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Light in our life. Light in the life of animals and humans

Light in our life plays an important role. According to biologists, 90% of the data is perceived through visual channels. It is for this reason that moderate light favorably affects the vital activity of all living beings. Lighting is not only an important component for the visual analyzer's work, but also affects the general condition of the body. In addition, light can positively or, conversely, adversely affect plants and animals.

Lighting Value

It is important to realize that the lighting has the ability to visually reduce or increase the size of the room. From the light depends not only the aesthetic appearance of the room, but also the well-being of those who are in it. Incorrectly selected lighting can provoke overwork. If the light in the room is too bright, its inhabitants are subject to neuroses and vision problems.

Life without light or with its minimum amount can lead to vitamin deficiency, a decrease in the activity of immunity and weakening of the body, resulting in a decrease in resistance to colds and other diseases. In addition, the work capacity decreases and the general condition worsens.

The role of sunlight in human life

Does everyone know what is the role of sunlight in human life? Perhaps its value is invaluable. Thanks to the sunlight, we have the opportunity to distinguish objects around us. It is from the interaction with natural light in the body that vitamin D is synthesized. Thanks to light, calcium and phosphorus are also absorbed.

Sunlight in our lives plays a fundamental role, it affects the state of health and mental state. Its shortage can cause apathy, depression and deterioration of health. Sunlight has a harmful effect on many pathogens and is considered a natural antiseptic.

Kinds of lighting

Light is an electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye with a wavelength of 380 to 780 nm. It is natural, artificial and connected. The sources of natural light include the Sun, the Moon.

Everything that man created for illumination is an artificial light. Today, 5 types of such lighting are used:

Light in medicine

It's amazing, but from ancestors we got an epiphysis - a place that is in the brain. It is directly related to the eyes. As soon as the level of light decreases, the epiphysis produces a sleep hormone that slows down active processes in the body and warns of "hibernation". To destroy the presence of such a hormone can be through interaction with natural light, which in winter, of course, is not enough. In such cases, doctors recommend eating foods that are high in vitamins, not saving energy and wearing bright clothes.

Very few people know, but in some European hospitals they follow a certain concept. Its creator is Van der Heide. The scientist believes that for a faster recovery for absolutely every patient, you need to choose your level of light. The researcher even created for this "smart system", which in the morning gradually illuminates the room and at the same time radiates different in brightness rays. It is proved that such manipulations positively influence the state of nerve cells and the general well-being of a person. Numerous studies have shown that due to the interaction of the right light with the body of a person who is on treatment, positive changes are observed in his condition.

The researcher has proved that correctly selected light in human life is an important component for the development of the organism and brain activity.

A little bit about education

It is important from the early childhood to understand what kind of benefits the sun and lighting bring us. This year in all schools of the Russian Federation the class hour "Light in your life" was held. On it, the children were explained the whole benefit of light and told about the most famous scientists who were among the first to study lighting. In addition, poems of the greatest poets were presented, which extol the light rays. From this it can be concluded that their benefits were discovered many years ago.

Lighting for the child

Light in the life of the child plays a very important role. Experts believe that it depends on the lighting depends on its development. Since the early childhood, the child should only be surrounded by the correct lighting. In case you have not approached this issue seriously, you have every chance of earning a large number of health problems. As we said earlier, light can be natural and artificial. Let's analyze in more detail what kind of lighting should be in the children's room.

Natural light in the children's room

The natural light in our life is a very important factor in the prevention of various diseases. When choosing a room for a child, remember that the most lit rooms are on the south side of the house. Morning rays will wake the child. This has a positive effect on the nervous system. Biorhythms of children in these circumstances begin to work correctly, in accordance with the laws of nature. This is important for the development of habits, lifestyle and psychological state of the child.

In the event that there is no suitable room for the child, poorly lit rooms will need to be supplemented with artificial light sources, and the child's bed should be placed in front of the window.

Artificial light in the children's room

Artificial light in the child's room can be divided into day and night lighting. When choosing lamps in a nursery, you need to pay attention to the fact that crystal lamps are strictly not suitable. They create a large number of multi-colored highlights, which irritate the child's visual apparatus.

The most optimal choice for a nursery is a horizontal light source with a matte finish. Thanks to this in the room, the lighting will dissipate and thereby favorably affect the eyesight and well-being.

Light in our life is necessary not only during the day, but also at night. Another important component of any children's room is the night lamp, which is located at the head of the bed. The benefit of such a light source is obvious. Thanks to the nightlight, the child will feel comfortable falling asleep. It is recommended to choose night lamps with the possibility of adjusting the radiation level.

The role of light in animal life

Lighting influences the development of all living beings on the planet. Light in animal life plays an important role. It has long been noted that, for example, for chickens, good lighting is the most important component. The eyes of the birds are very sensitive to daylight. In spring, when interacting with bright illumination, a signal is sent to the brain, and they begin to carry the eggs.

All without exception adapt to the duration of the day. There are types of long and short-term day. A vivid example is the goats. An increase in the level of gonadotropin hormone occurs when the day decreases, namely in the second half of the year. From September to December, goats are fertilized. The duration of their pregnancy is about five months. Just in the spring, when the young grass comes up, there are kids. Due to this, it can be concluded that absolutely all processes of animal life are associated with the duration of daylight hours.

The interrelation between lighting and the sexual cycle of cows is quite interesting. There is even a term such as climate-friendly childlessness. The best ratio for the livelihood of cows - 16 hours a day and 8 - night. This ratio occurs in different countries at different times of the year. We have the end of April and May. It is at this time that the cows have a hormonal status. It is an important criterion for mating animals.

To the reaction to the change of the light day, it is possible to include a number of processes in the vital activity of animals. For example, molting in mammals and changing feathers in birds. Scientists have proved that animals living in the open area have a protective layer of skin. It allows you not to overheat in hot weather.

Lighting in plant life

Light in the life of plants is an extremely important component. Lighting is necessary to create chlorophyll. Also, due to light, plants exert a great influence on gas exchange processes, protein synthesis and cell division. It is the lighting that regulates the flowering and fruiting time. Depending on the light resistance, there are three categories of plants:

  • Light-loving, which develop only in the presence of good natural light;
  • Optimal, which can bloom and develop both in the shade and in the light;
  • Shadow-loving, who do not tolerate direct sunlight.

Very few people know, but there are even such plants, which at the slightest shift of the light day will develop more slowly and cease to bloom. In plants during the day, the motion of the light phase of photosynthesis is realized , and at night - the dark phase . With photoperiodism in plants, the manifestation of phototropy is associated with the movement of plant leaves to the sun, for example, the displacement of the head of a sunflower throughout the day according to the movement of the sun.

Summing up

The light in your life is one of the most important factors of life. Correctly selected lighting in the house will allow you to get rid of depression, headache and chronic fatigue. As we said earlier, in addition to influencing health, light allows you to visually increase or decrease the room.

Scientists have proven that too bright or, conversely, dim light entails problems with vision and performance. It is recommended that light problems be eliminated in a timely manner and that you already enjoy improving your well-being. Be healthy!

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