Health, Diseases and Conditions
Removal of papilloma with liquid nitrogen and radio wave
Papillomas can appear in all people and it does not matter whether it's a child or an elderly person, sometimes they are from birth. Such formations are formed slowly, asymptomatically. The only way to get rid of them is to destroy them. Today we learn about the removal of nitrogen from the papilloma , feedback on this procedure, as well as on the method of eliminating education with the help of radio waves.
What is this ailment?
Papillomas are a viral disease of the skin, as a result of which growths are formed. You can get infected if you come in contact with a sick person or a household way, for example, when you visit a sauna or a swimming pool. Particularly alarming should people who have low immunity, there are hormonal disorders or those who are stressed and often nervous tension. This is a benign formation that appears on the skin of a person, on the mucous membranes or on internal organs.
When to get rid of
Removal of papilloma with liquid nitrogen or other means should be done if:
- The burden hinders a person and hurts.
- Spoils the look.
- Changes the shape, size, color.
In the latter case, it is urgent to get rid of this ailment.
It's forbidden to remove the papilloma itself , because with incorrectly performed actions the virus can get into the blood and, thus, the infection will go all over the body. The most popular ways to get rid of such an ailment are the radio wave method and cryodestruction, which will be discussed below.
Removal of papillomas on the face with liquid nitrogen: features
On the build-up itself, an effect of a very low temperature is produced (about -196 degrees). After that, the tissue is destroyed due to instantaneous freezing, and the affected area loses its receptivity and whitens. There are two methods of removing papillomas with nitrogen:
1. Soft resection.
2. Aggressive liquidation.
After the first method, scars are not preserved, and after the second they can appear, but this happens very rarely.
Detailed description of the procedure
Removal of papilloma with liquid nitrogen, or, in another way, cryodestruction is carried out as follows:
- If the formation of a large size or this measure is carried out in relation to children, then the treated site doctor anesthetizes Novocaine. If the build-up is small, then local anesthesia is not done.
- The doctor pushes a special stick, at the end of which is cotton wool, in a container with liquid nitrogen, and then gently presses it against the papilloma for 5-6 seconds.
- After the first attempt, a break is made for 2 minutes, during which the surgeon determines whether the effect was effective. If the event is successfully completed, the treated area becomes white. Then the specialist decides whether to continue the impact.
- Then a bubble forms, which indicates the onset of the inflammatory process in the treated area. This should be the case with a successful procedure. It can not be pasted with adhesive tape, you can only bandage it. Within one week, the bubble will open, and after a few weeks the crust will fall off. It happens and such that the blister does not form, this can be after treatment with small papillomas. However, the presence of pain in the place of the procedure indicates that the effect was. And if the education on the skin is large, and the bubble does not appear, then you need to hold the event again. The secondary procedure is done in three weeks.
Advantages and disadvantages of the method of cryodestruction
Removal of papilloma with liquid nitrogen has its positive and negative sides. The advantages of getting rid of the build-up by cryodestruction are as follows:
- Painless procedure.
- The event is easily tolerated by a person.
- Low cost.
- No risk of infection.
- The wound quickly heals.
However, there are some disadvantages:
- Do not check the depth of impact.
- There is a danger of incomplete removal of education, due to which it is required to repeat the procedure.
- Large size of the applicator, interfering with observing the reaction area.
- There is a possibility of scar formation.
People's opinions about the method of cryodestruction
Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen reviews is mostly positive. The patients praise this way of getting rid of the build-up, and many even say that this procedure is not so painful, as if in a strong frost you touch metal, but this is quite tolerable. Also, people note the fact that such an event is quite affordable, in contrast to the laser method. Therefore, many women and men use this way, and it is, incidentally, the most common in clinics and hospitals.
However, there are also not very flattering reviews about the method of cryodestruction. Some people note the fact that after the procedure, after a certain time, the growth occurs again in the affected area. But do not complain about the ineffectiveness of this technique, because the surgeon relieves the patient of the papilloma, and another doctor must deal with the cause of the newly emerged education. Still there are negative opinions that after the eradication of a large build-up on the affected site a scar has formed over time. But this point is explained to the patient by the doctor, who should warn about the consequences of the method of cryodestruction, especially if the removal of papillomas on the face is performed. Therefore, before agreeing to liquidate formation with liquid nitrogen, it is necessary to consult with the surgeon about the possible consequences and dig on the Internet, where you can find a lot of information about the treatment of build-ups.
The radio wave method of getting rid of a built-up edge
In this case, a scalpel is used, cutting tissue and stopping bleeding, and it eliminates all microorganisms, even those that accidentally ended up at the site of the operation. This knife is a universal tool, with the help of which all the tasks are solved.
Radio wave removal of papillomas occurs as follows:
- The doctor makes a local anesthetic, for this, the skin surface he treats with aerosol, gel or injects a special solution under the skin.
- When the drug starts to work, the doctor determines the electrode of the scalpel to the affected area, a radio wave of high frequency is passed through it. As a result, the papilloma is separated at the base in several stages.
The time of the operation is not more than 30 minutes and depends on the size of the formations, their number and location.
After the procedure, there are wounds that resemble abrasions, then they are covered with a crust that disappears after 7 days, leaving a clean and even skin after them.
Advantages and disadvantages of the method
Removal of papillomas by the radio wave method has many positive aspects.
The pluses are:
- Safety of the event.
- Gentle effect on the fabric and its accuracy.
- Selectivity.
- Absence of postoperative scars;
- There is a possibility of histological examination of the removed papilloma. The scalpel does not destroy and does not destroy the tissue, so it can be sent, if necessary, to a cytological analysis.
- Exclusion of relapses.
- Accelerated rehabilitation period.
The disadvantage of this method of eliminating education is perhaps one - the high cost of the procedure.
People's opinions about this method of getting rid of growths
Removal of papillomas by radio wave method reviews of people receives only eulogies. Most patients note that anxiety and fear before the operation are completely in vain, since anesthesia helps, removal is rapid, and after the procedure there is no trace. People of retirement age regret that such a method was invented so late, because unpleasant entities prevented them from living, and few people agreed to a routine operation.
Removal of papilloma with liquid nitrogen or radio wave method - these are procedures that appeared relatively recently, but they have become popular among patients. According to the doctor's recommendations, a person can choose which method is closest to him, based on his preferences and price policy.
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