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Classification of sciences

The classification of sciences requires detailed consideration. It is this issue that is covered in the article.

Science is the study of reality, taking place according to a certain system. Science reproduces all regular and essential sides in a logical form, making understanding much easier by introducing concepts, laws, theories and categories.

The classification of sciences is a way of dividing all sciences into categories according to some principles. This reveals the mutual connection of sciences and the expression of this connection in the form of the organization of scientific activity.

The classification of sciences can be made by such criteria as:

1. The type of direction of science.

2. The subject matter of science.

If we take a classification that depends on the object group, then we can get two main types of sciences that distinguish modern natural science.

1. Sciences of the natural sciences.

2. Humanities sciences.

The sciences of natural orientation study natural properties, natural relations and natural connections of things.

Humanities are studying certain phenomena, which are the properties and connections of the representatives of the race of people as unique beings. This includes the study of social and spiritual properties and connections. This area includes such sciences as history, sociology, philosophy, as well as such spheres of life as religion, law and morality.

The object of research in natural sciences is nature and its components, while the humanities themselves have a person and the society surrounding it. The main function of natural sciences is the discovery of the new, the proof of truth. Humanities, in turn, explain the facts already formulated, bring them to a logical understanding. Natural sciences tend to generalize everything, the influence of values in them is hardly noticeable, and the human role is denied, extolling the mother nature above all else. Humanitarian sciences like to consider each issue purely individually, their values are clearly expressed, openly promoted, and the role of man is inevitably mentioned in everything. Including natural sciences have such features as a neutral attitude to ideology, a very strict separation of the subject-object relationship, where the object is material and stable, the clear superiority of quantitative assessments and the global participation in building the foundation of the methodology. In turn, the humanities can differ in ideological workload, the coincidence of the roles of the subject and the object, where the object is most often changeable and ideal, the clear predominance of qualitative assessments and the practical rejection of experimental methods.

According to most scientists, it is from this global classification of sciences, from the division of all sciences into two large groups, that increasingly smaller and narrowly specific classifications have occurred. In each of these large groups, you can include more than a dozen classifications that capture certain areas of science.

Among the classifications of the natural sciences, it is necessary to single out separately the classification of biological sciences, and among the humanitarian sciences the classification of legal sciences. It is these two classifications that play an important role in modern scientific activity.

Classification of biological sciences:

1. General direction sciences (genetics, morphology, systematics, ecology, biogeography, physiology and the doctrine of evolution).

2. Sciences of a private orientation (botany, anthropology, zoology, microbiology).

3. Sciences of a complex orientation (soil science, hydrobiology, parasitology).

Classification of Jurisprudence:

1. The sciences of historical and legal orientation.

2. Theories of general theoretical legal orientation.

3. Science of legal branches.

4. Specialized sciences (criminology, forensic examination, judicial statistics).

The classification of sciences is one of the most important areas for the unification and systematization of scientific activity.

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