Health, Medicine
Where is the appendix? What is an appendix? Appendicitis: symptoms like check
Feeling pain in the lower right corner of the abdomen, we often think: what if suddenly an appendix? What is appendicitis, many know, so when morbidity occurs in the area of its location, people immediately begin to wind up themselves and make false diagnoses. For the most part, our fears are not confirmed, such pain can be an echo of the usual upset stomach. It can also be a signal of a gastric infection. But it can also be an appendicitis. Therefore, it is important to know its main symptoms and what they cause. But let's start in order.
Appendix: what is it?
This is the name of the appendix in the rectum. Such education is not available in all mammals, for example, it does not have cats, but it is present in the human body, monkeys and rabbits. It performs protective functions, is part of the immune system, in particular, restores the intestinal microflora.
The appendix is a kind of "nursery" for the beneficial bacteria involved in digestion. Its role for the intestine is similar to that performed by the tonsils for the respiratory system. But people who survived appendectomy, in other words, the removal of the appendix, it is more difficult to restore the microflora after diseases by infections than to those who have this organ.
Let's see now where the appendix is located in person. The photo below will give an opportunity to understand its approximate location and localization of pain in its inflammation.
Location of the appendix
Surely you were wondering: which side of the appendix? It is located in the right ileal region, smoothly descending to the small pelvis. There are cases when it is located behind the cecum and the upper part reaches the liver. The length of the process varies from half a centimeter to 23 cm, the standard one is about 7-8 cm, the width does not exceed one centimeter. So, now you know which side of the appendix is located.
Appendicitis and its varieties
We figured out the answer to the question where the appendix is. What is appendicitis, it's easy to guess - it's an inflammation of this organ. An interesting fact is that if a person has a right-sided heart, then the appendix will be in his left lower abdomen.
Now we learn about appendicitis in humans. Photos and symptoms will help to find out what kind of illness and how to recognize it.
Appendicitis occurs when the process of the cecum is inflamed and filled with pus.
- Acute appendicitis is the most common form that occurs in adults and children. Inflammation and after it the pain begin suddenly.
- Chronic appendicitis. Symptoms in adult men and women can occur quite rarely, but for children it is not at all characteristic. The disease has the same clinical picture, but the manifestation of inflammation is blurred in time.
Why does the appendix flare up? What is happening to him?
There is no unequivocal answer, since there is no scientific theory explaining the causes of appendicitis. There are hypotheses that this is due to the activity of the microflora inhabiting it, it can arise because of overeating, when the digestive system is loaded with a large amount of protein food. The reason may be even inactive lifestyle and sedentary work.
Symptoms of appendicitis
Here we describe in detail the main and secondary signs of this ailment. Please, if you find at least one of them at home, call an ambulance immediately!
- Key symptoms. Pain in the abdomen arises near the navel and smoothly leaves into the lower right side of the abdominal region. When you press the stomach, especially in these areas, you have a persistent painful sensation. Do not try to call an ambulance if your stomach feels hard or swollen. Under normal conditions, the tissues of this area are soft, supple to pressing. It hurts you to stand and walk. You can not move without feeling constant pain, it is easier for you if you lie crouching. A characteristic sign of appendicitis is soreness with a sharp decrease in the pressure on the abdomen.
- Additional signs of illness. These signs are not necessarily inherent in appendicitis, but their presence also speaks of any other serious disease immediately requiring the intervention of doctors:
- Fever, body temperature above 38 ° C;
- Constipation in combination with periodic vomiting;
- nausea;
- diarrhea;
- Painful urge to empty the intestines, often false;
- Pain in the back area.
Children's appendicitis
Symptoms in adult men and women we determined. Children, especially small children, can not always describe what happens to their bodies. So if you notice the baby such manifestations, sound the alarm:
- A child can not sleep at night with pain, he is restless.
- Sometimes he can scream, lie in the embryo pose or squat.
- The kid is pointing at the belly.
- Nausea and vomiting, especially in small children.
- Lack of appetite.
- Violation of the stool. When appendicitis is normal, it will not lead to a loose stool.
Absolutely forbidden!
Do not take antacids (these are drugs that neutralize hydrochloric acid), as well as laxatives and anesthetics, it is possible that they can aggravate your condition. You can not eat too salty, sweet, fatty, spicy food. Animal protein food alternate with vegetable, add to your daily diet of fruits and vegetables and beware of overeating. It is not superfluous to prevent diseases of the digestive system.
As you probably know, the described disease can lead to a fatal outcome. If you start an inflamed process, then it can burst from the pus that overflows it. And all the contents will fall into the abdominal cavity, where the already irreversible inflammation - peritonitis - can begin. Sometimes, unfortunately, medical errors are allowed , and a patient with a high fever and acute pain in the abdominal region is placed in the infectious department, losing precious time to establish the true cause of the pain. Therefore, it is better to describe to the doctor all the symptoms, not even too, in your opinion, significant. It will be superfluous and straightforward to say that you suspect appendicitis.
The main symptoms you may not manifest, but even high fever, vomiting or constipation can already be a sign of appendicitis. Sometimes, for example, with appendicitis and no heat at all, only in children this indicator is able to rise high in any inflammatory process. You can have completely unusual symptoms, such as: "grasps" the lower back, a painful sensation in the genito-urinary organs. This is due to the fact that the appendix is located not far from these areas of the body, and pain can be given in them.
In infants, pregnant women, the elderly, patients after organ transplants, obese, with diabetes, cancer, HIV, it is very difficult to determine this disease! Even ordinary fatigue can be a sign of these people. In people aged appendicitis can serve as an excuse for exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
We have sorted out what happens with such a disease as appendicitis, symptoms. How to check the presence of this pathology in men, women and children, you now know. The most important thing that we wanted to convey this article is - do not ignore any malfunctions in the work of your body, because they can be a signal of a serious disease.
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