HealthDiseases and Conditions

Stone in the ureter. How to get rid of the misfortune.

Stones are formed in the kidneys, a person can live a lifetime without even knowing about them. Symptoms appear only when the stones in the ureters begin to move forward. There is a sharp unbearable pain. Severe pain can be temporarily removed, but you need to solve the problem radically and take all the necessary measures to remove the stone in the ureter.

The first step is to consult a doctor and conduct a thorough examination. Depending on the size of the stone, the way to remove it is determined. If the stone is really huge, and no other way to extract it will not work, the patient will be offered surgery. Urine from the kidney can not enter the bladder, due to overlapping it with a stone. In addition to severe pain, there is a threat of kidney loss, so if there is no other alternative, it will be necessary to remove a large stone in the ureter only through surgery.

There is another way. This is a crushing. Laser stones are crushed into small parts, which can escape from the body by their natural way. It is also possible to extract using special medical equipment. Stones in the ureters can be urate, phosphate and oxalate. When choosing the right diet, it is possible to dissolve and release such stones. Success is guaranteed only if they are relatively small. Unfortunately, larger stones are usually found in the ureter.

Often doctors themselves recommend folk methods, in order to remove a small or medium stone in the ureter. Folk remedies are used to wash away stones. One of the most effective ways to remove stones is the reception of black radish juice. Grind it with a grater or a blender, squeeze out the juice and take a spoon daily before meals. Marena dye has strong cleansing actions. Our grandmothers used the roots of this plant. Shredded roots should be poured with clean water and insist on a water bath for twenty minutes. The resulting broth, ruby-colored, take three times a day in a spoonful. The stone in the ureter starts to move and leaves very quickly.

The next infusion possesses a very potent leaching effect. Take in equal parts the juice of aloe, honey, seeds of a young sunflower and squeezed garlic. Mix the mixture and fill it with alcohol. The mixture is placed in a glass jar and kept in a dark place for at least twelve days. One hour before each meal, eat one spoonful. Take the broth until the stone in the ureter disappears. Folk remedies suggest using some fresh juices that have strong cleaning properties. A good juice of cucumber, beets, carrots and lemon. If you drink lemon juice diluted with water daily in an amount of at least ten glasses, after three days you can get rid of the stone.

With the help of these methods, you can create the most comfortable conditions for the withdrawal of stone from the body naturally. It is recommended to combine this treatment with thermal procedures. On the sore spot is put a warmer. Very well relieves pain, soothes and helps to remove the stone in the ureter warm bath. The patient must drink a lot of liquid (two or more liters). Do not forget about the diet, which should appoint a doctor after examining the analysis of urine. Consumed foods should help slow the process of formation of new stones and prevent complications. It is not recommended to eat fatty foods, a lot of meat, especially those parts that contain a lot of sticky substances. Spinach, sorrel and lettuce should be excluded for a while. Alcoholic drinks and spices, which have an exciting effect, are especially dangerous. But all kinds of dairy products, vegetables and fruits are very useful, especially lemons. Try to be more in motion, this facilitates the rapid removal of stones.

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