Health, Preparations
Means of 'Cordipine'. Instructions for use
The patients leave the drug "Cordyepin" in most cases positive. Many drugs helped stabilize the pressure, normalize the heart activity. One of the advantages of the drug, patients also call good tolerability.
The drug "Cordipin" instructions for use refers to the category of calcium channel blockers. The active substance is nifedipine.
After ingestion, the active ingredient is released rather quickly. The beginning of the distribution is fixed after five to ten minutes. The maximum concentration of nifedipine reaches after thirty to sixty minutes.
Characterizing the drug "Cordipine", the instruction for use indicates its ability to slow the penetration of calcium into smooth muscle cells in peripheral vessels and coronary arteries, myocardium. The medicine has a coronarodilating effect, contributes to the improvement of poststenotic circulation. Medication "Cordipin" reduces the cardiac load, the need for myocardium in oxygen.
The medicine is prescribed for hypertensive crisis. The drug "Cordipin retard" is indicated for vasospastic and stable angina, increased pressure.
No remedy is prescribed for cardiogenic shock, porphyria, aortic stenosis (pronounced). Among the contraindications to the drug "Cordipine" instruction for use calls the acute stage of myocardial infarction (in the first four weeks), hypotension, unstable angina, individual intolerance, heart failure of pronounced course. Do not prescribe medication during pregnancy and lactation, in childhood. If necessary, take the pill while breastfeeding, it must be discontinued.
In hypertensive crisis, the drug "Cordypin" instruction for use recommends a dosage of ten milligrams once. The tablet should be chewed and held in the mouth, without swallowing for a while. At the end of the hour, the reception is allowed to be repeated.
The drug "Cordipine retard" is prescribed twenty milligrams twice a day as the initial dose. Subsequently, it can be increased to 40 mg twice daily. With angina Prinzmetal appoint eighty-one hundred and twenty milligrams daily. The interval between receptions should not be less than two hours.
Overdose of the drug "Cordipine" manifests itself as metabolic acidosis (inhibited state, rapid breathing), convulsions, heart failure, tachycardia or bradycardia, shock, hypotension. Treatment includes gastric lavage, and also the reception of activated charcoal. The indications are symptomatic treatment.
With special care, the medication "Cordypin" is prescribed for diabetes, obstructive cardiomyopathy (hypertrophic), pulmonary hypertension, in old age, with liver failure, and also in the recovery period after a heart attack. In all these cases, the condition should be monitored by the doctor.
The medicine "Cordipin" can cause headache, swelling of the ankles, redness of the face. In rare cases, orthostatic hypotension, weakness, tachycardia, fatigue, dizziness, skin rash, heartburn.
The drug "Cordipin" instruction allows use in conjunction with drugs such as "Isosorbide dinitrate", "Nitroglycerin". The drug is also compatible with diuretics, beta-blockers and hypotensive drugs.
The drug "Cordipin" is able to increase the concentration of theophylline, phenytoin, carbamazepine, digoxin in the serum.
The content of nifedipine (the active component of the drug) is increased when combined with the drug "Cimetidine."
Before using the drug "Cordipine" should study the annotation.
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