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Leave on labor law: what you need to know to everyone

Agree, relax is much more pleasant than working. Even if you have the most interesting and well-paid job in the world, sooner or later you will still want to take a time-out. When can I take leave, for how long, and when does the boss have the right to detain you at work? Let's figure it out.

Types of holidays

To begin with, it should be noted that there are such types of holidays in labor law:

- annual leave (can be both basic and additional);

- leave for teachers;

- study leave (paid or unpaid);

- vacation without saving wages;

- maternity leave;

- leave employees who adopted a child;

- Holiday to care for the child;

We will briefly consider each species separately.

Who is 28 days, and who is more?

According to the general rule, the basic leave under the labor legislation makes 28 days (in view of days off). In addition, you have the right to split your holiday into parts, but one of them should not be less than 14 days.

A longer time of basic leave can be given to pedagogical workers - up to 56 days. This is due to the specific nature of their work.

The basis of the leave must be given to the employee every year. As an exception, and only with the consent of a subordinate, it can be postponed to the next year.

Do not confuse the main vacation with an additional one, since the main leave is given to all workers, and an additional one only to some separate categories.

For family reasons and not only

Each of us can have some unforeseen circumstance that needs to be solved during working hours. In such a situation, of course, you will have to ask for a leave without content.

Keep in mind that this leave under the labor legislation is not obligatory. Even if you need to visit a sick grandmother or urgently pay a loan at a bank, the director has the right to lend you.

Another question is if you, for example, get married. By the wedding, our law is loyal and therefore obliges your employer to release you for up to 5 days. There are other cases when you can take leave at your own expense without consulting with the authorities.

Teachings are light and ... another kind of leave

The concept of "educational leave" is absent in the Labor Code. It is called an additional vacation for employees who combine work with training, or for employees who intend to enter educational institutions.

Depending on the education and the form of training of an employee, such leave under labor law may be paid, or may not be paid. But in any case, the head does not have the right to prescribe any restrictions in the employment contract regarding the training of a subordinate, and even more so to include in it an item on the prohibition of training in general. If this condition is present in the contract, then it simply will not have legal force.

Increase the birth rate?

Maternity leave under labor law is 140 days. Of these, 70 are given before delivery and 70 - after. In the event of complications of pregnancy, the period may be extended. "Decree" is a separate type of leave, annual and other types are not included here.

Leave to care for a child can last up to three years. At this time, mom, and maybe father, grandmother or grandfather have every right to go to work, work at home or in part-time work. By the way, in the last two cases, the child support is saved.

If you adopted a child

In case of adoption of a child, women may be granted maternity leave at their request. Such leave under the labor legislation can also last up to 3 years.

The law also strictly protects the secret of adoption. Persons who are aware of the fact of adoption should not disclose such information.

Here, perhaps, and all the important points that govern labor legislation-2013. Leave is purely your personal time, remember this.

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