
Manganese for the human body: the role, norms, benefits and harms

Manganese is a fairly common substance in nature. However, it can be found not in pure form, but in the composition of some ore compounds. It is also a vitally important microelement for most plants and living organisms, including humans. Why manganese human body? In what concentrations is it useful, and in what way is it harmful? In what products is it contained?

The role of manganese in the human body

Why is manganese so important for the human body? First of all, it affects the work of our nervous system. This microelement takes a direct part in the synthesis of neurotransmitters (physiologically active substances that transmit impulses between nerve cells). Also, manganese has a beneficial effect on the formation and growth of bone tissue along with calcium, supports the immune system when confronting various infections, stabilizes the digestive process.

Manganese for the human body is important for another reason. Absorption of B vitamins, as well as C and E, fast tissue healing, brain function, growth and the formation of new cells are impossible without its presence.

Most scientists hold the view that manganese is important for the human body, because it prevents the development of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and the thyroid gland. It is well known that in people with diabetes, the percentage of manganese is 2 times less than in healthy people.

This microelement will help restore muscle tone and sensitivity to the limbs, prevent atherosclerosis, reduce the activity of harmful cholesterol, and normalize the genitourinary system. When pregnant in moderate doses, manganese is necessary for the proper formation of the fetus, and after giving birth promotes lactation.

Among other things, manganese is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. It is also able to reduce the effect of toxins on the body. People have known this property for a long time, because poisoning often often takes a weak solution of potassium permanganate to this day . These are the important functions of manganese in the body.

Daily requirement

Scientists have established a daily intake of manganese. Its average value is about 0.3 mg per 1 kg of human weight.

For children, the norm is slightly reduced, and its minimum value should be at least 1-2 mg per day:

  • Up to 7 years - up to 0.1 mg per 1 kg of weight.
  • From 7 to 14 years - from 0.09 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Women need 2.5-5 mg of this substance per day. But physical activity, pregnancy and lactation require more manganese to enter the body.

Men need daily intake of at least 6 mg of manganese, and with an active lifestyle - up to 8.5.

Products containing manganese

If manganese is so important for the human body, then what products can be obtained from it? You can find them on the shelves of the most ordinary supermarkets. However, it is worth remembering that the maximum concentration of manganese is found only in unrefined, natural products that were manufactured without the use of heat treatment.

Products of animal origin contain a minimum amount of this substance, which does not provide an opportunity to fill its deficiency in the body. Manganese is contained:

  • In all kinds of meat, except pork;
  • In the kidneys;
  • In the fish;
  • In crustaceans;
  • In cheese.

Large concentrations of the substance are contained in products of plant origin:

  • In olive oil;
  • In fruits - grapes and lemons;
  • In vegetables - cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, radish;
  • In beans - peas, beans;
  • In greenery - parsley and dill;
  • In cereals - rye, wheat, wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice;
  • In berries - cowberry, cherry, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, black currant;
  • In honey;
  • In cocoa;
  • In tea;
  • In nuts.


For our body, manganese is vitally important. Benefits and harm to health are directly determined by its concentration in the body. With an excess of manganese, iron impairment often occurs. But such trace elements as iron, phosphorus and calcium, on the contrary, inhibit its assimilation. However, this does not apply to food, but vitamin-mineral preparations, which are prescribed by doctors. With uncontrolled admission of the latter there is an imbalance of the most important trace elements.

Lack of

Deficiency in the body of a vitamin or a microcell is not uncommon in our time. Quite often people also have manganese deficiency. A few decades ago this was an extremely rare phenomenon.

The cells of our body are almost always exposed to negative environmental influences, for example toxic. Constant nervous tension and stress cause the body to expend more manganese to ensure the integrity of cell membranes. In addition, the deficiency of this microelement is associated with a small consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs.

Nevertheless, manganese is a truly unique microelement, since if it does not enter the body for a long time, cells can inhibit its excretion to prevent its deficiency and the occurrence of a number of diseases. However, this effect is only temporary, a deficit will arise if there is no receipt of this substance.

Deficiency or a lack of manganese adversely affects our health: fatigue increases, dizziness and weakness arise, muscles ache, excess weight appears. There may also be allergies, diabetes, joint diseases, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, sclerosis. In addition, the disease of vitiligo, which is associated with impaired immunity, may develop. In young women with a deficiency of this microelement, infertility develops, and in the elderly, osteoporosis develops. But the children grow poorly, the development of the musculoskeletal system is inhibited.

Preparations containing manganese

For therapeutic purposes, doctors can prescribe a drug "Turamine", which contains 25 mg of the substance in one tablet, when manganese is deficient. Also contain manganese and multivitamin complexes, such as:

  • Vitrum;
  • "Calcemin Advance" ;
  • "Complivit";
  • "Maksamin Forte";
  • "Multi-tabs";
  • "Oligovit";
  • "Supradin".

Are there any contraindications?

Manganese for the human body is undoubtedly important. However, there are situations when drugs with its presence can not be used. This applies to people suffering from Parkinson's disease, as well as working on production with the use of manganese salts, for example, in a steelmaking plant, in the electrical industry.

One of the vital trace elements is manganese. In the human body, its role is enormous: it participates in many metabolic processes, hematogenesis, promotes the growth of tissues, improves their tone, prevents the development of diabetes and thyroid gland diseases. However, not in the best way affects both its excess and lack.

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