treatment of pustules

Of course, it is not recommended to open pyoinflammatory inflammations on your own and use various means. If such an aesthetic problem is found, it is advised to consult a dermatologist or a cosmetologist first to help determine the severity of the inflammation and to prescribe a truly effective treatment.

Acne pustules can also testify to the onset of serious diseases that should be cured before proceeding with the cleansing of the skin. In most cases, doctors advise to undergo additional examinations, and may require blood test results. With properly prescribed treatment and constant compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor, pustules disappear after 1.5-2 weeks.

Treatment of pustules at home

Often pustules are white abscesses, which can not dry out for quite a long time, while complicating a person's life and lowering his self-esteem. To remove inflamed vesicles, it is initially recommended to steam out the face with a steam bath and only then gently open the pustule. Before the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect the hands and skin where inflammation has formed.

The pustule should be opened with a handkerchief, which is carefully ironed beforehand. If at pressing there are strong painful sensations or pus does not leave, hence, the pustule "has not ripened". It is not recommended to press strongly on the inflamed area, so that the infection does not "go away" deeper into the skin. If it was possible to remove the pustular papule painlessly, then the open wound is smeared with an antibacterial agent with the help of a cotton disc or stick. At home, to reduce inflammation, it is recommended to use antibacterial liquids, ointments and gels such as:

  • "Benzoyl peroxide";
  • "Levomekol";
  • Alcohol or iodine;
  • "Zinerit";
  • Baziron.

Pustula is a pustular inflammation that occurs due to non-compliance with all hygiene rules. It is worth remembering that the skin of the face and body should be kept clean, and when the first signs of pustules appear, it is advised to consult a specialist who can find out the true causes of this aesthetic problem.

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