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Lacunar angina: treatment in adults at home

Sore throat is the first symptom of colds. Most often, it is caused by a virus that affects the lymphoid tissue of the pharyngeal ring. The whole impact of the tonsils takes over, preventing the infection from getting into the respiratory tract. Often, this development of events begins lacunar angina. Symptoms, treatment and features of this pathology will be presented to your attention in the article.

General information about the disease

First of all, you need to know what is lacunar angina. Treatment in adults can be carried out only after a thorough understanding of the pathology. Angina, which doctors often call tonsillitis, can occur in two forms: acute and chronic. The first type often occurs in childhood, as well as adolescence. If the disease is found in an adult, then it is, most likely, has a chronic course during the acute stage. Angina often becomes a complication arising from a banal ARVI.

Tonsils of a person are covered with lacunae, pits. When tonsillitis in them formed plaque. More often it is of bacterial origin. Despite this, the pathology is still fungal and viral. To avoid complications of lacunar angina, treatment in adults and children should be carried out after the study of scraping taken from lacunae.

Symptomatology of pathology

Angina in humans develops when the infection enters the body. This occurs during communication with the patient, by inhaling contaminated air. Less common cause is another disease: caries, inflammation in the oropharynx, hypothermia.

Symptoms of tonsillitis in lacunar form are usually very pronounced, so the disease is difficult to confuse with another pathology. The clinical picture develops within a day. First, there is a rise in temperature to 39-40 degrees, a person feels a pain in the throat when swallowing. Runny nose usually absent. The patient has weakness and no appetite, often joins a headache, inflamed lymph nodes. If you examine the oropharynx, then swelling of the mucous membranes and hyperemia is noted. In the lacunae there is a purulent deposit of white or grayish color.

Is it possible to cure lacunar angina on its own?

If lacunar angina has begun , treatment (in adults) should be prescribed by a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the appropriate medication for you after a series of studies. The average duration of therapy is 7-14 days. With the right approach and following all the recommendations, you will feel better in a few days. But often people postpone a visit to the doctor, trying to cope with the problem on their own.

It is quite possible to cure tonsillitis at home. But this therapy can be compared to playing Russian roulette. If you correctly find out what caused lacunar angina (treatment for adults will be held correctly), the outcome will be favorable. If the drugs are used incorrectly, then tonsillitis can provoke a complication. Especially the kidneys and the cardiovascular system suffer.

The use of antibiotics, antifungals and immunomodulators

Treatment of lacunar angina with antibiotics is almost always justified. In 70% of cases, tonsillitis is caused by a bacterial infection. To date, preference is given to antibiotics of the penicillin series. Especially distinguished is the drug "Augmentin". In its composition there is an antibacterial substance (amoxicillin) and a component that eliminates the resistance of microorganisms (clavulanic acid). Less commonly appointed macrolides, cephalosporins and sulfonamides.

If confirmed fungal defeat of the tonsils, lacunar angina treatment in adult patients suggests antifungal. Assign funds based on nystatin and fluconazole. There are also cases when fungal infection is caused by prolonged use of antibiotics. Therefore, when treating angina, it is advisable to take antifungal formulations for the purpose of prevention.

Antiviral agents ("Kagocel", "Rimantadine", "Cycloferon") are prescribed if the virus origin of tonsillitis is confirmed. In such a course of the disease, the common cold often joins. The use of immunomodulators is justified for all types of pathology. Doctors recommend "Likopid", "Polyoxidonium" and other medications.

Symptomatic therapy

Depending on what has lacunar angina symptoms, treatment in adults should be appropriate. When the body temperature rises, it must necessarily be reduced. Taking antipyretics is advisable when the level of the thermometer shows more than 38-39 degrees. If you feel very bad at 37.5 degrees, then you can also use antipyretics.

For self-administration, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are more suitable. These are such medicines as "Nurofen", "Ibuprofen", "Nimesulid", "Naiz". They will not only lower the temperature and eliminate pain, but will also have an anti-inflammatory effect. The popular "Paracetamol" or "Panadol" with tonsillitis is used less often. The fact is that this medicine is toxic to the liver, and besides it, you have to take antibiotics, which also do not have the best effect on the work of the organ of hematopoiesis.

Treatment of larynx and tonsils

If lacunar angina has begun, treatment in adults (which antibiotics to take - you already know) can be done using local drugs. Such drugs in their majority are not absorbed into the bloodstream, but act on the surface of tissues. It is advisable to treat the throat with tonsillitis with regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agents and antiseptics. Doctors appoint for self-use "Lugol", "Miramistin", "Chlorophyllipt". These drugs can lubricate and irrigate the inflamed tonsils. Particular attention should be paid to lacunas and, if possible, to remove from them plaque with a sterile cloth impregnated in these solutions.

Doctors also do not forbid to dissolve pastilles. It is more often recommended "Gramidine" or "Gramicidin". These are antibacterial compounds for topical application. They can also be used for children from 4 years of age. You can give preference to such drugs as Strepsils, Septotelet and Geksoral. They not only affect the cause of the pathology, but also eliminate the pain in the throat. Irrigating medications ("Tantum Verde", "Ingalipt", "Bioporaks", "Cameton") can be used at home, but do not use all at once. Be sure to read the information on the possibility of combining some drugs with others.

Additional medicines

You already know that lacunar tonsillitis greatly undermines the immunity of a person. Treatment at home involves the use of vitamin complexes. It can be preparations "Alphabet", "Complivit" or some other. They will fill the deficiency of missing substances, which is always noted in tonsillitis due to a malfunction in the diet.

Often, for self-treatment, patients use Tonzilgon. It comes in the form of alcohol droplets and tablets. The drug helps to strengthen the body, increase resistance. It also has an anti-inflammatory, cleansing effect. Instructions for use advise to use the drug for acute and chronic angina of different origin.

If during tonsillitis you have additional unpleasant symptoms, then you can eliminate them with the help of appropriate means. From the stuffy nose you will be saved by medicines "Nazivin", "Snoop", "Vibrocil". It is also advisable to use salt formulations for irrigation of the nasopharynx. If the pain in the ears additionally joined, then you can use Otipaksom. Drops will remove the inflammation and numb the ear canals. From the dry obsessive cough take the money "Sinekod", "Kodelak." The productive cough is supported by mucolytic medicines "Lazolvan", "ATSTS".

Diet and Regimen

With purulent tonsillitis with the formation of white lacunae it is necessary to observe the regime. It is forbidden to lead a habitual way of life. It is necessary to limit physical activity and observe peace. Otherwise, there is a high probability of complicating the pathology. The body needs a lot of energy to fight infection. If you always want to sleep - sleep. No appetite - do not force yourself to eat. It is important to drink more fluids: water, juices, fruit drinks, teas. The food should not be hot or cold. Refuse everything that can irritate the throat: salty, sour, sweet, spices. Prefer soups, puree food and cereals.

In the room where the patient is, it must be cool and humid. Do not overdry. Strictly prohibited hot inhalation. Remember that by doing this you create all the conditions for the further reproduction of microorganisms. Lacunar angina in adults can be very contagious. Therefore, minimize contact with healthy people and family members.

Lacunar angina: treatment in adults by folk remedies

Many patients try to dispense with grandmother's recipes for the treatment of tonsillitis. It should be immediately said that such actions can be quite dangerous. If the tactics are chosen incorrectly, the result can turn out to be negative. For example, with incorrect treatment, lacunar angina from the acute phase becomes chronic. The patient thinks that he is recovering, but this is a big mistake. Chronic tonsillitis will recur with a terrifying frequency. With the slightest decrease in immunity or hypothermia, you will again feel all the delights of the disease. But this does not mean that people's recipes are powerless. They can be a good addition to traditional treatment.

  • Rinse your throat with sage broth, marigold, chamomile. Such compounds will wash the pathogenic flora, have a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Eat more vitamin C. It is found in lots of greenery, especially parsley, cabbage. Do not eat lemon and other citrus fruits.
  • Drink tea with raspberries. It will strengthen the immune system and soften the sore throat.
  • Milk with honey will have an anesthetic effect on the oropharynx and eliminate the obsessive dry cough.
  • Rub the throat area with badger or goat fat. He warms the inflamed areas. Remember that you can do this only if there is no temperature.


From the article you were able to find out how lacunar angina is corrected. Photos from adults, treatment and preparations are presented to your review. Think several times before giving up the appointment of a doctor. Remember that angina is very dangerous. With the wrong therapy, it can require surgical intervention and removal of tonsils. Be healthy!

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