
Lymphocytes are increased. What does this show?

Often when passing a blood test, it turns out that in the blood of a person lymphocytes are increased. What is the evidence of such an unpleasant situation? Lymphocytes are called cells of the protective (immune) system. They are produced by the bone marrow of our body. These cells are responsible for the recognition of any foreign microorganisms and the corresponding reaction to them. In order to find out the reason for the increase in their level in the blood, it is necessary to understand what this analysis of blood shows. Lymphocytes are elevated in many cases, but it is worthwhile to understand their very essence.

There are several types of these cells. So the T-lymphocytes formed in the thymus gland (thymus) are responsible for determining the specific type of microorganisms. It is from these cells that a timely and accurate response to the penetration of disease pathogens depends. These lymphocytes are divided into "killers", which inhibit the growth of microorganisms, and also destroy the damaged cells of the body; "Helpers" that promote immunity, and "suppressors" that suppress the response of the immune system. This type of lymphocytes is about 80% of their total number.

B-lymphocytes are produced by lymphoid tissues of lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen and small intestine. They produce antibodies (special proteins) that find viruses, tumor cells, bacteria and destroy them. The number of these bodies can reach a specific gravity of 15% (of all lymphocytes).

The least of all in human blood is NK-lymphocytes. Their number does not exceed 10%. These cells are responsible for preventing various tumors and infections.

In a healthy person, lymphocytes normally amount to 36-40% of the total number of leukocytes. Such data in the analysis is recorded in absolute terms in the following form: 1.0-3.6 * 10 (9) / l. It is within these limits that the number of lymphocytes is considered normal. In childhood, their level varies greatly and can change. In infancy, it ranges from 9 to 32 * 10 (9) / liter. With age, these indicators are reduced and by the age of 18 they reach absolute indices in 1-4 * 10 (9) / l.

Lymphocytes are increased during viral infections (influenza, viral hepatitis, whooping cough, measles, rubella), non-viral infections (diphtheria, malaria, typhoid, syphilis), tocoplasmosis, blood diseases (lymphocytic leukemia, lymphosarcoma). Sometimes the increase in the number of such cells in the blood is due to the intake of medications.

Lymphocytes are elevated in the state of lymphocytosis. It indicates an increase in the number of these cells in the blood, which circulates outside the hematopoiesis. It is classified into two types: absolute and relative. The appearance of a particular species depends on the disease occurring in the body. Relative lymphocytosis, or an increase in the proportion of lymphocyte concentration with a perfectly normal absolute number, is most common. It appears in diseases that are characterized by a decrease in other types of leukocytes. Such lymphocytosis is typical for viral infections, inflammatory diseases, typhoid fever, brucellosis.

Absolute lymphocytosis indicates an absolute increase in the number of lymphocytes. It is observed in acute infections. It is characteristic for rubella, measles, scarlet fever, tuberculosis. It also appears with lymphosarcoma.

With chronic infections and inflammations accompanied by infiltration of the lesion by the lymphocytes themselves, both types of lymphocytosis in the blood can be observed.

If the lymphocytes are raised in an adult, this may also indicate diseases such as infectious mononucleosis, viral hepatitis, secondary syphilis, bronchial asthma, viral hepatitis, serum sickness, endocrine diseases, Addison's disease, thymus hyperplasia. Often such a condition occurs with B12-deficiency anemia, a decrease in ACTH and HA, prolonged starvation, ovarian hypofunction, acromegaly.

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